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Gothic Angel

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Everything posted by Gothic Angel

  1. "Sounds Good To Me" i "Phoenix Rising" su po meni mnogo bolje pesme od "Innocent eyes". Ova mi ima nekako priprostu melodiju... :roll:
  2. zaboravih!!! Oni su pravili dve pesme za film "Daredevil"!! i jos nesto, posto se sami deklarisu kao "epic-dark rock", prebacujem ih na Ne-metal!!
  3. evo i necega o njima: "Evanescence is: Amy Lee Ben Moody John Lecompt Rocky Gray (and formerly) David Hodges Folks new to Evanescence fandom may be surprised to learn that Ben Moody and Amy Lee, the founding members of Evanescence, met at church camp. I interviewed Ben in 1998 and here's how he characterized the meeting: Several years ago Amy and myself were attending a youth camp. I was playing with the praise and worship group and Amy was a camper. During some kind of break/recreation time I was sitting in the gym watching a basketball game. On the other side of the court was a stage for plays and a piano. I was just sitting there bored to tears when all of the sudden I was given a quick jolt as my ears were filled with the sound of the piano intro to Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love." I looked over at the piano and there was this girl effortlessly displaying emmence amounts of talent. After my initial envious rage subsided I hopped to my feet and ran right through the basketball game straight to the piano and introduced myself. She then impressed me further with songs that she had written. I thought I was in heaven. But then she sang. I nearly died. coming from this tiny little youth camp reject was one of the most powerful, beautiful voicies I'd ever heard. So I somehow convinced her to never play with anyone else again and she's been mine ever since. Ben and Amy soon began recording songs like "Give Unto Me" and "Understanding" under the name Evanescence. With such influences as Type O Negative, Living Sacrifice (who, rumor has it, once asked Ben to join as guitarist, but he turned them down to continue focusing on Evanescence), Portishead and Sarah McLachlan they began to craft a unique sound that took in elemants of metal, electronic music and (probably without intending it) goth rock. Brad Caviness started to play "Understanding" and "Give Unto Me" on the radio show he co-hosted on KABF in Little Rock, giving Evanescence their first exposure to the world at large. Their debut EP was released in December of 1998 at their first show (to my knowledge) at Vino's in Little Rock. The run of 100 CDRs sold out quickly that night. At some point David Hodges joined the band on keys , but I can't give you any details on that because I don't know how that transpired. I can say that those close to the band were in shock, as Ben Moody is a notorious perfectionist who has a hard time finding anyone who he feels comfortable playing music with. The Whisper EP was released around this time by by the band with help from BigWig Enterprises on CDR (limited to 50 copies). In time the Evanescence live show was rounded out with such members as John Lecompt (formerly of Mindrage) and Rocky Gray (of Soul Embraced and Living Sacrifice). Recently David Hodges has parted ways with the band, for reasons unknown to me. John Lecompt and Rocky Gray are now considered full-fledged members of the band. This band, once only know to us lucky few, is now finally poised to take the world by storm. Their major-label debut is coming out on Wind-Up Records, home to such crappy bands as Creed and Drowning Pool. Well, we can't hold that against the band. They also have two songs slated to be on the soundtrack for the terribly cast movie, DareDevil, but we can't hold that against the band either. The overpowering sounds of Evanescence will finally take their place in the limelight where we all knew they'd end up! "
