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  1. Ja od juce vrtim vec 10x novi SOAD.zasad opusteno album godine...Jedino ga Sub Masq moze nadmasiti ove godine
  2. likovi su kult , odavno je to snimljeno... Novi SOAD je od sinoc na netu!!!!Jos uvijek trazim free slotove za skidanje
  3. TRACK LISTING 1. Soldier Side -- Intro 2. B.Y.O.B. 3. Revenga 4. Cigaro 5. Radio/Video 6. This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song 7. Violent Pornography 8. Question! 9. Sad Statue 10. Old School Hollywood 11. Lost In Hollywood
  4. Taman se ima sta skidati nocas
  5. Kao da je vazno kako ce se zvati jedino je vazno
  6. Ako savrsenstvo smara, mozda...
  7. System Of A Down - Live at The Filmore Auditorium, Denver, CO, USA Jan.2000n divx koncert 45 minuta Prejako
  8. avantguadno ali pogresi covjek...
  9. Nema tu svajcarskog akcenta, budi sigurna Inache: Dobar band...Muzika je bas gotivna,textovi su malo pateticni ali im ne zamjeram ipak je to goth Pogotovo na Angst(strah) albumu se to da primjetiti...na Fassade su bili u industrial/goth fazonu, i ispalo je sasvim ok.Ali najbolji albumi su mi Inferno i nravno Elodia na kojem su koristili Londonski sympho orkestar i to prije NW To je jedan od najboljih metal/klasika albuma ever Sjajan band
  10. Ja vjerujem da ce biti u maniru poslednjeg Killswitch Engage-a, sve mirise na to
  11. Ako bude upola genijalan kao spot za New Millenium Cyanide Christ bice vrh...Mikrofon nikad jaci
  12. Kad vec svi preporucujete horore i ja cu...NEKROMANTIK kultni njemacki horor 1987, ime filma sve govori.Obavezno pogledati, ako uspijete do kraja
  13. Detwije-Would You rather be Followed By Forty Ducks For The Rest Of Your Life? Nista mi vise ne treba...post rock btw skinte!!!
  14. LABrie solo nije losh...NAravno on je najgori ddio albuma Ali je muzika sasvim ok.Industrial momenti,thrashy riffovi...slusljivo
  15. LABrie solo nije losh...NAravno on je najgori ddio albuma Ali je muzika sasvim ok.Industrial momenti,thrashy riffovi...slusljivo
  16. Nisi ti slusao Soilwork
  17. Ne!Covjeku je dosadio power(kome nije)!Zato i projekat sa Speedom...
  18. A sad i zvanicni tracklist na zvanicnom siteu se pojavio i zvanican tracklist.U odnosu na onaj prethodni ima pjesmu manje TRACK LISTING 1. Soldier Side -- Intro 2. B.Y.O.B. 3. Revenga 4. Cigaro 5. Radio/Video 6. This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song 7. Violent Pornography 8. Question! 9. Sad Statue 10. Old School Hollywood 11. Lost In Hollywood
  19. Snima se spot za BYOB a evo i Mezmerize tracklist: 01. Soldier Side (Intro) 02. B.Y.O.B. 03. Revenga 04. Cigaro 05. Radio/Video 06. This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song 07. Violent Pornography 08. Question! 09. Sad Statue 10. Old School Hollywood 11. Lost In Hollywood 12. Lonely Day Dakle, Holy Mountain i Kill Rock N Rol ce vjerovatno biti na Hypnotize, dobre pjesme ali su mi bolje Cigaro i BYOB. Jedva cekam ovo
  20. Ovo sto se desilo je bilo neminovno kad tad...Ovakve stvari su normalne!!i svakome se dese prije ili kasnije
  21. Znam zato i kazem tesko...Ali on bi bio idealan covjek za taj posao
  22. Zimmerman bi im najbolje legao ali sumnjam...
  23. Cigaro je prejaka pjesma, blast beat all the way...Ali nisam bas siguran da ce biti na albumu
  24. German power metallers BLIND GUARDIAN have parted ways with longtime drummer Thomen Stauch. Frontman Hansi Kürsch's official statement on the matter reads as follows: "No news is good news. This obviously is bad news. After walking along the same musical paths for about 20 years and after several long, open and honest discussions between the four band members, we have all (including Thomen) come to the same conclusion that it is now best for Thomen to leave the band. "Since we developed different musical and personal directions for quite a while now, it turned out to be more and more difficult to find acceptable and suitable solutions for everyone in the band. Such circumstances would have eventually caused severe internal problems. Therefore, to avoid any damage to our close relationship this difficult step is essential. In terms of creativity or progression neither one of us would like to hold the other one back. Due to that fact the split seems to be a sad, but reasonable solution. We wish Thomen all the best for the future and hope to come up with more positive news in the near future. "…and day shall come again" In a separate statement of his own, Stauch emphasized that the split was amicable and offered his gratitude to his former BLIND GUARDIAN colleagues: "As you may have read in Hansi's statement, I am no longer the drummer of BLIND GUARDIAN. From now on we are going our separate ways, at least musically. I must admit it is quite a sad, but necessary decision in order for us to remain friends. "I stand fully behind Hansi's declaration, so I will keep my statement as short as possible, and wish BLIND GUARDIAN all the best for the future, hoping that they find another drummer without any hassle. "I would also like to use this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you who stood by us through all those years, especially our fans. You are the best!!! I hope to see you again soon! "A big thank you to my old colleagues, Hansi, Andre and Marcus, for all the amazing times we've shared." Stauch is currently working on an as-yet-unnamed new project with SOILWORK vocalist Björn "Speed" Strid. The collaboration, which originally went under the COLDSEED moniker, was previously described by Strid as "a mixture between RAMMSTEIN and ALICE IN CHAINS." A full-length album was recenetly recorded and is due later in the year. BG ostao bez bubnjara, mozda i nije toliko iznenadjenje, zasiti se covjek Uglavnom, ovaj projekat sa Speedom obecava.i ko zna, mozda smo dobili dva dobra banda.
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