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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/24 in all areas

  1. Sasvim normalna informacija da treba čoveku. Setlist.fm tvrdi da je Disavowed
    1 point
  2. Peta pesma odgovor na pitanje šta bi radio da možeš da se vratiš 25 godina unazad
    1 point
  3. After over 2 years of meticulous work, we proudly present album VII: "Cutting the Throat of God" Tracklist: I. To Flow Through Ashen Hearts II. The Dawn is Hollow III. Further Opening the Wounds IV. Transfiguration In and Out of Worlds V. To See Death Just Once VI. Undying as an Apparition VII. Cutting the Throat of God --- Via Debemur Morti Productions: @debemurmorti On 2020's acclaimed "Stare Into Death And Be Still", New Zealand unorthodox Death Metal band ULCERATE moved towards a more melodious take on their crushingly unique brand of devastation. Continuing this evolution, upcoming seventh album, "Cutting the Throat of God," is a masterful seven-track journey through innovative and affecting Death/Black Metal. A strikingly all-encompassing work, the band combine experimental audacity and visceral power into a profound emotional experience. The album was recorded between September and December 2023. Drummer Jamie Saint Merat took care of recording, mixing and all visuals. Magnus Lindberg, known for his work with CULT OF LUNA, RUSSIAN CIRCLES and TRIBULATION, handled the mastering. "Cutting the Throat of God" explores a cohesive lyrical theme centered around the rupture of morality, the delicate boundary between depravity and extremity, and the irreversible descent into darkness. A first track, 'The Dawn is Hollow,' and pre-order details will be unveiled on March 14th. The album will be available on CD, vinyl, and digital formats, and is set for release on June 14th 2024.
    1 point
  4. Isto misljenje - meni ova pesma dosadna, ako je ovo highlight, mogu misliti album, tako da pass ... Realno, Firewind bez klavijatura i onih catchy pocetak 2000 fazona nije Firewind, i dzaba da slusam. Gus G odlican gitaros, al' ovo je odavno bend koji skipujem. Ocete novi Firewind, poslusajte Sunburst - gitaros Gus Drax (haha isto Gus) kidacina od power metala, jedan album izbacili u 2016 al' taj jedan vredi nego svi albumi zajedno posle The Premonition iz 2008:
    1 point
  5. E ovo mi je za sad razocarenje godine, mada ni to mnogo ne znaci. Tacno su otisli u pravac u kome nisam zeleo, neki vaginaleta modern progi djent, nije ni to frka ali malo hitova.
    1 point
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