  4. 1. Twilight In Olympus 2. The Damnation Game 3. V - New Mythology Suite 4. The Divine Wings Of Tragedy 5. Symphony X (ali kada izadje reizdanje istog) The Odyssey - jos nisam slusao ali kako cujem treba da bude pri vrhu, ako ne i prvi!!! Slusaj albume tim redom i sve ce ti biti jasno... a:
  5. Snake in The Grass - pesma sa najboljim fucking lirikama....i muzika jebe kevu...ma HIT BRE!!
  6. Laki, samo jedno.....IDI I GLEDAJ SYX UZIVO. Sve ima da se razbistri....
  7. Posto sam na ortakovom vremenu reci cu samo jedno, a to ne nekoliko stvari 1. JEBU KEVE SVIH KEVA 2. DA IH NISAM SLUSAO UZ CRTANJE PROJEKTOVANJA ZADNJIH NEDELJU DANA PRS'O BIH!! HAIL!! 3. Rezem sve sto imaju na diskove, i pocinjem da se drogiram a: a: . Opsirnije sledeci put!!!
  8. it's Cruachan, i ne cita se kruahan uopste... :roll: BTW, prica se o goth preporukama, a to nije goth...
  9. Gothic Metal itekako ima veze sa metalom....(Tristania :roll: ), a kada kazes GOTHIC i samo to, podrazumeva se nesto meko (Goth-Rock)
  10. Stvarno su fenomenalni....evo cuo sam od albuma: V, Twilight In Olympus, Symphony X (tu i tamo) i The Damnation Game...Svi su odlicni i ne bih sada razglabao o najboljim pesmama i sranjima... Svidja mi se takodje sto u nekim trenutcima lice na power i odmah posle odvale neku cudnu mutavu muziku... Trip...
  11. Skoro sam poceo, pre nekih pola godine....Lagano se upoznajem sa blackom mada mi se idalje ne svidjaju neki brutal-black bandovi....Melody black mi vise svidja a: Sta cu kada slusam P & P..
  12. Hahaha, evo, upravo sam preoteo svoj nick nazad Pozdrav prijatelju ! Napokon...poceo sam vec da brinem Aloha
  13. Trebao bi cuti Folk-Lore...mnogo je bolji od MK!! Ja sam ga juce slusao 5 puta za redom...Stvarno FENOMENALNO!!
  14. Samo je jedan Hellhammer "To majka vise ne poradja, to se vise ne dogadja" 8O Hail Hellhammer 8)
  15. I ja sam ti maznuo Nexus Polaris Evo sada ga slusham i mislim da je stvarno fenomenalan....svidja mi se shto vokal nije mnogo napadan...muzika dolazi do izrazaja... BUBNJAR 8O 8O San snova a: a: a:
  16. Dobio sam i ja od Sime City...Mnogo je dobar album i momci su do jaja, ali mi nesto mnogo nervozno zvuche...Moram malo alkoholom da lechim zivce, posle ce da zvuche do jaja provereno Inace Oh My Fucking God rula a: a:
  17. Da li ste slusali ovaj fenomenalni Irski-Metal??? Evo ja sam uspeo da se domognem dva albuma!! The Middle Kingdom je stvarno do jaja album i svidja mi se sto je miran!! pesme su polovichno metal, polovichno irska tradicionalna muzika. Glasovi za podrsku koje su angazovali na ovome albumu su stvarno fenomenalni i odusevili su me....Jedino zameram sto se instrumentali malo ponavljaju tokom pesme i umeju da smore...Takodje ima malo pevanja pravog, i rechi!! Folk-Lore iz 2002 je stvarno po meni odlichan album. Bolji od The Middle Kingdom sigurno...Glasove su sredili i imaju sada pravog pijanog isrskog pevacha...Podsecaju cak ponekad i na Dublinerse Ima mnogo vishe gitara, i bubnjevi mnogo bolje prate pesme...Nekako su mi metalskiji na ovome albumu. Pesme su takodje dobre i izdvojio bih Bloody Sunday (posvecena neoprostivom zlochinu za koji ce britanci tek da puste krv), Rocky Road To Dublin, Ride On i Exiles!!! Ajde iskomentarisite malo, ako je iko uopste cuo za njih 8) :roll:
  18. Muzicari Koji Piju
  19. Gothic Angel


    Evo upravo slusam EMpiricism.....album je odlican mada, ima pesama koje mi se bas i ne svidjaju.... BTW, Soul Sphere i Four Element Synchronicity su najbolje pesme sa albuma....
  20. STa mislite o ovom bendu?? Najbolji album....itd, itd... Meni je najbolji album "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"....
  21. Gothic Angel


    Ispravka....postojala je tema o njima :roll: :roll:
  22. Charles Bukowski - ZENE
  23. nema veze, tema od KD je uvek dobrodosla...... Meni je najbolji Voodoo pa onda The Graveyard!!! Naravno da ima primesa Heavy-a, ali ima i Power-a....jebiga kako hocete!
  24. Nisam ih cuo.....oce'l biti neki nastup!???
  25. Terry Pratchett - Dobra predskazanja
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