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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/24 in all areas

  1. Ruska braća,najbolji organizatori, treba ih podržati na neviđeno . Kur moj bi gledali Frail boy, DHG i Bohrene da nije njih.
    5 points
  2. svet kad bi ljudi prosto pisali u "cena inbox" organizatoru umesto kukali po forumima koje oni ne prate
    3 points
  3. Daj da ga narucimo za DHG da sredi, jebo majice..
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Posebno posveceni fanovi ne pitaju za cenu.
    2 points
  6. Sve informacije o magazinu nalaze se u nastavku, na engleskom jeziku. Jedina bitna napomena je da je cena za Srbiju 1000 dinara. "Embrace Death" is an exclusively interview-based magazine that aims to support everything worthwhile in the contemporary underground extreme metal. The magazine has risen from the ashes of the "From the Bowels of Perdition" webzine (formerly "Towards the Inevitable"), which ceases to exist as this very announcement is being posted. "Embrace Death" is a professionally printed publication, in full colour, on 115 gsm paper of the highest quality, with covers printed on 200 gsm glossy paper. The first issue of the magazine (available via the "Embrace Death" webstore: https://embracedeath.rip/) features introspective, in-depth interviews with the following bands: • Stress Angel • Drowned • Malokarpatan • Funereal Presence • Thy Darkened Shade • Sweven • Mortuous • Phrenelith • Qrixkuor • Predatory Light • Sijjin • Nekromantheon • Cryptic Shift • Verminous Serpent "Embrace Death is a fantastic publication with thought-out questions that make the interviews stand out and keep it interesting for both the interviewee and the reader. Sösö puts a lot of passion into his work which shows not only in the way he approaches his interviews but also in the aesthetics of the zine. Overall, it's an absolute joy to follow what he does with the zine." Anastasis Valtsanis (Dead Congregation) "I was always very picky in terms of webzines and actual zines. I demand a certain level of seriousness and dedication. It is obvious that we offer our very souls to our black art. Therefore, when someone speaks or writes to me about Thy Darkened Shade I can only take it seriously when I understand that there is more than a fiery passion and adoration behind the words used to describe it. When I first got the interview by Embrace Death I was very pleased to answer the questions. Apart from the fact that I felt a deadly passion behind them, I also believed that they were different and, of course, very interesting to answer. Last but not least, it was one of the first zines that didn't mindlessly speak about our influences and mentioned Magma, that was certainly something I appreciated too." Semjaza (Thy Darkened Shade) "Unlike the standard interviews that usually scratch the surface with all the expected inquiries about band biography, studio and live routines, Embrace Death can place the interviewee into positions they might not have thought of themselves previously. This can then lead to an unexpectedly personal experience, or at least one that touches elements of their music or themselves, that would otherwise remain in the dark." Adam Sičák (Malokarpatan)
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Uzeo kartu da budem Dodheimsgard džomba.
    1 point
  9. Ма да, а иначе ће све мајице да плану и људи ће се тући ко ће да купи мајицу. Баш су неки ентузијасти ови што штампају то.
    1 point
  10. ne znam zasto niko ne prica o ovom albumu, bas monstrum. nije ni za jednu kategoriju, i disonantno, i melodicno kad treba, i groove, i neka elektronika, bas dozivljaj:
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. pesma o meni kad izlazim napolje, divno
    1 point
  14. ^Auuu koliko ogavnih glava u samo jednom postu, ali fala bogu jedna manje, čekamo dalje...
    1 point
  15. Samo da se kratko zahvalim svima sa ovog foruma (i iz Srbije) koji su kupili magazin i podržali projekat - danas je zvanično rasprodat ceo prvi tiraž. Preko svih očekivanja, zaista. Hvala i svima koji su imali potrebu da napišu neku lepu reč i pošalju pozitivnu energiju - sve će to biti vetar u leđa za drugi broj na kome sam već počeo da radim i koji bi trebalo da se pojavi krajem januara 2025. Dodatni tiraž prvog broja je u pripremi i trebalo bi da izađe iz štamparije krajem sledeće nedelje.
    1 point
  16. Klasican prevara bend koji je izrastao na krilima tzv. novog talasa, muka mi je od toga... Imam postovanje za Kojino sviranje, cak i za sve to sto su tokom godina ''uradili''! Ali... Dosadno. I prevazidjeno, davno ( hocu reci - ako je nekada i bila fora sada je bzv. ).
    -1 points
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