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Srdjan Brankovic (ALOGIA) na SHADOW GALLERY albumu!!! Zajedno sa pevačem Ralph Sheepers - om (Primal Fear, Gamma Ray), Srdjan Branković (Alogia) će svirati u pesmi "Strong" koja će se naći na najnovijem SHADOW GALLERY albumu. Šesti album ovog legendarnog američkog progresiv rok/metal benda će biti objavljen 26. oktobra u Evropi, a 3. novembra u Americi. Izdavač je "Inside Out", definitivno najveći u svetu progresiv rok muzike. SHADOW GALLERY su oduvek gajili tradiciju da saradjuju sa drugim muzičarima i prijateljima. Na njihovim starim albumima gostovali su zaista istinski priznati muzičari na svetskoj progresivnoj sceni : James Labrie (Dream Theater), Mark Zonder (Fates Warning), Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon), DC Cooper. " Zaista sam bio jako srećan kada me je Gary Wehrkamp pitao da li bih svirao na njihovom novom albumu. Shadow Gallery je bend koji sam oduvek voleo i čast mi je sto sam dobio priliku da sviram sa muzičarima koji su me inspirisali da izgradim sopstveni stil. Nekada sam sa nestrpljenjem čekao nove albume ovog benda. Deceniju kasnije se pojavljuje SG album na čijem ce omotu biti moja fotografija i ime. To je sjajan osećaj", rekao je Srdjan. Gary Wehrkamp je svirao na Srdjanovom "Expedition Delta" albumu, koji je prošle godine objavljen na američkom i evropskom tržištu (Prog Rock Records/SPV), a njih dvojica su čak imali i planove o eventualnim koncertnim nastupima u Americi, na kojima bi izvodili "Expedition Delta" i "Shadow Gallery" pesme. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=oRCAMhykfuc
http://www.seaoftranquility.org/reviews.ph...ent&id=6318 Expedition Delta: Expedition Delta "When was the last time you played a prog rock CD and just felt good all over, humming the catchy melodies long after the disk has left your player, and thinking about just how marvelous the vocals and instrumental work was that you just heard? Probably not too often, but if you pick yourself up a copy of Expedition Delta's self-titled debut for ProgRock Records, chances are you'll be doing exactly that. Expedition Delta is the project of guitarist Srdjan Brankovic, founding member of the band Alogia, who are one of the most popular progressive metal band's in Serbia. For this CD, Srdjan has assembled a group that consists of Ivan Vasic on bass, singer Nikola Mijic, Damir Adzic on drums, and keyboard player Vladimir Djedovic. In addition, there are a host of special guests who contribute solos, including Shadow Gallery guitarist Gary Wehrkamp, Rocket Scientists' keyboard ace Erik Norlander, Labyrinth's Andrea De Paoli, Time Requiem's Richard Andersson, After Forever's Joost van den Broek, Silent Force's Torsten Roehre (yes, there are some smokin' keyboard solos on this release!), plus some additional vocalists, guitarists, and keyboard players. It's a star studded affair, yet despite what it might sound like this is not a shred fest alone, as each song is extremely memorable and catchy, combining elements of metal, prog, and AOR. Think Journey meets Ayreon meets Dream Theater meets Jefferson Starship and you have a good idea of what to expect here. The first two tracks "Asunder Hearts" and "Fading Images" are ultra catchy fare that could easily tear up FM rock radio if given the chance, filled with soaring male & female vocals, catchy hooks, ripping guitar & keyboard solos, and tight rhythms. Brankovic is a stunning player, his solos melodic yet full of jaw dropping technique, and he takes every opportunity to get into some intense shredding duals with the many keyboard players assembled for the CD. On "Into the Halls of Eternity" he gets into a wicked exchange with Aghora guitarist Santiago Dobies, and shares some wild moments with Wehrkamp & van den Broek on the dazzling instrumental "Flight With the Mind". The female vocals on the album are provided by Edenbridge's Sabine Edelsbacher, as well as Irina Kaperanovic and Aleksandra Jankovic, all three doing a fine job and meshing with Mijic's powerful male vocals quite nicely. Other hot tracks are the addicting "Move On" (another song that could have easily been a radio hit back in the 80's), the spacey "Planets" (complete with Norlander's signature Moog stamp), the complex progressive metal of "Reach For the Light", and the upbeat, symphonic prog closer "It Needs a Happy End", the latter a great vehicle for Mijic's passionate vocals. From start to finish, this is one enjoyable ride, and I'm hoping that Srdjan Brankovic has a lot more like this up his sleeve. If you like progressive rock with a metal edge and loaded to the hilt with catchy hooks, then you need to get a hold of Expedition Delta pronto" Reviewer: Pete Pardo Score: 4,5 / 5
