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Everything posted by Shebalj

  1. ATTENTION MANIAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As we announced at the very end of last year, we are taking no holidays!!!!!!!!! Orthodox kristmas eve brings us to the next chapter in desecrating the newborn!!!!!!!! SATANIC FOREST / KOLAC / 1389 / ERIS - Split tape!!!!!!!!!!! OUT NOW ON GRIM REAPER RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIMITED EDITION, SO ORDER FAST: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grim-Reaper-Records/464975653514839
  2. Serbian Hellbangers ponosno predstavlja: TURBOCHARGED + KOLAC Live – 17.02. 2014. Gun klub, Beograd – 21h U februaru nam stižu TURBOCHARGED predvođeni kultnim Ronnie Ripper-om koga fanovi ekstremnog zvuka dobro poznaju po njegovim radovima u legendarnim bendovima Gehennah i Vomitory. Bend kombinuje prepoznatljiv zvuk stare Švedske škole death metala sa prljavim Thrash pa čak i Rock elementima. Ronnie Ripper važi za jednog od najcenjenijih underground posvećenika Švedske scene i ovoga puta fanovima u Beogradu donosi svoj oldschool šmek u želji da ga podeli sa , kako kaže, svima koji su gladni i žedni sirovog metal zvuka bez kompromisa i bez foliranja! Kao specijalni gosti koncerta nastupiće sve aktivniji domaći Black Metal bend KOLAC! -> Ceo događaj će biti zvaničan warm-up party za koncert Hatebreed/Napalm Death! -> Ulaznice SAMO na dan koncerta po ceni od 500din ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TURBOCHARGED: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Turbocharged/76137909752 https://myspace.com/turbocharged4life Zvaničan video sa najnovijeg albuma: KOLAC: https://www.facebook.com/kolachorde http://www.myspace.com/kolac666 http://www.kolac.tk/
  3. IT'S OUT MANIAKS!!! Order the CDr version of our debut album "Bastard Son is Dead" right now through: www.facebook.com/kolachorde or at our e-mail: [email protected] 5€ or 500 RSD + post TRADES ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!! Distros contact us if you want to distribute our stuff! We will surely make some sort of a deal!!!
  4. Novi live video je okacen!!! Snimljeno uzivo 20. 07. 2013 u Blue Moon Music Pub-u NIGHT OF THE BLACK ALLIANCE
  5. Hvala na podrsci!!!
  6. New release on NIGRA MORS productions!!!! Split 7" between XERION from Galizia and KOLAC from Serbia!!! Limited to 210 copies with brilliant artwork by Igor Mugerza. Available from June 20th. 6 Euros + postage!!!
  7. Bedzevi stigli!!!
  8. Ajmo braco, glasajte za KOLAC da idemo na leto u Sloveniju da sviramo na Metaldays Festivalu http://www.facebook.com/MetalDaysFestival?sk=app_208059192673698&app_data
  9. Gomila novih vesti iz Kolac tabora. Promenjena postava opet, par izdanja u najavi, i jos ponesto. Vise informacija na www.kolac.tk
  10. http://nocturnemagazine.net/vest/2216/kolac-uskoro-izdaje-split-sa-spanskim-xerion
  11. www.kolac.tk
  12. http://www.kolac.tk/
  13. http://www.facebook.com/events/203819363077246/
  14. Novi koncert benda KOLAC: 20. 07. 2012. 22:00h Klub Fest, Zemun, Gradski Park 2 KOLAC SAKRAMENTUM - Melodic Deatrh/Black Metal - Beograd HERUVIM - Melodic Death Metal - Novi Sad Ulaz: 200 RSD VIDIMO SE TAMO!!! \m/
  15. Novi promo od Kolca, 3 nove pesme + pet starih prvi put na CD-u. Samo za izdavace i fanzine. http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Kolac/Promo_2012/343557
  16. VECERAS!!!!!!!! Klub Kuglaš, Djušina 5, Beograd Sreda, 14.03.2012. Početak u 21h Upad 200 RSD Sviraju: Bane(Novi Sad) http://www.facebook.com/baneband Putrid Blood(Šid) http://www.facebook.com/putridblood Kolac(Beograd) http://www.facebook....AC/131016961422 Melting Point(Beograd) http://www.facebook....129996287054890
