2007-07-02 - OiNK.me.uk is no more
Because of the recent DNS issues, and the undesirable solution to fix them, we are changing the site's name from OiNK.me.uk to OiNK.cd.
The OiNK.me.uk domain will soon cease to function, and a full changeover will happen shortly. Please update your bookmarks.
Please also re-download any torrents you may have in your clients in order to update the tracker address. Torrents downloaded from now on will contain 2 tracker addresses, the new OiNK.cd domain, and the tracker's IP address, which should make any future DNS issues less serious. They will also contain the site's IP address in the torrent comment field, in case of future problems.
Sorry about the inconvenience, but we deem the name change necessary for the continuation of the site.
So what are you waiting for? OiNK that CD already! (I guess this means a new slogan contest?! wink).