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Night's Blood

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Everything posted by Night's Blood

  1. Hehe ova mi je omiljena. Smorili smo ga sa slikanjem pa nam se bekelji.
  2. Oki.
  3. Torenti su u pitanju, je l'?
  4. Ma zezam se samo, znam da je gif u pitanju. I ja sam se valjala kad sam videla.
  5. Cemu mom glupom pitanju ili gifu?
  6. A gde se tu sedi?
  7. Kakvi su to gromovi kad niko ne moze da uradi?!
  8. Gledala sam neki intervju sa njom, mislim da je rekla da je ta pesma autobiografska. Veoma iskrena pesma onda.
  9. Fala.
  10. Kako stavljate te gifove u post? http://www.pornfail.com/images/pf-2.gif
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nojrb4sBH20&feature=related :haha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgrrQwLdME8&NR=1
  12. http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww268/Gagga1104/vamp.jpg?t=1253634303
  13. Da imam vremena pravila bih sama lampe, samo neko da mi pokaze kako se radi deo sa strujom. Jedno vreme sam pravila svecnjake od stvari koje nadjem po kuci, stare flase, zica, diskovi..... Bilo je super za rodjendanske poklone, pa sa sve razdelila. E da, lepe su mi i vitraz lampe.
  14. Hahaha.... Slike su guglovane. Tek treba da stedim za tako nesto, sta ces, studentski zivot.
  15. Nice.
  16. Ja obozavam podne lampe, ne volim one male sa onim kitnjastim abazurima.
  17. Not Fair Oh, he treats me with respect, he says he loves me all the time He calls me fifteen times a day, he likes to make sure that I’m fine You know I’ve never met a man who’s made me feel quite so secure He’s not like all them other boys, they’re all so dumb and immature There’s just one thing that’s getting in the way When we go up to bed, you’re just no good, it’s such a shame I look into your eyes, I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and it’s apparent it’s all over It’s not fair and I think you’re really mean I think you’re really mean, I think you’re really mean Oh, you’re suppose to care But you never make me scream, you never make me scream Oh, it’s not fair and it’s really not okay It’s really not okay, it’s really not okay Oh, you’re supposed to care But all you do is take, yeah, all you do is take Oh, I lie here in the wet patch in the middle of the bed I’m feeling pretty damn hard done by, I spent ages giving head Then I remember all the nice things that you ever said to me Maybe I’m just overreacting, maybe you’re the one for me There’s just one thing that’s getting in the way When we go up to bed, you’re just no good, it’s such a shame I look into your eyes, I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and it’s apparent it’s all over It’s not fair and I think you’re really mean I think you’re really mean, I think you’re really mean Oh, you’re supposed to care But you never make me scream, you never make me scream Oh, it’s not fair and it’s really not okay It’s really not okay, it’s really not okay Oh, you’re supposed to care But all you do is take, yeah, all you do is take There’s just one thing that’s getting in the way When we go up to bed, you’re just no good, it’s such a shame I look into your eyes, I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and it’s apparent it’s all over It’s not fair and I think you’re really mean I think you’re really mean, I think you’re really mean Oh, you’re supposed to care But you never make me scream, you never make me scream Oh, it’s not fair and it’s really not okay It’s really not okay, it’s really not okay Oh, you’re supposed to care But all you do is take, yeah, all you do is take
  18. Ladno imam taj film, nisam ga odgledala. Joj vise ne znam ni sta imam narezano.
  19. Ovde je vec faca. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNNlbuShRlc&NR=1
  20. Drakulu gledala, naravno. Hvala za linkove, sad cu da stavim ovaj prvi da se skida, mislim da nisam gledala.
  21. Hajde ljudi, preporuka za neki dobar film sa vampirima. Sve sto sam u poslednje vreme gledala je sranje, a bas mi se gleda takav film.
  22. To sa strane kod palca sto je iskocilo. Pojavljuje se kad neko stalno nosi stikle. Moze da se operise ali moze i da se pojavi opet.
  23. Hahaha..... Nisam ni videla to dok niste rekli.
  24. Christina Hendricks
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