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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/21 in all areas

  1. Zato što si krezubi radikal, ko ja. Treba malko da se upristojiš. Garsonjericu neku da iznajmiš u krugu dvojke, pa malo u Starbucks da odeš (tamo ti je 300 dindži kava). Pa odande gledaš tvitove Sergeja Trifunovića i pišeš mu "Jaoo, koji si ti car". Pa da sam sebe uveriš da te je Bog za sve dao, samo te ova zemlja guši, i da imaš prilike da odeš na zapad, tako talentovane intelektualne ljude bi oni dočekali ko svoje najbliže. Pa malo tvitneđ o Srbistanu i sprijateljiš se sa Biljanom Srbljanović, a zapratiš MIrjanu Karanović. Na kraju odeš na protest sa Boškom Obradovićem ispred RTS-a.
    2 points
  2. srećan 20. rođendan ženi bez imena
    2 points
  3. Malopre stiglo. Sent from my M2004J19C using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. MOUNT OF ARTAN & AKAB OKRETNICA predstavljaju TORN FROM EARTH (budimpešta) sludge / postmetal Posle četri nastupa na Mount of Artan festivalu, prvi put u Beogradu! https://tornfromearth.bandcamp.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDbWeUNpnGg podrška: PARNEPAR (zagreb) novotalasni ex-yu memljivi postpunk https://parnepar.bandcamp.com/ DISZNOTOR (beograd) zvuci pobunjenih svinja iz Bim Slavije, čuka, nabod, đuska, psihodelija i Garam masala LEPTIRICA (beograd) ritmični jecaji sa mračnih beogradskih ulica, melanholični diskać post-pankeraj https://www.facebook.com/events/983628905752845/ Petak, 10.9.2021, 20h Okretnica (ispod pancevackog mosta) Ulaz na donacije
    1 point
  5. Podrška Krivokapiću u Crnoj gori, treba jebati vučićeve tkz srbe andriju mandića, treba crnogorska policija da mu polomi pičku, treba jebati milove poslušnike i dobar deo cetinja, sravniti ih sa zemljom, TREBA JEBATI SVE MILOŠEVIĆEVE UČENIKE I SLEDBENIKE i SVE RUSOFILE I KOMUNISTE U SRBIJI I CRNOJ GORI
    1 point
  6. Ako cemo vec da glasamo, jedina ispravna prica su Principi. A, mi smo sta? Picke!
    1 point
  7. Ljubi braat u periodni sistem
    1 point
  8. album kida, ima X Factor momenata i zato kida
    1 point
  9. Inace, posle inace za Kanye se puca u gloooovu!
    1 point
  10. On the passing of Sean Malone. Since my friend and Cynic bandmate Sean Malone's passing in late 2020, many people have publicly speculated about, and privately reached out to me regarding, the circumstances of his death. I have kept my silence as I have worked through my grief and out of respect for Malone's privacy. Questions and rumors have persisted, so I want to share what I can with the many fans whose lives he touched so deeply and who are seeking closure. On December 7, 2020, Malone was found dead by suicide in Largo, Florida, where his mother had lived. She had been ailing for some time before her death in 2018; Malone had been her sole caregiver during her difficult final year. Then, in January 2020, we suddenly lost our bandmate Sean Reinert. Combined with his mother's loss, it was an emotional double whammy that hit Malone hard. After his mother’s death, we spoke often, having long chats about grief, loss, and the future of Cynic. I urged Sean to move out to California and live with me so he could get back on his feet and start fresh, and he did. I noticed a newfound vigor in Malone I hadn't seen before. He was excited to be in the world again, we were working on new music, and he even began teaching bass privately. Then came the pandemic. Everything shut down and so did Malone. His pain and suffering re-emerged and his light began to dim. Matters took an unexpected turn. Late one early summer night, he disappeared. I called him, left messages, texted, emailed, contacted missing persons and everyone we had in common, but no one had heard anything. There was no response. He quit the world. My hope that he was regrouping in private and would turn up safely turned to heartache on December 7th. As I share this sad news about his death, I want to celebrate his life by sharing one of his most beautiful and lyrical moments ever recorded, and one which his fans have not yet heard. A few years after the release of Cynic's Re- Traced EP, Sean Malone recorded fretless bass on this solo guitar and vocal track titled “Integral.” Here's a video celebrating his playing, and a full transcription in his honor along with the song file + transcriptions for download from Bandcamp. https://listen.cyniconline.com/cynic-alliance I am grateful to be able to share this video with you now, and I will share details about new music in the coming weeks. Please celebrate the genius and transcendent talent that was Sean Malone. Read more about his fascinating life, unique passions and accomplishments at his Wikipedia page. As an act of support, and in honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, I invite you to donate as you wish for the “Integral” song download which comes with a guitar/bass transcription of the song and an instrumental (no bass mix) for fellow musicians to play along with. 50 percent of proceeds will be shared with suicide prevention organizations To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA), and The Trevor Project. The remaining will go towards funding a documentary about the lives and artistry of Malone and Reinert. With love and courage, Paul Masvidal
    1 point
  11. Šiptari će pogurati i pozlatiti i ubrzati.
