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Duxa Deathroll Rising

Iskreni članovi
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About Duxa Deathroll Rising

  • Birthday 05/02/1988

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Ladies and gentlemen! ETERNITY ENDS NOW!!! We are delighted to announce that our debut album is alive! You can now download "Eternity Ends Now" for free following the link below! https://www.dropbox.com/s/1n6hqz41epy6ngx/CyReign%20-%20Eternity%20Ends%20Now(2016).rar?dl=0 Also, we would like you to visit our official Bandcamp page: https://cyreign.bandcamp.com/releases BIG THANKS to all of you out there who supported us over the years! Enjoy!
  2. Drugari, Evo i direktnog linka za download celog albuma: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1n6hqz41epy6ngx/CyReign%20-%20Eternity%20Ends%20Now(2016).rar?dl=0
  3. Vidis druze, yumetal forum je to Neke stvari se nikada nece promeniti ) Ma ovo je samo hobi! 'fala za slusanje Bas mi je em milo, em drago
  4. Evo nesto moje http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5EqkNvugqI
  5. Aca je svirao na 4 albuma, a ovo je i Roope-ov cetvrti tako da... Album se definitivno ne razlikuje po postavi..
  6. Evo sample-ova svih pesama po 45 sekundi. Dead Man's Hand On You, clean, klavir, iju.. http://www.neowing.co.jp/track_for_cdj.html?KEY=MICP-11095
  7. a evo je i poslednja stvar sa albuma, jedna od mnogih glupih obrada ) p.s. Jebem majku sebicnu japancima.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQGuyEYioP0
  8. Zutaci jos spavaju... Evo na ovom linku na 10:00 je pesma Bodom Blue Moon http://www.metalsucks.net/2013/05/28/listen-now-the-metalsucks-podcast-episode-2/ The Days Are Numbered http://www.nicozon.net/watch/nm20983374
  9. Toliko je blackish da nemam reci A i najavili su da ce da vuce na "Something Wild" sto je sjajno! Pa izlazi 11. juna, ali retko gde napisu da za zutace sa istoka izlazi 29. maja
  10. Bend je vrhunski, gay ali ne mari... Hiticno, krljanje tu i tamo, primio se pre jedno 3 meseca k'o nezdrav
  11. CyReign poklanja EP "Of Martyrs And Disciples"! http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/64317852/file.html
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