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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by fiction

  1. Cudi me da niko ne reaguje na ovu BOMBU!
  2. Mala je kult A i ne stidi se...
  3. Ako su ih programirali onda svaka cast jer bi to bila najbolja masina dosad.Nikad ne bih rekao da su programirani
  4. Slican je efekat u svakom slucaju.E a pjesma Tool-a je Prison Sex.P
  5. Skinuo i ja cijeli Catch 33 Cini mi se da je jedna pjesma isjecena u 13 dijelova,ili je to zbog mp3 pa mi se cini Uvod u Minds Mirror je Tool rip off, ne mogu se sjetiti koja pjesma,jedna od poznatijih Mislio sam da ce nastaviti u I tripu ali nisu.Sasvim svjez materijal.Na prvo slusanje sasvim dobar album
  6. Naravno I vrijeme je vise.Da nije bilo izobra u USA ne bi imali sad eMotive ali bi imali novi Tool EMotive je inace sasvim ok ali ipak su to obrade...
  7. Ni meni nije radio...Ko zna zasto je to dobro
  8. Ako je ovo dobar text 2. Open Your Life Do you know what there is just behind your wall Do you hate what you can't see on the spinning ball Ignorant and wasted that's what you are But you could be so much more Listen to your TV, believe the words And you're dumber than before Try to see the real picture To train your mind to read between the lines Take your level higher that is your way Just get up, start out today Time seems an endless road when we are young It don't need a genius to know that it's wrong Hey now, hey now, open your life Hey now, hey now, open your life Rise now, rise now, feel the new drive Hey now, hey now, open your life Full synthetic anger that's what you breathe It's a strategy for all Telling people stories and bed time tales But the real important false So you grow the wrong seed inside your head To the will of the modern priest Supervised aggression instructed to sleep That's the devil let you breed All that we learn is just one point of view Out there in the world it may not become true Hey now, hey now, open your life Hey now, hey now, open your life Rise now, rise now, feel the new drive Hey now, hey now, open your life Time seems an endless road when we are young It don't need a genius to know that it's wrong Hey now, hey now, open your life Hey now, hey now, open your life Rise now, rise now, feel the new drive Hey now, hey now, open your life Hey now, hey now, open your life Hey now, hey now, open your life Rise now, rise now, feel the new drive Hey now, hey now, open your life Hey now, hey now, open your life Hey now, hey now, open your life Pa onda ovaj rad,mislim shvatam poentu i sve je to ok ali stil 4. Never Be A Star No matter how big we are We dream of home The place where we all belong Therefore this sing We are who we are We'll never be a star We are where we are But we'll never be a star No time to see all our friends There where we are Ten thousand miles are quite long And much too far We are who we are We'll never be a star We are where we are But we'll never be a star (a star) - no We are who we are We are who we are We are who we are We are who we are We are who we are Never be a star We are who we are Never be a star We are who we are We'll never be a star We are where we are But we'll never be a star, never be (a star) We are who we are We'll never be a star (never be a star) We are where we are But we'll never be a star (never be a star) We are who we are We'll never be a star (never be a star) We are where we are But we'll never be a star, never be We are who we are We'll never be a star We are where we are But we'll never be a star We are who we are We'll never be a star We are where we are But we'll never be a star (never be a star)
  9. Procitaj pa ces viditi bas su losi.Imas ih na www.darklyrics.com
  10. Rekao sam i na prosloj temi,kultni band.Svaki drugi power band je pod uticajem Helloweena na ovaj ili onaj nacin.Prva tri albuma su perfektna.Zadnji sa zecevima je skroz ok iako su textovi retardirani...
  11. SOAD advance promo je FAKE...Uglavnom su to pjesme sa Steal This ALbum!
  12. bila je zajebancija ali nema veze
  13. Ok, skinucu...Prerelease je skroz dobar, kakav li je taj final.Nikad vise necu skidati prerelease
  14. @BR kad mi god udje stara u sobu moram zatvarati yum window, i sve zbog tvog faget avatara
  15. Ja imam prerelease Francesa.Da skidam final ili je isti kurac?
  16. Vec se pojavio na slsk
  17. Da Vincijev kod je smece nevidjeno, i to ne samo zato sto je to stav Vatikana nego je stvarno nonsense. Inace, ne znam da je Isus ista lose pricao...
  18. Jbg,nema ko da da gol...Opet su ih sabili u prvom poluvremenu i ovi u drugom iz kontre dadose i drugi iz penala...Djordjevic dobio crveni i Tomic isto kod penala...Ali dupla kruna je neizbjzna
  19. SLave design je dobar album ali sam se iznenadio kad sam ga vidio u top 10 BV.Nije bas tako dobar...Ima FF uticaja masu,Meshuggah se cuje na momente ali bas kratko.Bice nesto od njih.Gledao sam onaj live Static Curennts,ni uziov nisu losi
  20. Svidja ti se Chimaira naziv jer se tako zove onaj masu los album Mayhema,a u sustini ti ne znas ni sta znaci Chimaira...Chimaira nema nikakve veze sa nabrojanim bendovima od kojih su jedino Whitesnake i malmsteen kult
  21. ima s viska, mozda je slucajno...
  22. jebote zivot, zambia ima unlimited ADSL, gdje ja zivim http://www.axxess.web.za/
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