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Laza je nesto raspolozen da sharuje ovih dana Hvala. E sta bi sa onim coverom Spastic inka, nudio si scan?
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Evo sredjujem malo desktop. Prva verzija: Videcemo koliko cu imati zivaca za kopanje ikonica i sl
Pa da, rekoh ti ja da je zamrlo jos kada si se vratio na net Hvala za linkice i rip pre svega, javljamo utiske
Thursday, September 11, 2008 SCAR SYMMETRY parts ways with vocalist Dear friends. A few months ago we decided to part ways with Christian. The reasons are mainly the clichéd "business and creative differences" and lack of interpersonal chemistry. We came to a point where the band's existence was in jeopardy because of these differences, and the only way for us to continue with an inspired state of mind was to go through with this change in the line-up. This should come as a total surprise to most of you, though you might have wondered why no gigs/tours have been announced since the release of "Holographic Universe". The truth is, we have been offered several tours and one-off shows that everyone in the band wanted to do except for Christian. In a situation like that you get a lot of frustration and it was in everyone's best interest to go separate ways. We started Scar Symmetry just for the fun of it, never with the idea of becoming hugely successful or whatever. Now, three albums into our career, we've toured both Europe and North America, our latest CD made it to Billboard's Top Heatseekers' chart and we've enjoyed success way beyond our expectations. Needless to say, the situation for us as a band has changed since we started playing together in 2004 and the band is bigger than ever. We had the choice to either take a step back with Christian in the band or a step forward without him... We choose to go forward. There comes a time to let go and move on, and that time is now. Scar Symmetry wishes Christian the best of luck with his future endeavors and salutes the good times we had with him in the band. We will announce the identity of Christian's replacement shortly. Comments former singer Christian Älvestam: "Hi all! After discussions between us in the band, I'm sad to say we've decided to part ways! Mainly for reasons of different outlooks on musical production and touring. Of course it's sad to see that Scar Symmetry will not continue in its present form, but unfortunately these things happen. I hope Scar Symmetry will go on being successful, while I myself will for sure keep on singing, playing, writing and performing my own music, in various shapes and forms, for a very long time. My musical journey has just begun! Unfortunate as it is, I'd nevertheless like to thank all the bands I've come to meet and play with during my years in the band; all the organizers we've worked with since the start, Nuclear Blast and all its street-teams for believing and supporting (band-wise and personally); all the magazines, TV- and radio-stations giving us the attention, helping us spreading the name; all the crews that have helped us out during the tours. Last, but not least, I'd like to thank all the fantastic fans I've come to meet and know while being on the road with the band. All you friends out there who have bought our albums and merchandice, supported us live, partied with us back stage, off stage, on stage, under stage, anywhere and everywhere! All you who have stood by our side through thick and thin! You guys make all the difference! Thank you for a wonderful time! This is Christian Älvestam signing off!" Bzvz bas sam gotivila coveka
Hahah, jes vala I meni je bila super kosica, ali nema to mnogo veze, bitno da covek svira odlicno
Power/Prog metal predlozi & noviteti
Tanya replied to WindrideR's topic in Power & progressive metal
Kad otvoris rar pise u njemu .rar pass: bunalti.com tipujem da je to to- 4668 replies
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Pa naravno Jesu torenti ali dl ide na maximum uvek, tako da mi je isto kao da skidam sa rapida, a imaju skoro sve sto mozes da pozelis od dvd-a i flac-a
I meni se nocas skinulo 14gb se bas brzo skinulo Jos samo da stignem ovih dana da odgledam
Evo ima i ovde: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=42153603
Hvala za link, prelep album zaista.
? Ako mislis na to sto pise na sajtu, pricamo o tome ovde vec par, dana, tj oni pisu ja citam, posto me mrzi da pisem Udji u news pa ces videti objasnjenje
Nisam nikad imala perut, ali prijatelji hvale: Uvek koristim kombinaciju par sampona, i sada sam koristila njihov sampon za regeneraciju kose iako nemam perut u fazonu ne moze da skodi, i zadovoljna sam poprilicno Imaju dosta vrsta, tako da uz otklanjanje peruti mozes da zbrines i regeneraciju, opadanje, tretiranu kosu i sl... Sad iskustva su razlicita, ali znam ljude kojima odgovara i Garnier protiv peruti (moj dragi pitacu ga dal smem da okacim ovde sliku njegove divne kose), onda Head & shoulders opet hvale, meni npr ni jedan ni drugi nikad nisu odgovarali, ali svi imamo drugaciju kozu glave i drugaciju kosu, ne mozes znati dok ne isprobas. Btw postoje i te ampule protiv peruti kao sto pise na toj slicici, dosta ljudi je iskorenilo taj problem sa njima Te ampule su jako jeftine tipa 50din komad, tako da su ljudi uglavnom skepticni, ali deluju skroz ok
Ne treba tebi nista za volumen, vec nesto protiv opadanja i za regeneraciju i rast kose. Kada mi je opadanje bilo kriticno pocela sam da koristim stanciceve ampule protiv opadanja, posle mesec dana je skoro skroz prestala da mi opada kosa. Moracu da ponovim tretman uskoro, napravila sam poduzu pauzu A i ishrana mnogo znaci, povecaj unos vitamina B i videces kako se pojavljuje masa one mlade kose, izdanci na sve strane
Naplati onoliko koliko sam ja tebi
Ahahha, kad pomislim da mi je Zander nekad bio simpatican :) A pogledaj Henrikov izraz lica
Ja skinula sa ovog torenta http://torrents.ru/forum/download.php?id=895389 Dvd5 je u pitanju. Moras da budes clan da bi skidao. Ako si iz Bg obrati se i ti Black Desire da ti sreze, ja sam danas poslala dvd znaci stize mu sutra ili prekosutra
Hehe, nisam mislila na tebe, jos jedan lik se javio... Narezacu njemu, pa neka on reze tebi i tom trecem. Budzet mi je neverovatno ogranicen sada, inace bih slala svakome posebno. Hvala na razumevanju
E ajd posto se vas dvojica javilo iz Bg posaljem ja jednom, pa nek on reze drugom, cisto da ne placam dva puta postarinu kad vi mozete svakog dana da se vidjate, ok?
Pa posalji adresu, nisam jos uvek toliko razvila telepatiju da mogu sa bilo kim da razmenim informacije tim putem
Napokon Sigurna sam da ce biti jako malo ljudi kolika god da bude cena karte. Ali valjda cete se nekako pokriti Vidimo se ljudi, samo da smislim gde da se zaduzim za ovo cudo
Uh Aj me castis original ondak?