  17. pa prebacite i Kolac, album je izasao pre vise od godinu dana, a i drugi je vec spreman
  18. HELL-o maniaks!!! Brand new tape from KOLAC hell is out now!!! Complete demo sessions gathered on one tape, brought to the darkness by Moon Records!!! 19 songs, over 72 minutes of Raw Black Metal punishment for the religious sheep!!! Trades are most welcome!!! Contact: http://www.moonrecords.glt.pl/ http://www.myspace.com/559118733 http://www.myspace.com/kolac666 Still available KOLAC merch: CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal, second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) Tape: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious Black Metal!!! Debut full-length!!!) KOLAC (SRB) - 5 Years Of Blood & Blasphemy (Complete demo sessions on one tape!!! Raw Black Metal!!!) KOLAC / MRZNJA / STONECRYPT (SRB) / (SRB) / (SRB) - Sacrifice To The Bloody Cult (Three-way Serbian Black Metal assault!!!) Patch: old logo Upcoming gig: March 14th, Kuglas club, Belgrade w/ Bane, Putrid Blood, Melting Point
  19. A sada i kompilaciju svih demo snimaka, opet na kaseti. Jos izdanja uskoro
  20. http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Kolac/5_Years_Of_Blood_&_Blasphemy/330326
  21. INTERVJU: http://thelegionoftchortzine.blogspot.com/2012/01/kolac-serbia.html
  22. HELL-o maniax!!! It's been awhile!!! Anyhow here's a grand update on my distro, and some news about KOLAC recent activities. The most important is the inauguration of the second guitar player in KOLAC!!! We have welcomed Hunter (who you should already know from Stonecrypt, Zloslut, and Silent Scream Records) in our ranks!!! We have started rehearsing for the second full-length strike, so the recording should begin by the end of the year!!! The compilation tape containing all our previous demos that i already mentioned in previous newsletters had been moved to December this year!!! Last chance to obtain some of early KOLAC works!!! It will be out on MOON RECORDS as it was planned so be prepared!!! The split CD-R that is supposed to be released on GOREMENTED DISTRO from Turkey is somewhat late, but it will come out soon!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As for the SOME KIND OF DISTRO, i promised a chunky update before. There were many trades as always. Here are some maniax i represented before. I made a deal again with Milan of GROM RECORDS, and got his new releases INFEST, MEPHORASH, and split CD ARS MACABRA / COSMIC EKPYROSIS on my roster, and THE STONE picture LP. Not to forget the mighty MAY RESULT tapes!!! I traded again with Unholy Carnager of mighty ANGELGOAT and got some Brazilian maniacal demos for my distro. One of the most active traders Giancarlo of Bylec-Tum Records has been active and his tape releases are again available on my distro, Valarh of ISKON is still active and this time he got me some Mexican bangers on tapes. Hunter of KOLAC, STONECRYPT, SILENT SCREAM RECORDS has traded with me for the tapes of his new endevour ZLOSLUT!!! Dejan Ilic Ilke of ILKE MANAGEMENT traded with me again, and i got an ancient Awaken compilation tape and Brazilian ERIS MAESTUS!!! Some more stuff too, but it's already gone so no need to mention it. Dare of TERROR BLAST PRODUCTION, and VAMPIR zine has traded with me again, and now i have new issue of mighty VAMPIR zine on my distro and also some of his label releases!!! Mateusz of mighty FORGOTTEN CHAPEL zine has traded with me too!!! It