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Everything posted by RaVeN
Ne znam....nekako mi je dosta cudan novi album!! Moralo je to mnogo, mnogo bolje !!
I sta sam vam ja rekao......bas mi je drago sto se Fredrik vratio !!
Pre sam koristio Operu....sada Mozilu !! Zasto i kako sam presao ni sam ne znam !! Sve je bolje od glupavog IE !!
1) I Windows i Linux (odabrao sam prvi jer ga vise koristim...mada ce se to sigurno promeniti) 2)licna improvizacija .... "skleptani" 3)ne
City Of Evil je najbolji do sada za moj ukus !!
Jbg....imao sam dvix (koji nisam gledao, ne znam zasto)...ali DVD je pravo uzivanje (zvuk je dosta dobro odradjen) !! Nikad nije kasno....
Veceras bas odgledah World Misanthropy, doduse samo prvi DVD (gde je koncert)....sviraju uzivo bas super !!
Mislim....sta reci !! Ovaj Joacim je kompletna budala !!
Pa ima li ko taj snimak iz '86 ?
jbg....jes ovo zajebana stvar i bend mora da joj posveri dosta paznje !!! Napokon nabavih Live Cannibalisam
Gledao sam tu "antologiju" kod druga (kupio covek original DVD-ove....oko 50 evrica u Nemackoj)....nekako mi mnogo zesce, uzivo, zvuce Bruce-ovi solo albumi nego Maideni !! U svakom slucaju....nek nastavi s' njima, ali nek se zna da su Maideni na prvom mestu !!
Igrao Djokovic u 21h......oduvao je ovog mucenog Mareja !! U 1h igraju Ljubicic i Canas !!
Uzas kakva igra.....Sefik nijednu da odbrani, napad NULA !! Jedino se nesto Vujasinovic trudio !! Sta reci....nije islo i to je to !! Ima Hrvati da oznace ovaj dan kao nacionalni praznik....
Meni se najvise ne svidja sto su svirali citavih sat vremena (sve s' pauzom)...!!! Inace, mogla je tu da padne jos koja stara stvar, mada se ne bi bunio ni da su otprasili ceo novi !! Sve u svemu....kratko ali jebitacno !! I stand strong and fierce I am so mighty... I am so dark Overlooking the battlefields below I see my Brothers, their courage and strenght Looking in the eyes of the Enemy leader The one who lead the light aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :) :)
sta reci sem Hell Yeah !!
::March 24th 2007:: NEW AVANTASIA ALBUM "THE SCARECROW"! Tobias SammetAs previously reported Tobias is working on a new album of his Rock-operatic AVANTASIA project. The album will have the title "The Scarecrow". "I am right now in the studio doing some vocal sessions. In about two weeks I am going to fly to England to work with a friend of mine on some vocals. Fans and record companies who are interested always ask me for the names of my guest musicians. I want you all to know that I am blessed to work with the best musicians, but I don't believe in making names more important than the music itself. I am working with some childhood heroes of mine and most important, with great personalities, true friends, and the greatest musicians you can think of. Producer Sascha and I just checked some new recordings and I have the feeling, that this is the strongest stuff we have ever worked on. It's hard to describe the material in a few words, it sounds very powerful, bombastic, very organic and alive. People who loved especially Avantasia part I will love this one, although this time there is a lot more variation in style on there as well. Of course it's a Metal album, but we even didn't stop at including some Celtic world music elements. But all that matters to me is that the music has to touch the soul and I swear to god: This material goes straight to your soul, because that's where it comes from. Sounds cheesy, but it's true. I am giving you my everything with this record and you will hear that in late summer! - All the best, Tobi" To see some pictures from the recording sessions, check the photo section. jos malo, jos malo..... e,da....zanimljiv je novi Tobiasov styling !! :) :) :)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/south_...and/6481043.stm Sta reci....covek je Death on the Road :) :)
Ovog Georgijeva na kolac treba nabiti !! Jebo ga Piksi koji sto ga dovede u Zvezdu !!
Super su svirali na Live Apocalypse samo steta stno nema na tom koncertu ni jedna pesma s' Doomsday Machine (jeste da su ubalici Nemesis,My Apocalypse,Skeleton Dance...ali ko zna odakle je to)......zato, bilo bi lepo da posle novog albuma snime jos jedan DVD !!
Ma....evo cim skupimo 100 glasova...odma' dolaze !! Samo za fanove iz Srbije !! :)
Najjaci deo koncerta je bio kada je publika vikala "We want more" i "Vejder, Vejder...." :)
Ima li ko kakav koncert od DE ???
previse je lepa !! :)
Evo, ovde imate sve te Sundjer Bob - Iron Maiden slike !! http://kebawe.com/wallpapers/maiden/SpongeEd.shtml