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Everything posted by Earendil

  1. skinuo sam single nije losa pesma ali to nije In Flames
  2. ima da se skine na dc++ singl jos malo pa bi trebalo da okace i ceo album
  3. nije lose ali nista posebno imam pesmu in esir like an eagle(valjda
  4. Sweden's IN FLAMES have posted the following message to their official web site, www.inflames.com: "Hello all, as of [Thursday, May 29], we are safely back at home in Gothenburg after the 2 weeks in Denmark doing the pre-production. "We are very pleased with what came out of 'The Tuborg Sessions' - we managed to write and record 11 new songs for the upcoming album, and we couldn't be happier with the result, it sounds killer. "We will spend the next few months polishing the new material and rehearsing for the actual studio recording this fall, as well as doing our summer shows and tours, so we hope to see you all very soon. "All the best, IN FLAMES" znaci novi In Flames stize na jesen a sto se tice RtR ne vidim zbog cega je to nu nema repovanja muzika je daleko tvrdja nego stu je slucaj sa nu "metalom" tu i tamo po neki clean vokal i jedna ljigava pesma sve u svemu albumu nista ne fali
  5. Earendil

    Ancient Rites

    odlican bm
  6. Earendil


    a sta je sa tim Insanity albumom kakav je
  7. Earendil


    Odlicni su.Imam oba albuma(imaju dva jel tako :? :? )i Rusted Angel 8/10 Expanding Senses 8,5/10
  8. Meni se ovaj bend svidja mada ponekad me malcice smore
  9. Vrlo dobar bend ali sam ljudski prelusao samo the house of ....
  10. Earendil

