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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by _powerslave_

  1. Jel zna neko kad izlazi dvd sto su snimali na koncertu u Areni ?
  2. Aj okachi listu ili link na kome si video ako ti nije tesko.
  3. A dobar je i Judas Priestov Rising in The East, takodje u Budokanu.Kada Halford najavljuje Breaking The Law a jedan iz publike pocinje da place.
  4. Mislis na Dread And The Fugitive Mind ili ima jos negde.
  5. To se i ja pitam.
  6. Daj Frubi jel se zezas ili stvarno?
  7. Eh da zaboravih da kazem da i mene smaraju oni silni uvodi.
  8. Definitivno Iron Maiden - Live After Death.
  9. Iron Maiden - Best Of The Beast.
  10. Sad mi pade na pamet Alice Cooper-House Of Fire.
  11. Hoce li WASP uopste ici na evropsku turneju u oktobru, posto vidim potvrdjena su samo tri datuma.
  12. Sasvim solidan album, nije preterano dosadan i moze da se slusa.
  13. Hahah to i mene brine, ali LZ u Beogradu... uh kako to deluje nestvarno ali s druge strane i izvodljivo.
  14. Aerosmith plans to hit the studio on Nov. 1 to begin recording its next album -- and that's about the only concrete detail guitarist Joe Perry has about it right now. "I'm not sure who the producer is gonna be or what (studio) we're gonna do it in," Perry tells Billboard.com. "We may use a few different producers. I don't know. All I know is that the heart and soul of the thing is us getting in the studio and seeing what comes out." Perry did say that the band was "excited Rick Rubin is now in the so-called captain's chair at Sony; his heart's in the right place when it comes to rock'n'roll." Rubin, according to Perry, will be involved with the album in some capacity, even if not necessarily as a hands-on producer. "It's not just about the music; it's about the feel, and he's one of the few that really gets it," Perry explains. The guitarist says there's already some material around for the album, including songs that Aerosmith was working on in 2006 but was put aside when it ran out of time to finish an album, opting instead to stick two new songs on the "Devil's Got a New Disguise: The Very Best of Aerosmith" collection. Konacno novi studijski album ovih legendi, ocekujem zaista odlican album, i naravno koncert u Beogradu povodom istog.
  15. Ovaj zadnji COF album je ubedljivo najgori koji su ikad snimili.
  16. Konacno da se pojavi normalna verzija albuma. Hvala.
  17. W.A.S.P.- The Idol
  18. Powerslave>Brave New World
  19. Sta mislite dal bi Maideni mogli da sviraju na Marakani? Po mojoj nekoj proceni tesko bi je napunili mada nikad se ne zna.
  20. Angelystore kako skidas te albume?
  21. Ja cak ni mail nisam dobio a kamoli kartu.
  22. Pa zadnji put kad su dolazili u Hrvatsku bilo je negde oko 2-3 hiljade ljudi, i eto ponovo dolaze kod njih.
  23. Jedino valjaju KISS, Free, i The Who od odabranih bendova
  24. Meni je ovaj novi za nijansu bolji od The Puppet Mastera.
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