Im Grunde soll man einfach nur dankbar sein, dass immer wieder so engagierte Labels wie "Progrock Records", mit ihrem guten Gefühl für neue hoffnungsvolle Bands derartig großartige Veröffentlichungen zu Tage fördern. Wer schlagkräftige Unterhaltung in Form eines musikalischen Hochgenuss sucht, ist bei „Expedition Delta" in allerbesten Händen und wird mit diesem absoluten Meisterwerk bestens bedient sein. Dass die Musiker, die von Szenengrößen wie Gary Wehrkamp (Shadow Gallery), Eric Norlander, Richard Andersson, Andrea De Paoli ( Labyrinth) oder Sabine Edelsbacher (Edenbridge) unterstützt werden, technisch über allen Maßen beschlagen sind, ist ja nicht erst seid kurzen bekannt, und so zeigen sie der Konkurrenz wie man progressive und dennoch höchst melodische Songs komponieren kann. Diese Scheibe ist eine der besten Veröffentlichungen der letzten Jahre und wenn Songs wie das an DREAM THEATER angehauchte „Into the Halls of Eternity" nicht jeden melodischen Progmetal Fan jubilieren lässt, dann kann keinem mehr geholfen werden. Hervorheben sollte man auch noch Sänger"Nicola Mijic ", der beim Song „Asunder Hearts " beim Refrain wie der Zwillingsbruder von Tony Harnell (TNT) klingt. Bedenklich ist nur, dass ich von ihm noch nie was gehört habe, er aber definitiv zu dem grandiosesten Sänger dieses Erdballs gehört. OK; Man kann jetzt meinen ich bin da ein wenig zu euphorisch, aber liebe Leute besorgt euch dieses Teil und hört es am besten in Dauerrotation und dann wird euch diese CD in euren Bann ziehen. Ich hab’s schon gemacht. Ich möchte sogar soweit behaupten, das es die Band geschafft hat in Sphären vorzustoßen, das mit solch genialen Bands wie DREAM THEATER, SHADOW GALLERY und Konsorten besiedelt ist. Wer auf höchst melodischen Prog- Melodic Metal der Extraklasse steht, sollte "Expedition Delta" unbedingt antesten, für mich wäre alles andere als die Höchstnote eine Schweinerei und darum Daumen hoch, für meine bisherige CD des Jahres. Wertung: 5.0 von 5.0 Autor: manfred (23. April 2008) www.stormbringer.at Expedition Delta - Expedition Delta (Progrock- SPV) Junto con Srdjan BRANKOVIC, varios buenos y famosos músicos están involucrados con el álbum "Expedition Delta". Alguno de los músicos son Gary WEHRKAMP (SHADOW GALLERY, AMARAN’S PLIGHT), Andrea DePAOLI (LABYRINTH), Richard ANDERSSON (TIME REQUIEM), Erik NORLANDER (ROCKET SCIENTISTS, Lana LANE), Joost van den BROEK (SFTER FOREVER), Sabine EDELSBACHER (EDENBRIDGE), Torsten ROEHRE (SILENT FORCE), Santiago DOBLES (AGHORA) y muchos otros… todo el álbum está cantado por Nikola MIJIC con la excepción de tres canciones que incluyen la aparición de Sabine EDELSBACHER, Irina KAPETANOVIC y Aleksandra JANKOVIC en dueto con Nicola. El álbum fue grabado y producido por Srdjan en su estudio (Paradox Music), donde trabaja con muchas otras bandas serbias […] Algunas de las cosas que se dicen de este álbum son: "…escuchar EXPEDITION DELTA me hace darme cuenta qué tan poderoso es Srdjan como guitarrista y como compositor…" "…justo lo que estaba buscando, algo realmente roquero, progresivo bombástico…" (1). Casi heavy metal progresivo, EXPEDITION DELTA muestra más bien un hard rock progresivo –eso sí, bastante enérgico– en un nivel de calidad fastuoso. La habilidad que muestra BRANKOVIC en la guitarra es comparable al guitarreo roquero de leyendas como Joe SATRIANI o Steve VAI, arreglando música que suena a referencias tanto memorables como comerciales, combinando estilos interpretativos que van desde los héroes de guitarra rock hasta los ganchos rítmicos muy pegajosos empleados por figuras como Bon Jovi. No es el caso, pero si tuviera que referenciar el sonido general de este álbum con algún otro de una línea similar, diría que si te gustan discos como el "Babysteps" de Henning PAULY "Expedition Delta" es para ti, y no nomás por el trabajo roquero que su líder vuelca en cada tema, sino incluso por la aparición de buenos músicos para lucir sus dotes individuales en semejante colección de temas, cuyo lienzo base está a cargo de Srdjan BRANKOVIC (guitarra), Ivan VASIC (bajo), Nikola MIJIC (vocales), Damir ADZIC (batería) y Vladimir DJEDOVIC (teclados). Justo es advertir, no obstante a tal despliegue de prodigio técnico, que "Expedition Delta" se provee de ritmos pegajosos y despliegues guitarrísticos para lucir su encanto, no existiendo movimientos o altibajos musicales típicos del rock progresivo. El rock es progresivo, pero más notable en timbres musicales donde brillan los teclados que en composición, siendo esta última de corte más constante en ritmo y pulso, melancólico del gran estilo heavy metal de la década de los 80. Aún así, adornos folkloristas de guitarra acústica decoran la propuesta para hacerla más interesante, más valiosa en su sentido musical. Apreciación general del álbum: 8/10. http://manticornio.com