    1 point
  12. Pa kako smo došli do toga da pijaća voda nije isplativa? Šta onda jeste Tom logikom je onda hladni rat bio III svetski, što znači da je sledeći IV ? :d A pošto je trajao 10x duže od I, je l' i broj nastradalih bio 10x veći? Posebno što od 50-ih imamo mnogo "efikasnije" naoružanje. Zapravo možemo ratove 90-ih za slobodu ugnjetavanih naroda nazvati WW4, pa WoT od 2000-ih WW5, pa arapska proleća WW6 znači sledeći je WW7. Svaki dosadniji od prethodnog, kao gejm of trons Nema smisla preterivati, ima razloga zašto su WW1 i posebno WW2 drugačiji, tj. gori od svega ostalog i zašto nema izgleda da se nešto slično ponovi. Ipak je razlika između toga da li će u moju zemlju doći 5 miliona izbeglica i skočiti cene čokolade i kafe tako da ću moći da ih priuštim jednom mesečno, ili ću možda morati da provedem zimu u šumi na Igmanu, jer u suprotnom sigurno neću dočekati jutro, a tako bih možda imao šanse. Nemam ja iluzija da će narednih godina teći med i mleko i da će zavladati mir u svetu. Zapravo, mislim da će biti velikih kriza i potresa i da smo najebali, manje više. Ali besmisleno je tu našu muku porediti sa onim što su doživeli naši preci pre 80-100 godina, i zvati nekim novim svetskim ratom. Neoliberali nas ubeđuju da su voda, vazuh i zemlja precenjeni i da to mora biti privatno vlasništvo, jer nema smisla da svima budu dostupni. Levičari nas ubeđuju da su automobili i kompjuteri loši za planetu i da se moraju uvesti veće takse na to. Desničari nas ubeđuju da su metal i pornjava zlo, izbeglice zapravo teroristi i da država treba da kontroliše koga jebe i koliko. Pa što onda da živim, pas im mater idiotsku svima!
    1 point
  13. Dimone, što misliš što su padale glave prethodnim kraljevima nego zbog gladi? i Luju 16. i Karađokama neće valjda zbog ideala
    1 point
  14. Oduvek je bilo hrane za sve, samo što engleski lordovi vole da tako, pomalo, da imaju više... recimo neke kućice sa po dvesto soba... i tako još poneke sitnice.
    1 point
  15. BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - colors 2 KING WOMAN - celestial blues WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM - primordial arcana CEREBRAL ROT - excretion of morality DISKORD - degenerations DEAFHEAVEN - infinite granite LANTLOS - wildhund IMMOLATION - failures for gods THRICE - major/minor PJ HARVEY - stories from the city, stories from the sea
    1 point
  16. Da li Šiptaroidi sanjaju električne koze?
    1 point
  17. Мислиш, не дуже од 30 секунди по песми?
    -1 points
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