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Everything posted by Tanya

  1. Textovi + Danielov glas + genijalna muzika... Nenormalan bend Neznam koliko puta sam odgledala Be i pogodi koju pesmu sam najviše vrtela?
  2. Ok izbor, ali imaju oni i tužnijih... Kao npr: Iter Impius [Martius, son of Mars] [Obitus Diutinus] [Mr. Money:] I woke up today Expecting to find all that I sought And climb the mountains of the life I bought Finally I'm at the top of every hierarchy Unfortunately there is no one left But me I woke up today To a world that's ground to dust, dirt and stone I'm the king upon this withering throne I ruled every forest, every mountain, every sea Now there're but ruins left to rule for me And... you see, it beckons me; Life turned its back on us How could you just agree? ...how? I just don't see... I woke up today To a world devoid of forests and trees Drained of every ocean, every sea Just like a useless brick upon the shore The morning after the storm That swept the bridge away Relentless tide No anger Just this relentless time That calls us all on But... I'm never crossing that line Leaving this world behind I will stay on my own On this bloodstained throne I rule the ruins and wrecks And the dust, dirt and stone I rule rage rod and rattling of bones I am on my own I am all alone Everything is gone Stuck forever here Already cold I'm never crossing that line Leaving this world behind I will stay on my own On this bloodstained throne... I'm never crossing that line Leaving this world behind I will stay on my own On this bloodstained throne I rule the ruins and wrecks And the dirt and the dust and the stone I'm the ruler of rage rod and rust And the rattling of bones Ruler of ruin... Pa onda: Rope Ends She is still young... Another day of emptiness This life is wearing her down The room around her is a mess Her children safe with her mom She is still young but feeling old Two children with different fathers She sits on the bathroom floor alone The shower chain broke Her neck hurts Then another night of emptiness to wear her down Naked to the world she wraps her sadness in a gown Her children fast asleep she sears the dark with glassy eyes Choosing carefully among her husband's business ties "Over!" she cries through rope ends and silk ties Beautiful life escaping her young blue eyes But life holds her hand, refusing to let go Leaving her breathing on the floor They're still asleep don't hear her cry And she's still obsessed with rope ends This time she picks a stronger tie With Winnie the Pooh and friends She is still young but feeling old A child dying to be a mother Now she hangs from the ceiling all alone All pressure is falling from her Seeing guilt has taught her guilt she's raised on disbelief Merely twenty beautiful but with a taste for grief She has learnt all that there is to know about hopelessness Seeing that no effort in this world can stand her test "Over!" she cries through rope ends and silk ties Beautiful life escaping her young blue eyes And Winnie is strong, would never let her fall Prevents her from breathing till she's not there at all But life holds her hands, refusing to let go Leaving her breathing on the floor Seeing guilt has taught her guilt she's raised on disbelief Merely twenty beautiful but with a taste for grief She has learnt all that there is to know about helplessness Seeing that no caring in this world can ease her stress Helpless she lies in rope ends and undies Unseeing eyes fixating Eeyore's smile "Over!" she cries as she's going unblind Still in this life Still in this troubled mind The ceiling let go, the old house let her fall Dropping her breathing to the hard cold floor Hitting her head - a broken china soul Red stains on porcelain and she's not there at all Breathing she cries for rope ends and silk ties Beautiful eyes Piglet stands shy behind Broken she lies undead and unblind Beautiful life Beautiful crying young eyes Blackened and bruised, learning how to see Staring at her tooth - crimsoned ivory Hours they pass this broken china soul Red stains on porcelain And she's not there at all... "...and years later I would find You hanging alas the subte irony in shortering life with an extension lead before I could get You down I died so many times... thoughts about running to the kitchen for a knife to cut You down but I learned that there is no way of leaving the room when someone is hanging from the ceiling Your