"Damn music can be catchy. The opening tune Asunder Heart refuses to leave me everytime when i push the play-button. Bombastic, catchy prog always feels good here. Both my wife and i enjoyed every second of it. Expedition Delta is a project from guitar player Srdjan Brankovic who is one of the founders of Alogia. He didn’t do the album on his own, there is a long list of guests on this album. The problem with such things is that an album has a chance to fall apart because of all the guests but in this case it works perfect. Song after song is fired at you and damn all of them have the problem of sticking in my head. A band that comes up on some tracks for me is Jefferson Airplane expecially the first track. If you like bombastic prog music you need to have this album. Some people state prog should have long tracks where a band can show what they can. In return i state that Srdjan shows that short bombastic tracks can beat the "must have long tracks" statement." You can get the download of "Asunder hearts" at: http://rapidshare.com/files/104509511/01_Asunder_Hearts.mp3 Gert Wooldrik (http://progressivemusic-ginfress.blogspot.com/2008/04/expedition-delta-st.html) "EXPEDITION DELTA is the name of a new project from guitarist Srdjan Brankovic, who is best known as one of the main members of the Serbian Progressive Metalband ALOGIA, whom released a couple of very strong albums. With this new project he takes things even bigger, because the same titled debut album of EXPEDITION DELTA is a superb album that has a lot of famous guest musicians involved, such as ERIK NORLANDER, JOOST VAN DEN BROEK (AFTER FOREVER), GARY WEHRKAMP (SHADOW GALLERY), RICHARD ANDERSSON (TIME REQUIEM), EDENBRIDGE vocalist Sabine Edelsbacher, members of LABYRINTH, SILENT FORCE, AGHORA and many more. Musically it is a mixture of AOR and Progressive Metal, with at the start songs that can be classified as cheerful uptempo Symphonic AOR rockers that somehow remind me of the Italian band ELEKTRADRIVE from many years ago, so yes they have taken AOR serious here and really gave it a sort of JOURNEY meets GTR meets ASIA meets 3 approach, which all together sounds very sensational on especially songs like "Reflection", "Pathway", "It needs a happy end" and "Move on" (TERRA NOVA style!). The vocals of the various (fantastic) singers are crystal clear and instrumental it is close to perfection. This album really surprised me as it is a very strong Sympho meets Prog meets AOR mixture that takes the best of these 3 worlds, which is Symphonic keyboards, AOR choruses and hooks with Progressive Rock riffs, so an album which will appeal to a diverse audience. Of course with 11 songs on offer here with many various members, there is also some clearly Progrock Opera like AYREON and KAYAK to be heard here throughout the CD ("Astral journey" being the prime example), with some instrumental adventures and all I can say that EXPEDITION DELTA really grabbed my attention for being one of the best and most original albums heard in a long time, sounding like a cross between ASIA and AYREON and really a must to check out! Although recorded in 2004/2005, the album was mastered in 2007 and finally now released in 2008 by PROGROCK RECORDS." (Points: 8.9 out of 10) Fabian Gabor ( "Strutter Magazine" ) "Expedition Delta is a project from Srdjan Brankovic of Alogia, Serbia’s biggest selling progressive metal band. He has assembled some top musicians including Nikola Mijic who sings on all bar three songs, Erik Norlander, Edenbridge vocalist Sabine Edelsbacher along with members of Shadow Gallery, Labyrinth and Silent Force amongst others. The music is very keyboard led with some simply stunning keyboard solos. ’There are two hook laden songs that are very enjoyable melodic rockers, the opening song ’Asunder Hearts’ and ’Move On’. Both would delight fans of Europe, Gotthard, Pretty Maids et al. ’Fading Images’ and ’Self Abstract’ allow the musicians to stretch their wings a little and delve into prog metal/rock. The closing track ’It needs A Happy End’ is another stand out and catches the listener out at the end as it all goes quite before coming back with a very poppy piece of music – very uplifting and the perfect happy ending to a very enjoyable album. A very enjoyable, well played and constructed album with songs to delight melodic rock fans and those who enjoy the more in depth, keyboard led progressive rock/metal. Hopefully this marks the start of Expedition Delta with more music to follow." 