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Baal last won the day on October 29 2024

Baal had the most liked content!

About Baal

  • Birthday 12/24/1988

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36317 profile views

Baal's Achievements

Lord of Metal

Lord of Metal (3/6)



  1. Eezweeneeh
  2. also, bez nekog redosleda: Pleiades - Affinity With State Faults - Children Of The Moon Balance and Composure - with you in spirit Touche Amore - Spiral in a Straight Line From Indian Lakes - Head Void Codeseven - Go Let It In Fierce Deity - A Terrible Fate Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere Monkey3 - Welcome To The Machine Ulcerate - Cutting The Throat of God Dodheimsgard - Black Medium Current Oranssi Pazuzu - Muuntautuja
  3. oporavljeno, DNS zezao
  4. proverim uskoro
  5. Baal


    Najbolji još od Ghost Reveries, skroz gotivan album.
  6. viđao sam i čudnije stvari u životu
  7. dobar gejtkiping
  8. će proverim, skupljam feedback da promenim nekoliko stvari odjednom 😀 Što se logoa tiče mogu i stari, meni svejedno
  9. a, to onda podržavam.
  10. što te toliko žulja BI i ljudi koji ga hajpuju
  11. Sređen quote malo, to je to od mene za sad. :D
  12. Da, quote definitivno moram da sredim
  13. bukvalno to mu je svrha
  14. I to ne
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