Neko je skoro citirao pasus iz Mastejnove autobiografije od pre deset godina, u kojem objašnjava zašto je Nick Menza bio otpušten. Mislim da se može povući paralela.
"God only knows what Nick was thinking when he said he started an Internet business called NiXXXpix, featuring exactly the sort of content you might imagine. The World Wide Web was still the Wild West at this time, and I'm sure Nick saw dollar signs with this venture. I'm not averse to making money. I'm not even necessarily opposed to musicians banging strippers and porn stars on the road. But I do know one thing: I don't want to be associated with porno. Toss morality out the window for a moment, and consider it purely from a business and professional standpoint. Porn is the ultimate dead end for an artist. The public is more forgiving of drug addicts and criminals than it is of those in the sex trade. Career-wise, you just don't come back from it. When you go down that road, you don't ever go mainstream again. End of story. Well, maybe if you're just the drummer, and people don't know you that well, then you can come back from it. Megadeth was my band, and to have my drummer selling content to habitual masturbators was not something I viewed as good for business. Or for me, personally."