    Crimson Glory

    Strange And Beautiful je sranje kakvog nema ostali su dobri
  11. Hail mojim zemljacima
  12. Meni - upravo obrnuto ANIMATRONIC razbi !!!! Sviracemo "The Human Abstract", kad tad Aj svirajte kod nas u Kg
  13. Jester Race je meni top 5 albuma svih vremena i za klasu je bolji od svih ostalih(sem ovog zadnjeg :roll: :roll: )
  14. Da,cak imaju i album posvecen black metalu
  15. Odlican bend!Volim sve albume sa Ray Allderom,raniji albumi su mi nekako prosecni.
  16. " .hahaha!"Strasno bas sam pre neki dan pustio i citao tekstove nisam mogao da verujem ima jos provala ali ova mu je bas jebala kevu
  17. izdali su.citao sam na www.metalreviews.com dobili su dobru ocenu.Inace ovaj mini je sasvim solidan jedno mi se pevac ne svidja
  18. ja idem da vidim budimpestu i licno me bole kurac za Tima i Michaela ko ce brze ko ce ce bolja stvarno ne znam sta se kurce kad je Bog samo jedan Petrucci
  19. MASTERPLAN - Masterplan AFM Records Melodic Power Metal 11 songs (~50'00) Available: January 20th Masterplan, AFM Records The year 2003 hasn't started yet and we have already received an amazing promo at www.metalreviews.com that has the potential to become the big surprise for next year. To tell you the truth, we were almost dying waiting for that promo : Masterplan, the new band of the ex-Helloween musicians - Roland Grapow & Uli Kusch - plus Mr. Vocal himself, Jorn Lande (Jorn, ex-Ark). Of course, with such lineup, you expect great songs to hit your brain ! And guess what ... this is exactly what is happening on this magical album. Let's dive into this album one track after another : 1) Spirit Never Die : After a pseudo flying dark intro, the first guitar notes reminds you immediately Helloween - at the top of their ages ... in other words ... a long long time ago - but the tempo oscillates throughout the song from middle to fast, let's call this the Masterplan touch. Jorn takes the vocal of Coverdale - we already knew he could do that - and the melodies of this song reminds you of Whitesnake & Helloween. Great melodies, great chorus, great start ... and what a sound, this is what I call a powerful production. Thanks who ? Mr. Andy Sneap, who also produced Machine Head and Testament in the past. 2) Enlighten Me : the single track, see our review. I like the "gothic" feeling of this song, Paradise Lost meets power metal. Woow !!! 3) Kind Hearted Light : also on the single album, one of the best song I have heard since a decade Masterplan is born ! 4) Crystal Night : After an arabesque intro, the tempo gets much heavier ... a kind of Judas Priest tempo. This time Jorn is enormous as the guy sings like Dio. Yes Mr. Ronnie James Dio. This is unbelievable how Jorn fluctuates from Coverdale to Dio with his vocal. I am also smashed by the pounding riff which haunts my head. Great chorus again and the talent is definitely present because we are not talking of power/speed metal stuff - Helloween just to mention a band - but we are listening to a wonderful heavy metal song. 5) Soulburn : Starting with a piano, the tempo is again heavy and "gothic". The piano follows Jorn ... or shall I say Coverdale because on this track, Jorn resuscitates Whitesnake's singer ... I am on my knees. A mid-tempo song, almost a power-ballad, proving again the quality of the song-writing as both bridge & chorus devastate your brain. Slow, but powerful ! Yeah, a Soulburn track. 6) Heroes : The "amusing" song on this album. Masterplan did the right choice to place it at the 6th position because this is a typical Helloween song from the first note until the last one. In fact, Jorn even imitates perfectly Michael Kiske, especially for the bridge and the chorus. A wonderful parody, an funny joke ... and what a chorus my friends, what a f*cking catchy chorus ! You will laugh and sing on that one, trust me ) 7) Sail On : After a speedy guitar intro, Jorn is again the shining star on this track. The chorus & the bridge are less "punchy", but this is a well structured song confirming again the talent of these musicians. The keyboard melody reminds me somehow of Journey's (Separate Ways) and the guitar solo is really cool. Something is however missing here to recreate the astonishing feeling of the first six tracks. 8) Into The Light : First "slow" track, a kind of ballad. Again, Jorn plays the first role and being accompanied by a classical guitar. The tempo gets harder for the chorus. Again it reminds me Paradise Lost ... and Whitesnake is not that far 9) Crawling From Hell : After Kind Hearted Light, here comes the second Masterplan signature. Between the guitar solo and the drums, the song runs fast at the beginning and is balanced with a slow and heavy chorus, a kind of angry Accept chorus. The guitar solo is remarkable and the never ending changing tempo cannot be described ... it has to be discovered by yourself. Superb !!! 10) Bleeding Eyes : An arabesque intro again, a song reminding me Kamelot - because once Masterplan's record is over, I am swapping my player to Kamelot' Epica . More seriously, this arabesque tempo twisted with an heavy guitar sound and the "truncated" voice highlights again the talent of this band. The chorus is another pure diamond and I hope these guys have not exhausted all their talent on this album as such quality song-writing is rarely at the rendezvous for a debut album. 11) When Love Comes Close : The weak track. What a shame the band didn't decide to stop after 10 songs. This one being a Whitesnake ballad type and doesn't really bring anything new to this wonderful album as all the bullets have been fired before. Jorn remains incredible again and I am wondering if Coverdale himself doesn't sing on that one ? Anyway, if you like ballads ... you might appreciate When Love Comes Close. Let's resume : this is a f*cking great debut album and I am already dying here for the following one. Excellent job guys !!! One worry is haunting me however : would these guys be able to "re-create" a second album as good as this one. Let's hope so ... after all, it is Christmas time. Hummm, the ball is in Helloween's side ... or shall I say in Mr. Weikath's hands. Killing Songs : Kind Hearted Light, Spirit Never Die, Crystal Night, Heroes, Crawling From Hell, Soulburn Danny 95 / 100 Chris 96 / 100 evo vam pa drkajte ja licno jedva cekam da cujem ovo
  20. draconian times i icon su najjaci.po mom skromnom misljenju posle albumi su im sve losiji i losiji
  21. ti bre nikad u životu nisi čuo tehno ako donosiš takav zaključak naravno da nisam
  22. slusao sam ali bolje da nisam posle druge pesme sam lepo odlozio disk da skuplja prasinu.Cak i razmisljam da ga bacim jer je glupo da zauzima mesto u kuci.Sranje zivo cist tehno
  23. Tako bi bilo prilicno iskreno. Ako mozes sta srediti, kontaktiraj mene ili Apeirona na private ili mail, pa cemo se dogovoriti o svemu u detaljne detalje ili tako vec nekako. :roll: ovako dvoje mogu kod mene verovatno bi mogao ostatak kod mojih ortaka a za prostor nije frka to je vec sredjeno ako ste zainteresovani mozemo se dogovoriti kad i kako.
  24. ne bi nikog da vredjam ali kad sam video temu moram da odgovorim sranje nevidjeno ovko glup i komercijalan bend nisam skorije slusao gde god krenem po gradu natpisi System Of Down u koji god kafic da udjem ono system koji god radio da pustim ono system mrzim ih iz dna duse i zelim im sve najgore ili barem da nauce da sviraju dobru muziku.Jedina svetla tacka benda je pevac.Toliko od mene
  25. Ako hocete da svirate u KG imamo prostor a i za smestaj cemo se snaci
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