body just won't allow You that rest You stay to watch her face slowly turn blue finally to let You weight add to hers doubling the burden awaking her to the burden that brough her there in the first place: LIFE" "The Sisters of Solitude... They love and hurt, break and are broken, the sisters of solitude They cannot shake the dust from the ground Cannot rise from the ashes, the sisters of solitude They reach out to embrace the world, good and evil, weak and strong They will settle for nothing less, the sisters of solitude They love that they be loved, give that they be given Hurt that they get hurt, the sisters of solitude Hence, one loses weight by the second Throws up what she can instead of what she cannot Hence, two have tried to hang themselves, too strong to shut life out Yet too weak to live it Hence, the little one dissapears, melts into the walls, stands back Agrees, unsatisfied They all carry the end of the world in their chests Heirs of sadness and irony, of settling for less, of bitter consent Of mothers and mothers of solitude They all carry to break free, the sisters of solitude I fear them all so... I love them all so..." I odmah za njom: Chain Sling "Please let me be yours please never leave Please stay here close to me All love we shared where is it now? Please let me be better than I was Please don't give up on us The thought of leaving you - I don't know how" "I can feel the pain you have inside I see it in your eyes Those eyes that used to shine for me I can feel the wildness in your heart That's tearing us apart My love how can I help if you don't want me?" "There is nothing you can do to help me now I am lost within myself as so many times before There's nothing you can do to ease my pain I am so, so sorry but if you love me you must let go" Two young souls in the dance of a chain sling Love once born from the ink of Solitude Bidding to dance in the swing of a rope end Walking their Remedy Lane trough this interlude of pain Who will be there now? When I lose one true love? (When I lose my love) I am falling now Darkness below and above There is nothing you can do to help me now I am lost within myself as so many times before There's nothing you can do to ease my pain I am so, so sorry but if you love me you must let go Two young souls in the dance of a chain sling Love once born from the ink of Solitude Bidding to dance in the swing of a rope end Walking their Remedy Lane through this interlude of pain Who will be there now When I lose my one true love? (I am falling now) Have I lost Myself? To love someone else... "Please let me be yours please never leave Please stay here close to me All love we shared where is it now? Please let me be better than I was Please don't give up on us The thought of leaving you..." I DO NOT KNOW HOW Aj neću više, zauzeću celu stranu. Sve njihove pesme su mnooogo emocionalne... No dobro, svakoga neka pesma više pogodi od druge, ono što je mani nekome je sranje
  3. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/SystematicChaos/ Ima par stvarčica, ako nemate šta da radite pogledajte...
  4. Ha, ha... Ono što je izjavila o sebi je poprilično smešno, od biografije do volim-ne volim gluposti. No meni to nije mnogo ni bitno, ni o Tarji nisam imala pojma šta voli da jede, pije, čega se plašila, pa ne moram da pamtim ni o ovoj. Bitno je da mi je njen glas u ovoj pesmi sasvim ok, videću kako će mi se sviđati u bržim pesmama. A što se izgleda tiče, teta super izgleda za svoje godine Ako joj je to prava boja očiju onda je stvarno extra ! A to stoji da ovo više nije Nightwish, tj mogu oni da se zovu isto, ali bend se promeni totalno kad ih napusti bubnjar, a ne pevaljka. Još sad growl koji, kako da kažem... ne obožavam baš nešto posebno Videćemo kako će zvučati novi Nightwish.
  5. Nanowar - Power Of The Power Of The Power (Of The Great Sword)
  6. @nJezna blondie Uh kakvi su gotivni! Udomiće njih jako lako! @Master of Disasters Pa onda nešto definitivno nije u redu! Koliko je ona stara uopšte? Uzgajila riba ponovo organe, pa sad ti novi rade 200na sat
  7. Nisam izdržala, naravno. Morala sam da odslušam Pa sviđa mi se! Nisam fan ženskih vokala i retko koji mi se svidi. Eto ona je jedna od retkih Ovo očigledno neće više biti Nightwish koji smo znali i voleli, ali i nadala sam se da nova pevačica neće kopirati Tarju. Jeste balada, pa se ne može da videti u kom će pravcu otići njihova karijera sada, ali eto što se nje tiče meni je ok.