4 out of 5 Jason Ritchie (www.getreadytorock.com) "Expedition Delta is a project from Srdjan Brankovic, one of the founders of the progressive metal band Alogia. I never heard of Alogia so I can’t compare the 2 bands.So after 2 successful albums with Alogia, Srdjan decides to do a progrock/metal album in English with some great musicians by his side, which eventually became Expedition Delta. Like I said, many famous musicians are involved with ’’Expedition Delta’’ besides the line-up of the band, like: Gary Wehrkamp (Shadow Gallery), Andrea De Paoli (Labyrinth), Richard Andersson (Time Requiem), Erik Norlander (Rocket Scientists), Joost van den Broek (After Forever), Sabine Edelsbacher (Edenbridge), Torsten Roehre (Silent Force), Santiago Dobles (Aghora) and many others. The album is very tempo changing and technical and it has some great stuff on it and the musicians are doing their job very well. The songs on it are actually 1 big song, cause they all melt together and every new song begins where the previous song ended. So all you progrock/metal dudes out there, go get this album!" Score: 9 Reviewed by Metal Maniac (http://www.metallinks.nl/) Expedition Delta interview for Dutch site http://www.metallinks.nl/02-interviews/Exp...on%20Delta.html
Hvala svima koji su kupili CD. Jedna sjajna vest : Po svemu sudeci, snimacemo koncert na Castle festivalu i kasnije objaviti live album i DVD. Jos jednom, izdavac ce biti "ProgRock records/SPV". Pozdrav svima!
2008.07.01-05. Fest: * Smederevska Tvrdjava * Castle Fest
Ciki replied to Elderane's topic in Deep Vault
GARY WEHRKAMP press statement about Expedition Delta gig Gary Wehrkamp and DC Cooper are joining forces with EXPEDITION DELTA for a concert in Serbia this summer. The band's first release is out this winter on PROG ROCK RECORDS. Gary performed as a guest on one of the tracks, and now he will also perform alongside the band at one of Serbia's biggest rock events. Earlier this week Wehrkamp said "I had the opportunity to contribute a guest guitar solo to the first Expedition Delta Record this past year, and have since become friends with guitarist Srdjan Brankovic. When the band was asked to play CASTLE FEST in Serbia this coming July, and they extended the invitation for me to join them I was Happy to say Yes. This looks like a well organized, special event and I look forward to being a part of the entertainment that week! I was speaking to guitarist Srdjan Brankovic about it, and we might even consider a Shadow Gallery song or two, or maybe even a short medley. I am not there to lift the show from Expedition Delta, They are a terrific band and deserve any success coming to them - I am just fortunate that they also appreciate my back catalogue of work, and were eager to join me on some Shadow Gallery riffs. We also thought it might be nice to get an AMARAN'S PLIGHT song in there too, and to that end, I suggested we add singer DC COOPER to the fold. I called him up, and he agreed that it sounded like a fun event. It could be a blast doing some of his great material as well and now we have a lot of options to squeeze into an action packed 45 minute set. It will be nice to play some of the terrific Expedition Delta material with the cast of talented musicians who make up the show. Their record is simply stunning! It seems that a great time awaits us in the castle this July, and I am also looking forward to meeting many of the great fans from that part of the globe." -
Svirali smo posle Meshuggah, a oni su totalno promenili monitoring sistem i jos mnogo toga... U stvari, nismo se mi namestali toliko dugo, vec su se srpski tehnicati i tonci jedva pokupili da posle Meshuggah nastupa sve vrate na staro - a i nije im bas uspelo! Mi smo cekali njih da zavrse svoj posao, zato je potrajalo dok nismo poceli da sviramo...iz istih razloga smo morali da skratimo nastup - iako je bilo u planu da sviramo duze. U svakom slucaju, ko zeli moze da pogleda snimak sa koncerta. Ovo su linkovi za pesme "Metal storm" i "The spirit of yore". "The spirit of yore" je nova pesma koja ce se naci na novom albumu.