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Everything posted by SixStepsOnTheMoon

  1. Bio sam na maj spejsu,i vokal zaista podsjeca na "Evergrey",vidi se ko je radio produkciju... e i da,logo im je Strava
  2. europa by galileo (maybe someday, who knows...)
  3. Prevario si se drugar,barem sto se mene tiche....Meni je "In The Presence Of Enemies part 1/2" jedan od najupecatljivijih ProgMetaL svirki danasnje "moderne" scene
  4. Veceras je izgubio utakmicu jedan od najjachih klubova u Premier Ligi-Wigan......ali idemo dalje,dobro se drzimo za sada..
  5. Evo da vam pokaze nesto TATA na svim drumovima...i naravno : Enjoy the RidE
  6. Shadow GaLLery-I Believe [Music: B. Allman, C. Ingles, C, Cadden-James, G. Wehrkamp Lyrics and Vocal Melodies: C.Cadden-James, M. Baker] Long ago a living story Walked the whole world phrophesying Told of days when the hand of God Pulls away from the world All hell starts breaking out I see it clear It pounds the cold into your life It turns to gray what's black and white I've torn their mask off I can see them What a bloody mess That's our world! My father's final moments And I was there to catch his last breath He spoke so eloquently Said "Listen boy the way it goes is soley Up to you and you alone To live your life in strength that's been passed on Blood to blood." So we come to a crossroad I'm not sinking - do you see me? I am standing where the strong of heart Meet the wicked bad Murals painted in the dungeons Were the dreams that caused transforming I am coming back to life again Life again A power's lifting me I journey to the light Many secrets passed before my eyes It's just a matter of time 'til new horizons will unfold Tearing down the walls between us Resurrect this poisoned world "Fore the hopes and dreams of all the land are blown into the sky There are things worth more than money You got to learn to hold them high I believe - I believe I've seen what comes of greed and money I feel a growing call for action We need changes now like never before Never in this world The more I think about it I know a woman whoh just might set the course for me Cause I believe I believe in what she says Sometimes this world is simply Trembling - crumbling Coming time to banish it for evermore Evermore The time for final judgement's close at hand Four horsemen mount on high Wake up in the morning to the sound of children dying The latest technology mesmerize them Love strong enough that it can pull you from the fire now What about you? What about you? I am alive! It's just a matter of time 'til new horizons will unfold Tearing down the walls between us Resurrect this poisoned world "Fore the hopes and dreams of all the land are blown into the sky There are things worth more than money You got to learn to hold them high I believe - I believe
  7. Tanya-Grejt Post! Keep `ProGGing`
  8. Zove se bolno-vertikalno probijanje uveta....znaci probijas jednu hrskavicu stizes do druge,a da i nju probijas i na kraju istrpis boLove i jos kad vidis da ti ne stoji.... haha
  9. Pa zavisi recimo ja Metal majice praktichno i nemam,imam samo jednu Kamelot,za zadnjeg koncerta i to je to...Ali iskreno i da ih imam one bi mi sluzile kao prva pomoc kad idem na more,odem na koncert pomenute grupe ili radim neki fizicki posao...haha...a ovako za svaki dan,pa sta znam i nije mi neki 3ip Znachi MetaL majice imaju visenamjensku upotrebu...kupujte Metal majice haha
  10. Odlichan album,zvuchi dosta kao neki moderan NeoProgressive.Inache je ovo album prvijenac grupe Frost. For More information about this band,CLICK HERE Super preporuka!
  11. vIdite sta rade pravi fanovi jaoo Drummers update aplication expired......ima Li traga novom drummeru..?
