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Everything posted by Imrahil

  1. Evo ga tekst one pesme od gore Ye blood brothers of Sava The clarion calls: Lay down lutes and psalteries And take up your swords! Tzar Lazar the glorious Heading the charge: His breastplate and shield shine With the holy cross Voyvoda Stefan rides at his side, The mighty king Vukashin, Goiko and Uglyesha Staring proudly into the sun, Defying the fire, scorning the foe: Freedom or death is their oath! Ye sons of the Empire The sun doth rise black: Nows the time to dye hands red But let your souls be white! Tzar Lazar has fallen Under Turkish sword: Avenge him to the last man Freedom or death!
  2. Imrahil


    1. Bat for Lashes - Two Suns (550) 2. Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane (463) 3. Pure Reason Revolution - The Dark Third (346) 4. Therion - Vovin (340) 5. Therion - Lemuria (315) 6. Opeth - Watershed (277) 7. Therion - Sirius B (267) 8. Novembre - Materia (253) 9. Therion - Gothic Kabbalah (250) 10. Loreena McKennitt - The Visit (213) 11. Opeth - Damnation (213) 12. Primordial - To The Nameless Dead (205) 13. Gojira - The Way Of All Flesh (197) 14. Opeth - Ghost Reveries (194) 15. consecration - aux (182) 16. Sólstafir - Köld (182) 17. KYPCK - Cherno (166) 18. Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Relic Dances (166) 19. Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame (153) 20. Therion - Theli (152)
  3. Pa, po google translate, prevod je: The new album by Tarja Turunen (photo), entitled "What Lies Beneath" will be released through Universal Music on August 20, 2010 and will be followed by a tour that will carry the name "Beneath Europe Part 1 Tour. According to information received from the band's management, it will take place in October and will pass through countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey.
  4. Ja uzimam Texa, Dzerija, Dampira i Breda i planiram 2-3 albuma da uzmem nego, Caravan naslovnice:
  5. Sto? Sta su uradili?
  6. Ko o cemu, Srbi o namestanju.
  7. Kako sada stoje stvari, na dobrom su putu.
  8. Imrahil


    Pade kao pokosen
  9. Laguna i Geopoetika
  10. pa potrudite se da dobijete, pa da se ovi moji penzioneri vrate u trku
  11. Da, na nju mislim ionako cesto prolazim tuda, pa bi mogao i da svratim ponekad Vidjao sam na limundu da neki prodaju ta prva izdanja ZAM-a i slicnih za par hiljada
  12. 152 dinara, ako cemo da sitnicarimo Nisam se ni ja potpisao
  13. Penzionerski Centar AC Milan se pojacava: http://www.b92.net/sport/fudbal/vesti.php?yyyy=2010&mm=03&dd=25&nav_id=420338
  14. http://www.sportske.net/vest/domaci-fudbal/besplatno-na-sever-zbog-tehnicke-greske-17645.html
  15. Jel Exit bese od 8 do 11 jula? U tom slucaju, FNM mora biti cetvrtog dana, jel su zauzeti prva tri...
  16. Nesto se Zvezdi mnogo sviraju penali u poslednje vreme? Zvuci poznato?
  17. Sustigle ih godine, penzioneri...
  18. Meni se cini da je faul bio van sesnaesterca, ali kako god
  19. Izasao i Zigfrid, 1500 dinara je izgleda cena barem je toliko u alan fordu
  20. http://sport.blic.rs/Fudbal/Evropski-fudbal/175156/Volkotove-roze-kopacke-izludele-Kapela
  21. Ovaj Liverpool ko Zvezda, sudije su uvek protiv njih...
  22. http://sport.blic.rs/Fudbal/Evropski-fudbal/175163/Mihina-Katanija-igrala-namesten-mec
  23. Glupi Milan
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