  8. Vision divine - Stream of consciousness
  9. @Dead Man Walking
  10. @EdenEcho Hvala!!! Ti si ovde glavna za ostavljanje valjanih linkova?! Uključila sam da se skida i odoh na spavanjac radim ujutru,slušaću sutra kad dođem sa posla...
  11. Symphony X - Through the looking glass
  12. Haggard - In a pale moon's shadow
  13. Ayreon - Across the rainbow bridge
  14. @Master of Disasters Uh, pa maca je fenomen šta reći. Pa šta kaže veterinar? Mog sivog mačora nema A obožavam te mat sive cicose, predivni su... Gari gde li si sad @Azaralena Ja sam bila mala pa sam mogla samo da plačem, nikako da mu pomognem Pa onda da ih neki idiot osakati u gradu? Neka preskočiću.
  15. VANDEN PLAS Healing Tree Leaves are falling under my wings I hear a young boy cry "Why my father, why my mom How can I say goodbye" It ain't easy to get by again Maybe we are leaving from time to time again Where we go around from here Will we shed another tear Like the seasons we are leaving to return again Where we go around from here Will we shed another tear Like the seasons we are leaving to return again For your mother - for your dad Here is a secret door I'm the tree of magic and consolation For three thousand years or more When my leaves are falling down again You can meet them here from time to time again Where we go around from here Will we shed another tear Like the seasons we are leaving to return again Where we go around from here Will we shed another tear Like the seasons we are leaving to return again It's the end of the seasons, all the people are leaving There's no other way, no other way Where we go around from here Will we shed another tear Like the seasons we are leaving To return again Kontam ja pesmu, kao optimizam, svi mi umiremo da bi se vratili ponovo, kao ima nade, ali me užasno rastuži svaki put kad je slušam. E sad to je više do emocionalnog vokala i odlične muzike no do texta pesme, ali nema veze bitne su emocije koje ona kod mene izaziva... Sad sam je pustila, volim da je slušam dok pada kiša i setih se da je ovde nisam navela
  16. @Master of Disasters Sorry imam dve odrasle i obe su trudne, neću da preterujem Okači slike, onda će ti se neko javiti sigurno, kad vidi kako su cakani
  17. Na mene je isto ostavio utisak slon, kad sam bila tamo kao klinka, udarao je surlom o vrata da ga puste u tu njihovu prostoriju za spavanje, bilo mu je pretoplo valda (bilo je leto 40ak stepeni, a on se valda kod nas navikao na umereniju klimu, pfff jebeni zatvori), a ovi debili nisu hteli naravno da ga puste,jer je bilo naroda koji je hteo da se naslađuje time, i tako je on jadan urlao i lupao A šta će oni jadni u gradu ako ih pustimo?
  18. Dream Theater - Pull me under
  19. Nisam bila u zoo vrtu od svoje 8., možda 9. godine. Ne bih ni primirisala tom zatvoru, a da me neko prisili da odem, verovatno bih se rasplakala kod prvog ''exponata''. Da, da, znam, oni su rođeni u zatočeništvu, ne bi se snašli i da ih neko pusti nazad u prirodu; u prirodi bi ih neko ubio, ovde su bezbedniji; ovde uvek imaju šta da jedu, na slobodi bi možda i gladovali... Znam sve te lame izgovore, ali sam i dalje protiv takvog mučenja. Kad im vidim okice iza tih rešetki... Veliki sam emotivac
  20. At vance - Why do you cry
  21. Evo skinuh albume na vašu preporuku (hvala za ona 2 linka, posle sam našla i taj treći album), i moram reći da sam ovako na prvo slušanje oduševljena! Definitivno bend koji mi ''leži'' Šalu na stranu, stvarno su me oduševili, ostaviću post nakon nekih 20ak slušanja, sad mi se čini da su odlični, čudi me da nisam ranije ovo nabavila...
  22. Faith no more - The morning after
  23. Uh odličan koncert i još bolja pesma! Doduše meni je svaki njihov koncert savršen Btw ima li neko link za skidanje celog koncerta, sramota me da priznam, ali imam samo mp3
  24. To trenutno primenjujem protiv svoje volje
  25. In Flames - Dawn of a new day
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