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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Pa ne bas, a ha je bio elegantan pop bend... mozda kao da obradi Colu iz zlatnog perioda? Go for it.
    1 point
  3. Studio day nr. 7 finished and this also concluded recording process. All additional guitars done, Repe Misanthrope's and Ug's backing vocals done. Album intro done. We will start mixing the album at Revolver studio with Asko Ahonen after mid-September. Following songs will be on the album (not in this order): 1. Apocalypse Pervertor 2. Debauchery And Decay 3. Eight Headed Serpent 4. Foucault Pendulum 5. Goat Of Mendes 6. Human Cesspool 7. Metastasizing And Changing Threat 8. Mutilation Of The Nazarene Whore 9. Shock And Awe 10. The Nonconformists 11. The Octagon Order 12. Triumphant Return Of The Antichrist 13. Unholy Necromancy. Album cover art will be done by Zbigniew M. Bielak.
    1 point
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