  12. Album Reviews : E GREAT RETURN OF VITTORIO DE SCALZI AND NICO DI PALO WITH NEW TROLLS, A PROG BAND WHICH IS PART OF ITALIAN MUSIC HISTORY FOR FUSING EXPERIMENTAL PROG-ROCK SOUNDS AND SYMPHONIC MUSIC. NEW TROLL'S CONCERTO GROSSO IS A MILESTONE ALBUM IN THE HISTORY OF ITALIAN ROCK AND AFTER THE FIRST 2 VOLUMES, RELEASED SEVERAL YEARS AGO, THIS BAND IS BACK WITH A THIRD CHAPTER. IT IS A LONG SUITE OF PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED TRACKS REVEALING THE EXCELLENT CREATIVE MOMENT OF THE BAND. VERY GOOD SYMPHONIC ARRANGEMENTS AND AN EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE. A MUST FOR ALL PROG FANS. --------------------------------------------------------------- Review 1 by Andrea Cortese @ Prog Archives: Well, this is the reunion between two masterminds Vittorio De Scalzi and Nico Di Palo. 2007 looks like a wonderful year for prog in Italy. I wonder what it will be next. Concerto Grosso - third act - shows an obvious reference to both the first two Concerto Grosso's (the excellent opener "The Knowledge (Overture)" shows it clearly, especially for the first one). The baroque orchestra and sound is the cornerstone upon which all the tracks' selection is based. Harder and softer moments alternates with a more relevant role for delicate and romantic interludes. I was really astonished and enthusiastic since the very first listening 'cause I couldn't even imagine such a high standard of quality. Classic New Trolls have returned! People, believe in me, you have to try the couple "The Season Of Hope (Piano Preludio)" and "Simply Angels (Suite)"...well, that's wonderful, in the best New Trolls tradition. Excellent also the vocal richness, thanks to the help of a certain Shel Shapiro (leader of the beat italian band "Rokes") and his deep and warm voice and soprano Madelyn Monti. ---------------------------------------- Review 2 by Roberto Ferrari @ Prog Archives: Hey , this is NOT a nostalgic reunion but a fantastic comeback. After years of fighting, pop songs etc Vittorio and Nico have made this fantastic album. Here and there (The Knowledge) the sound and orchestration is similar to CG1 but globally the music even if linked to the 70's has a quite modern sound thanks also to Bellia, Sposito and in particular to the 6 string virtuoso Andrea Maddalone. The drummer is Alfio Vitanza formerly "Latte e Miele". Unfortunately Nico, due to his present physical condition can't play the guitar but his vocals are still at the top; Vittorio plays piano, classic guitar, flute and sings like a king. I don't rate any song as the best of the album, but "Dance With The Rain" and "To love the land" are edging over the other tunes, in my opinion. NT will record soon a DVD live with CG1, CG2 and CG3 and This CD will be also available in vinyl format for collectors only. Finally, the CD is produced by Franz Di Cioccio of PFM!! Keep progging, Forza Italia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To read more of their biography,CLICK HERE
  13. Preporucujem svim ProgRock fanovima (zvuhi totalno sjajno ).Italijani su chudo.Ovaj album je spoj neke klasike sa upadljivim elementima ProgRocka,sve u svemu nesto veoma neuobichajeno i zanimljivo,i naravno vrijedno slusanja! New Trolls - Concerto Grosso 3: The Seven Seasons [2007] 1.The Knowledge (Overture) (1:34) 2. Dance With The Rain (Ballata) (4:24) 3. Future Joy (Scherzo) (2:50) 4. High Education (Cello Cadenza) (1:43) 5. The SeVenth Season (Ostinato) (5:31) 6. One Magic Night (Larghetto) (5:52) 7. Barocco'n'Roll (allegro Brioso) (2:57) 8. Intro and Canone (1:34) 9. Testament Of Time (Andante) (4:27) 10. The Ray Of White Light (Rondò) (4:35) 11. To Love The Land (Adagio) (4:45) 12. The Season Of Hope (Piano Preludio) (5:00) 13. Simply Angels (Suite) (6:25) 14. Ethix (Canzona) (3:07) Bonus Track: So Che Ci Sei (Italian version of "Dance With The Rain") (4:24) Line-up/Musicians New Trolls: - Vittorio De Scalzi / voice, Gran piano, classic guitar, traverse flute - Nico Di Palo / voice, keyboards With: - Alfio Vitanza / drums, voice - Andrea Maddalone / acoustic and electric guitar, voice - Mauro Sposito / electric guitar, voice - Francesco Bellia / bass, voice With the partecipation of The White Light Orchestra: - Roberto Izzo / 1st violin - Raffaele Rebaudengo / 1st viola - Mirko Foschi / Oboe Hosts: - Stefano Chiabrera / cello (in 4) - Shel Shapiro / narrator voice (in 5) - Martino Coppo / mandolin (in 6) Special host: - Madelyn Monti / soprano voice (in 6) Labels: Progressive Rock The Seven Seasons,Part 1 The Seven Seasons,Part 2 Keep `ProGGin!!! ;-)
