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Krejzi Meri

Iskreni članovi
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About Krejzi Meri

  • Birthday 01/21/1984

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Krejzi Meri's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. ED VEDDER RELEASES MUSIC VIDEO Singer/songwriter Eddie Vedder appears for the first time as a solo artist in a music video for the Critics Choice-, Golden Globe- and Grammy-nominated song "Guaranteed" from the Sean Penn-directed motion picture Into the Wild. The video, directed by critically-acclaimed writer/director Marc Rocco (Murder in the First and Where the Day Takes You) premieres January 7th at 6:00 a.m. EST on VH1 and VH1.com. Video repeats will air throughout the morning hours and online leading up to VH1's live telecast of the 13th Annual Critics Choice Awards at 9:00 p.m. EST. Feature film writer/director Marc Rocco conceived, directed and produced the video for "Guaranteed" in just a few days - and shot the project entirely on 35 mm film in three hours - as a way for the typically video-shy Vedder to pay tribute to Sean Penn's film and Chris McCandless's journey. The video uses a series of floating, illuminated images from Into the Wild to capture Vedder's intimate and poetic performance, weaving striking silhouettes of Vedder with translit still frames from the film in a powerful and simple way. "To me, Eddie is the most compelling musical artist of our generation," explains Rocco. "His songwriting pounds you on a visceral level and his storytelling always stands apart in the same way a great film does - each time you hear his words, they engender a different experience in your heart, soul and mind." "It has been a privilege and honor to collaborate with Eddie in a medium that he so rarely visits. I hope that I've portrayed visually the song 'Guaranteed' in a way that leaves the viewer as emotionally moved as I was the first time I heard Eddie's music for Into the Wild." To view the entire press release for this world premiere video please visit www.pearljam.com/press.
  2. "GUARANTEED" NOMINATED FOR GRAMMY "Guaranteed" has been nominated for a Grammy in the "Best Song Written For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media" category. For the full nomination list visit www.Grammy.com. The 50th Grammy Awards show is scheduled to air February 10, 2008 at 8pm ET/PT on CBS.
  3. The Intl. Press Academy has announced the nominees for the 2007 Satellite Awards, which acknowledge achievements in film, television, DVD and new media. The 12th annual ceremony will be held Dec. 16 in Century City, with awards going out in 49 categories. ... ORIGINAL SONG "Do You Feel Me"/Diane Warren, "American Gangster" (Universal Pictures) "If You Want Me"/Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova, "Once" (Fox Searchlight) "Come So Far"/Marc Shaiman, "Hairspray" (New Line Cinema) "Rise"/Eddie Vedder, "Into The Wild" (Paramount Vantage) "Grace Is Gone"/Clint Eastwood & Carole Bayer Sager, "Grace Is Gone" (The Weinstein Company) "Lyra"/Kate Bush, "The Golden Compass" (New Line Cinema) Satellite Award nominations
  4. Paklena, evo jos za tebe..."Crazy Eddie"... hole in stage!!!
  5. haha, vrh koncert, Rotterdam, Holland, ako mislimo na isti, totalni haos.......a evo i sta kazu na fivehorizons.com: Another wild, fabulous Holland show. The video guide really tells the story of this show ... in other words, it must be seen to be believed. Mike ......... WARNING: Contains Man-Butt zombie eater, legendarni klipovi!
  6. !!!!!
  7. 1. Pearl Jam - No Code/Yield 2. The Who - Who's Next 3. The Beatles - White Album 4. Fugazi - 13 Songs 5. Captain Beefheart - Safe As Milk ....... ..... ...
  8. ahahhah, Smoric...kakva faca...mi smo ga cak nagovorili i da organizuje odlazak u Poljsku na koncert, ali na zalost ipak nishta ne bi od tog puteshestvija...mogu samo da zamislim put do Poljske sa Smoricem, hehehhheh...
  9. @ blondie's friend ...trebalo bi da mi stignu neki mp3 diskovi uskoro, svasta nesto, izmedju ostalog i leatherman, a ako je kojim slucajem ne bude bilo, nesto cemo se vec dogovoriti...u svakom slucaju hvala!
  10. Da, da, hvala...ma imam i ja gomilu live-ova, ali nemam studio verziju... Bas odgledah Washington DC 09/19/98...ovaj koncert je neverovatan (a koji nije? hehe)...Push Me, Pull Me uzivo i Soldier of Love i sve....ma strasno...i ova Yield era...uhhhhhh..... "Aaargggh, can't sleep... "...ni ja sad ne mogu......
  11. Ah taj Zagreb............neponovljivo!!! Drugari, da li znate postoji li uopste Leatherman studio verzija?
  12. Skida se 1.37 GB!!! ...izgleda i da ovaj nije kompletan.........ali verovatno je bolji rip.........
  13. Treba da pustis iz Media Player Classic-a!!!!!! Fantasticno!!!!!!! Nemam reci!!!! Odgledah onaj od 752 MB, odlican je! Samo, prekida se na pocetku Come Back, nije kompletan DVD!!!!!!! Nedostaje Come Back, Rockin' in the Free World, i bonus tracks: A Quick One While He's Away (9/19/06, Palaisozaki, Torino, Italy, w/ My Morning Jacket); Throw Your Arms Around Me (9/20/06, Duomo Square, Pistoia, Italy) i Yellow Ledbetter (9/17/06, Forum, Milan, Italy)!!!!!!!
  14. Da, i ja sam nasla taj od 6,5 GB......ali sad skidam ovaj od 752 MB, skinuce se do veceras (nadam se!) pa cu javiti kakav je! Za ovaj od 6,5 GB nemam strpljenja, skidao bi se mesec dana!!! ...mada ako ovaj prvi nije dobar, skinucu i tih 6,5 GB.............nekad............
  15. Zahvaljujem!!!
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