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Everything posted by _powerslave_

  1. predivan je novi dvd.
  2. Paradise Lost - Draconian Times
  3. setlista mogla biti bolja, no sta da se radi. ipak se ovo ne propusta.
  4. RollingStone.com: What's the status of the next album? Geddy: We're almost finished writing. We wound the machine back up about three weeks ago. After a sluggish start, we've had a very fruitful couple of weeks in terms of writing. I'm very pleased with the direction that the material has taken. And I think we have one or two more songs that we'd like to write, and then we'll start recording in earnest. Hopefully we'll have all of the recording done before Christmas. Then we'll mix it some time in the next year, and then get it out. RollingStone.com: Wow. So it'll be out sometime early next year? Geddy: Yeah. I hope it'll be out by the spring anyway. RollingStone.com: Is the sound of the album similar to "Snakes & Arrows"? Geddy: I think it's a little different than "Snakes & Arrows". It's not finished so it's hard to say exactly what it will sound like in totality, but I think that the direction of "Caravan" and "BU2B" sort of points in the direction that we're going. RollingStone.com: With a new album in the spring, will you be touring in the summer? Geddy: Well, there will be a tour. I can't tell you exactly when. Maybe the summer or maybe the fall. We need some time to organize all that, but we have started to do that at the same time. But yes, there will be a follow-up tour to support the record.
  5. evo sta sviraju na turneji ovih dana. Dry Bone Valley Black Tongue Crystal Skull I Am Ahab Capillarian Crest Colony of Birchmen Megalodon Blasteroid Sleeping Giant Ghost of Karelia All the Heavy Lifting Curl of the Burl Spectrelight Bedazzled Fingernails Circle of Cysquatch Aqua Dementia Crack the Skye Where Strides The Behemoth Iron Tusk March of the Fire Ants Blood and Thunder
  6. The Sisters of Mercy - Floodland
  7. posle ovakve vesti, prinudjen sam da idem na hf treci put
  8. OPETH - Ghost Reveries
  9. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=163605
  10. A bas ovih dana treba da mi pristigne "KFAD" na originalu haha, da se konacno taj fnm kompletira. Prvo se pisalo da ce "The Real Thing" da padne u celosti, no verovatno su se u medjuvremenu predomislili.
  11. Pa Laza
  12. MASTODON - Crack The Skye THE MARS VOLTA - Amputechture
  13. Infantilno je porediti njihov nastup od 10,5 pesama sa nastupom Judasa koji su svirali 21.
  14. "King For A Day" je za dlacicu ispod "Angel Dust"a i "The Real Thing"a, dok je "Album Of The Year" ubedljivo na cetvrtom mestu po kvalitetu, premda mi je "Last Cup of Sorrow" sa istog medj 5 omiljenih FnM numera. Inace, videh da imaju krajem godine koncerte u Cileu i Brazilu, dakle rade i dalje. Nek padne sledece godine opet evropska turneja, i milina.
  15. U Srbiji je apsolutno ne izvodljivo, no zato je tu Grcka, gotovo svake godine sviraju kod njih.
  16. Ovo je isto kvltni snimak: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE622Jmcir8 Voleo bih bar jednom za zivota da osetim ovu atmosferu uzivo na njihovoj svirci.
  17. A koga bi ti poznavaoče proga doveo da peva? LaBrie nije u sjajnoj formi, to je istina, ali i dalje super funkcioniše uživo. To je sasvim dovoljno, što bi rekao totamealand, da ne pljujem čoveka.
  18. Dream Theater pokidao sinoc. Mrzi me da kucam nesto vise i opsirnije, evo setliste http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/dream-theater/2011/fezen-festival-szekesfehervar-hungary-6bd09626.html U svakom slucaju, jedan od highlightova moje koncertne karijere. Tate.
  19. Jos okruglo 7 dana do certa U sustini meni je setlista super. Dopada mi se ideja sviranja po jedne pesma sa svakog albuma(sem i&w i mp2 sa kojeg sviraju po dve jelte). Sve u svemu, kao neko ko ce prvi put da gleda Dream Theater uzivo ne smem da se zalim haha.
  20. Vanvremenski dogadjaj. Posle ovako necega dodje coveku da se zapita, ima li svrhe posecivati i dalje koncerte..
  21. dobra stvar kod tog skracivanja liste je to sto su izbacili pesme sa novog albuma sutra Swoooooorn to avenge Condemn to heeeeell
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