  14. Svidja mi se izbor Dodao bih : Opeth-Benighted PoS-Iteri Impius QUEENSRYCHE-Silent Lucidity (kvlt)
  15. http://www.dreamtheaterbook.com/
  16. Ne bi bilo previse,bilo bi strava i toga smo svi svjesni,zato bez previjanja i jaukanja yeee Adagio!
  17. Samo da te upozorim da je album mnogo zarazan,meni je usao u Top 5 za 2006 godinu,i stalno mu se vracam.Andy Tillison ima predivan glas,a i mislim da je ekipa na albumu dosta prepoznatljiva sa : - Andy Tillison / organ, piano, Moog synthesizers, guitars & lead vocals - Sam Baine / piano, synthesiser & vocals - Jonas Reingold / bass guitar - Theo Travis / saxophones, flutes, clarinet & vocals - Guy Manning / acoustic guitars, mandolin & vocals - Jaime Salazar / drums - Krister Jonsson / electric guitars (except 4) Special guest: - Dan Watts (Po90) / electric guitars (4) ~Enjoy~
  18. The Tangent - A Place in the Queue jes da ja ne drzim ovaj sve vise popularni blog,ali eto neki moj predLog,tu imas poduze pjesme prvu u trajanju od 20:03,cetvrtu 10:07,sedmu 25:14h to je CD1,na CD2 imas po 13 min dvije stvari,uglavnom album je uradjen sa stiLom,sto je najbitnije....hehe p.s.: i Cover albuma je fantastichan!
  19. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/t...0px-ABB2004.jpg The current Allman Brothers Band lineup. Left to right: Jaimoe, Marc Quinones, Butch Trucks, Gregg Allman, Derek Trucks, Oteil Burbridge, Warren Haynes. Posto vidjeh da nema teme reko da pomenemo Bracu Allman.Band inache svira Country/Blues/Southern rock,muzika jednostavno kLizi da se tako izrazim.Sobzirom da ih je 7 u bendu muzika mora da kliZi jer svi sviraju po nesto haha * Gregg Allman - organ, piano, guitar, vocals * Butch Trucks - drums, tympani * Jai Johanny "Jaimoe" Johanson - drums, percussion * Warren Haynes - guitar, slide guitar, vocals * Marc Quinones - drums, percussion, background vocals * Oteil Burbridge - bass, vocals * Derek Trucks - guitar, slide guitar Postava se mijenjala iz godine u godinu....ali ova ovdje je prema poslednjim izvorima Zvuci dosta ritmicno i opet kao sto rekoh rekoh klizavo ....vise informacija na: http://www.allmanbrothersband.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Allman_Brothers_Band i sada Jeli ko slusao ovaj sjajan sastav?
  20. Njih sam poceo da slusam odavno,sjajan band i preporuka za sve ljubitelje dobrog rock zvuka ...kad preslusate bacite komentar na moju odavno zaboravljenu temu ovog benda na Rock & Hardrock
  21. Pa da ali pored njih ne treba zanemariti ni Leb i Sol iz najboljih dana,i oni imaju dosta prog materijala
  22. Neverne Bebe su bile u Baru krajem Jula,na setalistu Kralja Nikole u Kaficu "PLANET",band je uzivo STRAVA,sjajnA svirka,klavijaturista Milan Đurđević je jedan od najjachih sa nasih prostora i šire,covjek je svaki put pun inspiracije i dobrog raspolozenja,o Jani i JeLeni ne vrijedi trošiti riječi a svi znamo zašto...,svi zajedno uz Ranđa,Kebac i Vlajka su me još jedan put oduševiLi svojim TaLeNtOm i sjajnom muzikom!
  23. Kakva PERFEKCIJA! oni nisu normalni....
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