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Everything posted by DevouredSoul

  1. Perverznjaku...
  2. Kad otvorish temu deftoner onda cju prichati o tebi
  3. Cuz this is my United States of whatever.. tananananannana
  4. Mislim da si me pomeshao sa nekim, ja sam smrtno zaljubljena u jednu osobu i ne przhim se ni na kakve gitariste & stuff...
  5. Zar na svakoj temi...
  6. Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother...
  7. Life's a bitch... jebi ga.
  8. Srecja? Don't think so...
  9. Moj? Shta moj? Ne znam ja o chemu ti prichash... Mi se zapravo znamo?
  10. Bother Wish I was too dead to cry My self-affliction fades Stones to throw at my creator Masochists to which I cater You don't need to bother; I don't need to be I'll keep slipping farther But once I hold on, I won't let go 'til it bleeds Wish I was too dead to care If indeed I cared at all Never had a voice to protest So you fed me shit to digest I wish I had a reason; my flaws are open season For this, I gave up trying One good turn deserves my dying You don't need to bother; I don't need to be I'll keep slipping farther But once I hold on, I won't let go 'til it bleeds Najlepsha pesma NA SVETU
  11. Ne?
  12. O ovome necju ni da pricham.... Staind... moja ljubav
  13. Da sam na tvom mestu sad bih povukla ovu rechenicu da se jedna kakva god riba ne bi naljutila na tebe. I da... da sam na tvom mestu poslushala bih savet.
  14. Pochinjesh da me plashish....
  15. Znam, ali mislila sam da nije neka velika razlika. Evropa and stuff
  16. Chisto da ova tema bude na prvoj strani
  17. Ne, ajde da se vratimo na temu.... Svi polako ukljuchite "Bother" i slushajte najlepshu pesmu ever
  18. Nash zabavni Joey :drool:
  19. Hmm... ne? Zaludjuj koliko hocjesh, nemam ja nishta s njim.
  20. Jao, kako si ti romantichan... To Joey: Nema on tu dozu Joey-evsku
  21. Fight, fight, fiiiight!
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