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Everything posted by Elldamar

  1. Probaj Alas!To ti je odlican projekat na kome peva Marta iz Theriona!!
  2. E ja ih obozavam!!Mada im je po meni prvi album daleko najbolji i mislim da su sve dalji od svog pocetka svakim novim albumom!Omiljene pesme: To myself I turned i Falling again!
  3. Ne, nego idemo na stratovarius A jel to dolazi i SyX sa Stratovariusom,a? :?
  4. 2/10
  5. Zasto bih cimao decka zbog takve gluposti ? "Dobro vece , Moloch mi treba" "E zdravo , ovde Black Knight sa yumetala , izvini sto ti smetam ali da li mi mozes nesto reci o originalnosti kod benda Edguy " "Aha dobro , aj zdravo " Mislim da je mnogo debilno.
  6. Svidjaju mi se...mada...DEJA VU...
  7. Jao,bre Simo,kakav si to covek... :ne:
  8. Evo nekih informacija koje sam nashao: Thunderstone was formed in early 2000 by guitarist Nino Laurenne. The band began as a project for Nino's new songs that he wanted to record. After the first demo, Nino felt like putting together a real band. Mirka Rantanen was playing drums on the first demo and was willing to go on. Bass player Titus Hjelm and Nino were old bandmates from their former band Antidote. With their past experience of fruitful teamwork, Titus was glad to join Thunderstone as a regular member. Next person to join the band was singer Pasi Rantanen who had sung backing vocals on the first demo (Nino sang the leads back then). In the late fall of 2000 newly formed Thunderstone hit the studio with great results: three extremely well played and mixed power metal gems to drive the metalheads around the world crazy! Next months the band composed and rehearsed new material which was ready for recording in the summer of 2001. By this time the band had evolved into a five-piece with the addition of Kari Tornack on keyboards. Three new metal anthems ended up in the new demo. Four of the songs recorded in these two sessions have been available through mp3.com and have earned enthusiastic praise from around the world. A promo CD including songs from both demos caught Nuclear Blast's attention in the late fall of 2001. After negotiating a deal with the no. 1 Heavy Metal Record Company in the world, the band went back to the studio on January 2002 to record their self-titled debut album, which will be released 24.6.2002. The album features outstanding cover art by Thomas Ewerhard and interesting musical contributions. The songs and the band's performance on the album showcase the individual members' talent and experience of over a decade in different line-ups put together in single dynamite package. Furious and fast playing, killer vocals and loads of feeling under one name: Thunderstone!
  9. Kratka povest vremena - Stephen Hawking
  10. Definitivno sa MATOSEM!!!
  11. Nabavio si ga? Pa da.I to original.Special edition.Dodushe nije moj,ali bice,bice...
  12. Odlichan album!!!Moj favoriti su Accolade II i The Masquerade (pesma sa limited edition ozdanja)!!!
  13. 1.Pricha o karmi - Benedict 2.Na obali reke Pjedre sedela sam i plakala - Paolo koeljo 3.Mi,deca sa stanice ZOO - CRistajana ????
  14. Moj favorit je Hell`s living without you sa albuma Trash.Inache trash je jedan od najbolji rock albuma ikad napravljen.
  15. Jel slusao neko?Dolaze u aprilu u Pestu kao predgrupa Stratovariusu i Symphony X-u,pa ib hteo da znam na sta lice.
  16. Tales of the dead:Poems and tales - EDGAR ALLAN POE
  17. Imam sve albume i par spotova od njih.Zaista su odlicni.Richie je odlican gitarista,a Candice imam prelep glas...
  18. Silmarilion je po meni mnogo preciznije napisan nego LOTR.U sustini nema svrhe citati LOTR ako ne procitate Silmarilion!
  19. Fino,fino....Bas sam se uzeleo nekog dobrog novog Goth-a...
  20. Novi album?????Ja sam slusao Mother Earth i zvuci sjajno,ali nisam nesto siguran da je novi posto ga ja imam vec duze vreme??????
  21. Odlicni su.Ja poslao par linkova za Diluvium na oficijelnom Nightwish forumu i ljudi se odusevili njima!!!!
  22. Keepers of Jericho - Helloween
  23. Elldamar

    Primal Fear

    Previse kopiraju Judas i slicne bendove.A i previse je buke u pesmama!
  24. Michael Kiske
  25. 1.Wall of Jericho-Helloween 2.Painkiller - Judas Priest ......
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