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Dead Man Walking

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Everything posted by Dead Man Walking

  1. @Tanya Pa kako mozhesh biti sigurna da je to bash taj?
  2. Jesil se ti to malo ugojio ili...?
  3. Imash insert image iznad texta gde pishesh. Pored ubacivanja smajlija. A mozhesh jednostavno kopirati image link izmedju img i /img u uglastim zagradama... Niko nije pljuvao lika sa papagajem, to su bile samo shale i mislim da je i on skontao...
  4. evo pogedaj ovo :)
  5. Da, ti si beskorisan Idi objashnjavaj kako funkcionishu lampe a pusti mene da objasnim shta znachi 7 u tablaturi :)
  6. vishe ne
  7. e ovo je lepota! :)
  8. Gledah "Pi" juche. Gledao neko? Dobar gilm al mi nekako deluje nedovrsheno
  9. 7-sedmi prag, 10-deseti prag...0-prazna...
  10. Jbg, pogledao sam ti u profil pa sad necu da ti kazhem zato shto ne slushash death metal i nemash pojma shta je gothic. :)
  11. Pravi metalci nose patike.
  12. Ej bre, dabog da ti zhena rodila stonogu pa ceo zhivot radio za patike...
  13. A ni nema sto nogu
  14. Priznajem da moje vizije nikada neće značiti drugim ljudima toliko koliko znače meni. Ne žalim zbog toga. Sve što tražim jest da moji rezultati uvjere druge tragatelje za istinom da bez ikakve sumnje postoji nešto vrijedno traganja, a to se može otkriti pomoću metoda više ili manje sličnim mojima. Ne želim očevati stadu, niti biti fetiš budala i fanatika, ili osnivač vjere čiji sljedbenici samozadovoljno odijekuju moje ideje. Ja želim da svaki čovjek raskrči vlastiti put kroz đunglu.“ (Ispovijesti, poglavlje 68) Alister Krouli Jbt, chitao sam ovu temu od pochetka...
  15. Da, al ti mozhesh deda da mi budesh :) :)
  16. http://philbrodieband.com/muso-shredders.htm svi najbolji na jednom mestu
  17. The Great Kat was born Katherine Thomas in Swindon, England (on a U.S. Air Force Base Military Hospital), moved to USA aged 3. After touring the world as a violinist, she realised that Classical music was dead, so she began updating Classical Music with Speed Metal and transcribed intricate violin solos to the guitar. The Great Kat is the only musician taking note-for-note authentic Classical Music scores (from Vivaldi, Beethoven, Bach, Wagner, Liszt, and Rossini) and re-orchestrating the entire scores with Shred Guitar virtuosity and mixing it with Speed Metal band and Classical orchestra. Jel neko chuo ovo nekad?
  18. Jason Becker started playing guitar at the age of 5, by sixth grade he was playing local gigs and at 16 was in his first professional band "Cacophony", a neoclassical speed metal/shred band, which he formed with fellow guitarist Marty Friedman. Their debute album 'Speed Metal Symphony' features some of the most incredible, fast, complex and melodic guitar playing ever recorded. Some of Jason's influences have been his father, his uncle, Jimi Hendrix, Niccolò Paganini, Bob Dylan, Django Reinhart, Yngwie Malmsteen & Jeff Beck. 1988 see's his first solo album, 'Perpetual Burn'. At the age of 20 he joined David Lee Roth's legendary band. 1990, he won a readers' poll for best new guitarist in "Guitar Magazine". But tragidy struck whilst recording the album 'A Little Ain't Enough' he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and given only five years to live. This did not deter this true virtuoso, he managed to complete the album. Robbed of his speech, crippled in body, breathing via a machine, Jason has never given up his love of music. He communicates via eye movements and composes many magnificent works with his computer. His medical condition has remained stable since 1997. Jason's life as an artist and person should be inspirational not only to fellow guitarists but every musician. In his own words "If you have control over your mind, you can do anything." Znam da nije tema al nek ima...
  19. Aha, posle kadra sa njim se Marchelo drzhi za glavu na pochetku spota...
  20. Pesma je dobra al spot je mogao biti mnogo bolji. I koji je od ovih sad iza taj Sima, pretpostavljam kososh?
  21. Ne bre, AoD je za Mengele-a...
  22. Nego ochekuj ti mene uskoro u bg-u sa tonom praznih diskova, nema mi druge.
  23. Ma samo se hvali kako zna glumca
  24. Odgledao tek skoro Quills - mnogo dobar i Onegin - verovatno ste gledali, ja tek sad, i nije losh...
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