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_powerslave_'s Achievements

Master of Metal

Master of Metal (2/6)



  1. Radiohead - In Rainbows (digi) Muse - Black Holes & Revelations (digi) Pearl Jam - Vitalogy (digibook) Rush - Permanent Waves Aerosmith - Pump Depeche Mode - Violator Andi Deris - Done By Mirrors
  2. satyricon - sasvim dobar plost - bas prekratko bls - smejurija the cult - standardno kidanje, apsolutno bend veceri. majstori ozi - tuga
  3. sve rece covek iznad, nemam nista ni da dodam ni da oduzmem. vece za pamcenje.
  4. Just close your eyes And pretend that everything’s fine taj neki fazon ce da bude jos malo
  5. Undeeer the heavy sea I’ll seeeearch the fliiight of whaaaaaaales
  6. dolazi se na drugi i treci dan samo tako. i naravno prvi red za fnm ponovo
  7. identicna setlista ko ona sa prethodne strane, samo umesto Hounds-a ubacili Conjuration, moze sto da ne.
  8. gde nadje tu izjavu? a svirali su inace vec u indiji 2009. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/opeth/2009/saarang-festival-madras-india-3d7a51f.html
  9. promenili setlistu Through Pain to Heaven (Popol Vuh song) The Devil's Orchard I Feel the Dark Face of Melinda Slither Credence To Rid the Disease Folklore Heir Apparent The Baying of the Hounds The Drapery Falls Deliverance to se trazi nek ostane ovako za pestu i ja prezadovoljan.
  10. izgleda da sva tri benda sviraju isti dan http://www.gerdowitz.com/ ako je ovo tacno nema razmisljanja o odlasku.
  11. gledace se gojira dva puta u mesec dana ako bude sve kako treba plaaaaaaastiiiic bag in the seaaaaaaaa
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