The Darkest Night
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Everything posted by The Darkest Night
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
Večeras 21h!!! Klub Ciklon, STAR SCREAM,FROM SIN, i gosti iz Češke (APOSTATE) i Hrvatske(TOMOROW WE HUNT)!!! http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/event.php?eid=161157590625626 -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
...Pod okriljem nove nam organizacije Pandora Promotions, u sredu 15og septembra, organizuje se prvi dogadjaj od mnogih koje predstoje... ...Poenta Pandora Promotions-a je promocija celokupne srpske metal scene, sjedinjavanje, i uzdizanje cele priče na viši nivo, ulaz će biti 150 dingera s početkom tačno u 21h....Stay tuned for more.... ...Pandora Promotions family.... ...Nastupaju: NULL - DeathCore FROM SIN - Metalcore/Modern Metal STAR SCREAM - Modern Melodic Death Metal/DeathCore FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS - Metalcore NULL: Null Band was founded in early months of 2008. by Majl. Soon other members joined the bend,Zoli as lead guitarist,Eddie and Loshmi on microphones, and Vuk on bass.Band is now completed with second guitarist Buda. Working on first EP. Stay tuned for more info,soon... http://www.myspace.com/nullns FROM SIN: From Sin is a five-piece metalcore/modern metal band founded in 2006. by ex members of Belgrade band In Vitro. From the beginning, the band concentrated on writing songs, trying to develop a unique, distinctive style, and offer something new within the genre, on a scene crowded with copy/paste bands. As this wasn’t the easiest of tasks to start with, the band experienced many difficulties along the way, including frequent lineup changes, all of which have only made us stronger, more focused and determined to keep pushing our life’s boundaries as well as our music ones. http://www.myspace.com/fromsinmetal STAR SCREAM: A five-piece band from Belgrade, Serbia, assembled on April, 2007. After a few lineup changes band takes it's final form in august, 2009. While expanding local popularity in Serbia, band is preparing to enter the studio for the first time to record their first, long-awaited album, that has been set for a 2010. By combining all of their interests, thoughts and ideas, they were able to develop their own music style which is mostly influenced by mainstream metal and that has been labeled Star Scream as melodic death metal - deathcore band. http://www.myspace.com/starscreammetal FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS: The band From My Cold Dead Hands was formed by brothers Stefan Petrovic (Guitar), and Andrew Petrovic (Drums). The band was formed on the 8th of august 2006. with folowing members: Mladen Stosic (bass), Uros Papes (guitar) and Dusan Jelesijevic (vocals). In september that same year, instead of Dusan Jelesevic came Pavle Sovilj (Groteska), as lead vocals. In January of 2007. the band recorded it's first demo ''LOST WORDS'', in the mean time the band had a couple of gigs, and continued making new songs. Then the band recorded another demo in Jun that same year, named Angel of Mercy. Then, in Mart 2008, the band released their first EP called Sapphire Queen and was ready to record it's first album, but that was temporarily postponed because the Rhythm guitarist (Uros Papes) and the bassist (Mladen Stosic) left the band for their own personal reasons. Then after some time the band decided to include Nemanja Adamovic and Nikola Vitkovic (former Heaven Forbid). That lineup was changed in november 2009, when Nikola Vitkovic left the band, and was replaced with Vuk Stefanovic (Forever Storm) on drums . http://www.myspace.com/frommycolddeadhandskg -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
23. maj SKC...21:30 ,200rsd... The Language Of Thought Hypothesis (SLO), Violent Chapter, Star Scream !!! -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
Znači: W:O:A metal battle 16ti maj. klub Ciklon, Simina 14! Forever Storm Uneven Aheront STAR SCREAM Svarun Angel of Fire Yobo 23. maj SKC: The Language Of Thought Hypothesis (SLO), Violent Chapter, Star Scream !!! http://www.myspace.com/thelanguageofthoughthypothesis http://www.myspace.com/violentchapter http://www.myspace.com/starscreammetal -
I.....šta biva ljudi....može neka informacija....???
Otvoren konkurs za Gitarijadu Ratkovo 2010
The Darkest Night replied to ..charlie..'s topic in Domaća metal scena
pitanje.....jel validan ovaj mail na koji se šalju prijave...??? -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
Star Scream svira u finalu WOA metal battle-a 16og maja u klubu Ciklon (Simina 14). Pa ko voli....)...podrška nije na odmet..... -
AJMOOO!!! SPISAK BENDOVA vec jednom!!!
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
...Opa DuHane, lepo se cilja.....cenimo optimizam...:* -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
) :* -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
http://www.myspace.com/starscreammetal ...pre-mix je u pitanju, al i dalje za preslushati \m/ -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
-Okachismo na profil par pre-mix-demo verzija pesama....pa ko zeli da poslusha..... http://www.myspace.com/starscreammetal -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
-Eto samo da napomenem da (smo) je SS u Senti....snima album prvenac....i bice metal.....eto, toliko... -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
A 06.10.-og.....METAL!!!! -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
-ma to se ja malo shalim sa manjom ...naravno nishta ozbiljno ne mislim....kritika, kakva god da je dobra je.... -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
zeznuo stvar??....ne znam kako bi to mogao da uradish....kul je to shto si iskreno rekao....cenim.... ...i to kad je rekao manja,...i shto ne znam ko si.....a to me bash i ne zanima......zato i rekoh koga boli kurac......eto....iskreno... -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
-a Manja je....... ......koga boli kurac uostalom...........mijetal -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
-eto koga zanima samo da reknem da smo promenili ime u STAR SCREAM.....(i ne nema nikakve veze sa transformersima:)......pozdrav -
R.I.P. Boško Radišić, naš veliki prijatelj
The Darkest Night replied to azal's topic in Domaća metal scena
e moj Rna...prijatelju, nek ti je laka cena zemlja....pochivajte u miru... -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
As My Victims Fall na finalu metal battle-a, u Banja Luci....u petak ,5-og juna, Music Hall, od 21h......aj pa da se popije koja..... -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
13-ti maj, klub Batler.....fuck yeah... -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
E ovako, nova pesma pod imenom Guiding Light, je postavljena na nashem profilu http://www.myspace.com/asmyvictimsfall ... .....pa ko zeli da chuje....ostavi komentar....shta vetj....)).....aj pa tako..... -
Star Scream (ex As My Victims Fall)
The Darkest Night replied to greeter of the rising sun's topic in Demo bendovi
mali podsetnik...4-ti februar, DANGUBA......ma poster iznad govori sve.....cheers