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U potpunosti se slazem.
Preslushao sam i album "California". Sasvim je ok i zanimljiv, moze se reci da je kvalitet na nivou "Disco Volante"a. Znachi definitivno najbolje ostvarenje je prvi i istoimeni album grupe.
Hmm nema tema, pa reko aj kad sam vec tu, da je otvorim. E sad, mozda bi bolje legla na ostala ne-metal muzika podforumu, ali ipak cenim da ce ovde da bidne kolko tolko aktivnija. Dakle, reche je o bendu u kojem je pevao jedan, jedini, neponovljivi gosn Mike Patton. Izdali su tri studijska albuma: "Mr Bungle", "Disco Volante", i "California". Ja sam do sad preslushao prva dva albuma, treci josh nisam stigao da chujem, ali svakako planiram da ispavim tu greshku shto pre. Prvi album je savrshenstvo u svakom smislu te rechi, dok je drugi neshto slabiji...za treci vec ne mogu nishta josh da napishem, ali napisacu kad ga odslusham ko chovek. Ako ste slushali ove genijalce bacajte neke komente i sve shto uz to ide, a ako niste, ispravite greshku i nabavite prvi album. Ako ste fan Faith No More-a nemoguce da vam se ovo nece svideti...
Vaistinu kultan haha. Najbolji review nekog koncerta koji sam ikad chitao.
Ja videh ovde http://www.immortalofficial.com/blog/?page_id=7 da je "To".
"Hordes To War" je zapravo pravi naziv. Mada to toliko i nije bitno haha. Evo 4. put se album obrce. Odushevljen sam.
FATES WARNING Working On New Material - Sep. 23, 2009 The Art of Prog recently conducted an interview with singer Ray Alder of progressive metal legends FATES WARNING. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. The Art of Prog: What's the latest with FATES WARNING? I know you guys are playing ProgPower [festival in early September] and I hear from Glenn Harveston [ProgPower organizer] it's the only gig you're playing this year. But what's going on with the band? Are you guys going to do anything more? Ray: Yeah, well right now we're in the middle of writing another record, which has been a loooong time coming, obviously. . . But the things that we do in our off time, our little other projects, other bands and things. They tend to get away from us, you know? Time just goes by so quickly, before you realize it. I was working in REDEMPTION, Jim [Mateos, guitar] was writing and recording OSI, and it takes time to get back together and do something. You know? But OSI's done now, and the focus is doing the [next FATES] record, and not really going on the road. We haven't had a record in so long, it doesn't make sense for us to really tour, you know? It's kind of like punk bands. Punk bands can just tour all the time, you know. The Art of Prog: [laughs] So you're gonna be like THE BEATLES now, huh? You're going to put out albums with no tours anymore. [laughs] Ray: Well, me and Jim actually had a big sitdown, over the phone, of course. But we were talking about our careers. We've been doing this for so many years. [We were] wondering whether or not it was time to throw in the towel. We had a good run. We had a good time and made a lot of fans and did some good music. But we just decided this is not the time for us to go quietly into the night. We're gonna make another record and see what happens. So we actually signed to a different label, the first time we're going to release a record that's not on Metal Blade. We signed with InsideOut [Music] in Europe. The Art of Prog: When FATES started you started off with a sort of John Arch sound, with the really operatic, high vocals. As FATES progressed that quieted down. The music got less dynamic and flamboyant. And your voice mellowed a bit. Was that a conscious decision? Or was it just you guys getting older and you wanted to do something different? Ray: I'm sure it had a bit to do with both. I mean, obviously, my voice isn't what it used to be. But, again, it was the style at the time to sing really, really high. As I got older, I realized I can do different things with my voice. You can actually emote more if you're not screaming. . . So you know, again, I'd only been singing for a few years when I joined the band. So I started finding myself, I think around "Parallels" time is when I really started figuring out what sounded good to me. And yeah, I was an adult, I'm not 20, I'm not saying anything about anybody else, because that's fine, whatever they want to do, because I did it. I'm saying personally, I just didn't like the high screaming any more, you know? It just sounded better singing. And somehow, my band mates agree. They said, "You know what? Yeah, let's not sing high anymore." "OK." Stize novo remek delo majstora
Evo ja malopre zavrshio sa prvim preslushavanjem. I vishe sam nego zadovoljan! Sve je tu. Brzina, agresivnost, hladnoca, sve spakovano u 40 minuta kolko i traje album. Obrnuce se bar josh jednom pred spavanje...Kraljevi su opravdali svoje mesto na blek metal tronu!
Ja sam na 6. pesmi. Zaista nisam ochekivao ovako dobar materijal.
Haha do jaja. A i bilo je vreme, za dva dana izlazi oficijalno...
Meni za 11 minuta gotovo skidanje.
Nije mi se neshto svideo album na prvo slushanje. A za dolazak Hypo-a jebiga. Bice sigurno josh prilika za njihov dolazak.
2009.01.23. *SKC, Beograd* Stratovarius
_powerslave_ replied to johanlord's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Solidna je setlista. Bice ovo ekstra koncert zasigurno. -
Uz "Hordes Of Chaos" konkurent za album godine.
2009.09.21. *SKC Livingroom, Beograd* Artillery
_powerslave_ replied to Јарослав's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Ekstra beshe sinoc. Odradishe matorci svirku za sve pare.. -
2009.09.21. *SKC Livingroom, Beograd* Artillery
_powerslave_ replied to Јарослав's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Tako smo ortak i ja planirali. Aj pa valjda ce se pristojno popuni sala vecheras. Khomaniac!! -
2009.09.21. *SKC Livingroom, Beograd* Artillery
_powerslave_ replied to Јарослав's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Ma verovatno nije radio livingroom ili shta vec. De bre da se rasprodaju karte dan pred koncert dal ste normalni. -
Shta reci posle svega...Svaka chast momcima, samo polako sutra...
Ja Vosp prvi put propustih, te stoga sam srecan ko malo dete shto cu taj propust konachno nadoknaditi! Inache, kako mi se chini Pol Dijano ce se ovog puta preskochiti, jbg nema se kinte za sve...
Haha skinuo sam sinoc taj koncert, dodushe dvdrip verziju. Nisam ga josh u celosti odgledao, pogledao sam nekih zadnjih 30-ak minuta, stvarno sa emocijama je svirka odradjena a nije ni chudo kad im je poslednja... Svakako cu izdvojiti vremena da ga odgledam ko choek u narednih nekoliko dana.
Jebote, ja sam tek pre neki dan pocheo da slusham Sentenced konstantno...znam, znam, shame on me... Mislim, slushao sam ranije samo "The Funeral Album" i u to vreme mi se neshto nije narochito dopao, a sad ih gotovo ne vadim iz wmp-a. Nisam josh preslushao celu diskografiju, ostala su mi chini mi se josh dva albuma, ali ovo shto sam do sad chuo, gotovo da nema loshe pesme... A pesma "Cross My Heart And Hope To Die" mi bez problema ulazi na listu 10 najboljih metal numera ikad...Zasigurno jedan od najpotcenjenijih metal bendova, nazalost...