20.05.2023 u Dom Omladine (sala Amerikana) održaće se prvi Belgrade Metal Fest.
Karte u pretprodaji 800 din, na dan koncerta 1200din
23:15 - 00:00 Vartra
22:05 - 22:45 Infest Serbia
21:10 - 21:50 The Father Of Serpents
20:15 - 20:55 XSUS
19:20 - 20:00 Dawn of Creation
Pretprodaja počinje od petka 10. februara, a ulaznice su za sada dostupne za lično preuzimanje u klubu Vrtoglavica Subculture World – petkom i subotom od 23:00 – 05h na blagajni kluba po ceni od 800 dinara.
Pratite event info za nove informacije o novim pretprodajnim mestima, kao i za online porucivanje koje cemo uskoro obezbediti. Pratite i zvanicni sajt festivala za vise informacija na
* Koncerti u Domu omladine traju do ponoći, pa molimo da dođete na vreme, a after party je organizovan u klubu Vrtoglavica Subculture World! Vidimo se \m/ O \m/
Running Order i biografije bendova:
19:20 – 20:00 Dawn of Creation
Death metal bend formiran 2011. Godine 2014. oglašavaju se
prvim demo/EP izdanjem "Masquerade Poetry". Od 2019. godine bend nastupa u
sastavu: Nikola Kostić (gitare, vokali), Miloš Đorić (bas) i Dejan Pavlović (bubnjevi).
U drugoj polovini 2021. godine, bend snima svoj album prvenac "Self-Destructive Matters". Album je prvo najavljen spotom za pesmu
"Walking Hatred" a potom objavljen u digitalnom formatu avgusta 2022. godine. U
toku je promocija albuma lokalno i u regionu.
20:15 – 20:55 Xsus
XSUS are four guys who accidentally warped themselves from the year 1999 into the present.
Formerly known as Datura Stramonium the idea was formed back in 1994. and the band was active until 1999. But then stuff happened, so we had to jump into the future to the year 2018. and so, here we are. Old school but modern, melodic and progressive death metal with strong taste of fusion, jazz, latin and groove influences.
21:10 – 21:50 The Father of Serpents
THE FATHER OF SERPENTS je poznati doom metal bend osnovan 2015. godine u Beogradu.
Sa dva albuma, tri singla i mnoštvom ambijentalnih ali i heavy nastupa iza sebe, bend uveliko radi na trećem albumu. Zvuk benda je inspirisan velikim imenima doom metal scene, kao što su Katatonia, Paradise Lost, Moonspell, MDB, Swallow the sun itd.
22:05 – 22:45 Infest
Infest – Deathrash metal bend koji je nastao u Jagodini, a kasnije nastavio u Beogradu, ostao aktivan i bez prestanka nastupa od 2002 godine.
Od samog početka bend pripada talasu underground muzike i do sada ima izdatih 6 studijskih album, 2 EP-ja i dva demo snimka. Infest je jedan od najaktivinijih bendova na Balkanu i iza sebe ima preko 16 evropskih turneja, pregršt festivala u zemlji i inostranstvu, kao i veliki broj koncerata.
Bend je sarađivao na svojim albumima sa elitom extremne muzike, kao što su bendovi Sinister, Keep of Kalessin, Immolation…
23:15 – 00:00 Vartra
VARTRA Initially formed by Siniša Gavrić and sisters Ivana and Aleksandra Stošić, the band has extended into more of a community, brought together by an interest in world fusion music, Slavic paganism, shamanistic drumming and spirituality in general. Beside band members, integral part of the Vartra tribe are dance performers and friends dedicated to crafting costumes, accessories and stage requisites for live shows.
The first debut album “Luna nouà” was recorded at home based studio in Belgrade in 2018 and officially released on CD Baby online store in January, 2020. The band performed on multimedia arts festival Dev9t (Serbia), Exit festival (Serbia), Javorwood festival (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Elysium festival (Serbia), Lovestock festival (Croatia) and Nishville Jazz Festival (Serbia). The second album “Basma” was published on the 29.04.2022. by a German publisher CPL music.
“Luna nouà” was heavily focused on Vlach incantations (Eastern Serbia) while “Basma” focuses on the lyrical heritage from Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro.
Their live shows are a cathartic experience, evocative of healing ceremonies and often combined with dance. Dark in a way that draws darkness out away from the spectator, Vartra’s primordial sound speaks directly to our internal rhythms and the lost ancestral wisdom that exists within all of us