Sonic Youth's The Eternal Album Art & Tracklist
We were told the new Sonic Youth album, their 16th, was going to include black metal-inspired lyrics and "heavy ass weirdo hooks" but nobody let us know about the John Fahey album art: The brilliant finger-picking guitarist and writer's (check out How Bluegrass Music Destroyed My Life) red, white, and black pigments adorn The Eternal's front cover. (Sorta black metal, at least in color scheme.) Fahey died in 2001. The collection includes a track "Leaky Lifeboat (for Gregory Corso)" -- Corso also died in 2001. I haven't heard The Eternal, so I can't tease out too many themes based on song titles and packaging, but maybe it goes back to the '01 and post-'01 explored on Murray Street. Then again, there's a song for Bobby Pyn, aka Darby Crash.