was a great honor for me personally to trade with this maniak and i recommend you do it too!!! Here's a complete update: CD: KUGA (SRB) - Najcrnje Noci (After years of waiting, debut album is here!!! Thrash/Speed Metal maniacs play for Thrash/Speed Metal maniacs!!! MUST HAVE!!!) MEPHORASH (SWE) - Death Awakens (Debut album!!! Black Metal with Death touches in the best Swedish tradition!!!) ARS MACABRA / COSMIC EKPYROSIS (ITA / GRE) - Nil Sine Deo (Black fucking Metal!!! No other words needed!!!) INFEST (SRB) - Everlasting Genocide (Third strike of Serbian Death/Thrash Metal commando!!! Featuring guest appearances from members of Bane, Disdained, Keep Of Kalessin!!!) CD-R: BLASPHEMOUS SEXFAGO (BRA) - Necrosadokultart (Perverted Satanic Black Fucking Metal!!!) INFEST (SRB) - Anger Will Remain (Debut album of Serbain Death/Thrash Metal maniaks!!!) JANE DARK (SRB) - Voices From The Deep (Death Metal, no more, no less!!! KILLER!!!) ERIS MAESTUS (BRA) - Rooted In Agony (Black Metal from the guts of South America!!! Compilation of demo recordings!) TAPE: DEMONIC FOREST (MEX) - Demo '08 (Grim and hatefueled Black Metal!!!) UNENDING HATRED (MEX) - Demo rehearsal (Depressive Black Metal!!! Limited edition with transparent cover!!!) KRYPTHALL (MEX) - Pestis Umbra (Misanthropic Black Metal!!! Demo 2011) KRYPTHALL (MEX) - Primitive And Macebre Black Metal (Title says it all!!! Compilation of demo and rehearsal recordings!!!) ZLOSLUT (SRB) - Abyss Of Eternal Deception (True Black Metal for True Black Metal maniacs!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Death Grows Into Sperm (Latest strike of these Italian maniacs, tape version!!!) MAY RESULT (SRB) - Svetogrdje / Blasphemy (Masterpriece of Slavonic Pagan Black Metal!!!) BELLHHARAR (BRA) - Abside Do Sacrilegio (Satanic Black Metal from South American Underground!!!) MANIAC GOAT (BRA) - All The Command The Black Goat (One-man Satanic Black Metal!!!) TENEBROUS INFERNAL ABYSS (BRA) - Puro Odio De Satanas No Tenebroso Abismo Infernal (Infernal, hatefull, raw Black Metal!!!) KAZIKLU BEY (BRA) - Black War Metal (Title says it all!!! 666% Underground!!!) PAGANFIRE / MODER (PHI) / (GER) - Paganfire / Moder (Kult Philipino maniaks and disbanded German monsters!!! UNDERGROUND 666%!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - Awaken Compilation Vol. 2 (old compilation tape! Horna, Amon Din, Pathology Stench, Amon Din, Lunatic Gods, Stone To Flesh, and many more!!!) VINYL: THE STONE (SRB) - Neke Rane Krvare Vecno (KULT first album on KULT gatefold picture vinyl!!! MUST HAVE!!!) ZINES: FORGOTTEN CHAPEL #8 (A4, too many pages to count them, English written, interviews: Destruktor, Nocturnal Vomit, Dark Celebration, Bestial Invasion Records, and many, many more + tons of reviews, columns!!! Underground press for most devoted Underground maniakks!!!!!!!) VAMPIR #16 (A5, 68 pages, English written, interviews: Putrid, Mantak, Bilocate, Nadimac, Jane Dark, Warnament, … + tons of reviews!!! A FUCKING MUST!!!) And of course as always, my full distro list as it is right now: CD: INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (2nd full length of pure old school Death/Thrash Metal. DON'T MISS THIS!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten (Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...) AVENGER (CZE) - Feast Of Anger - Joy Of Despair (Death/Black Metal legends, brand new strike!!!) REX SATANACHIA (DNK) - First Legion Of Hell (Debut EP of pure Black Metal attack from the frostbitten north) NADIMAC / NIHILIST (SRB) / (MKD) - Metal Je Rat / After A Decade In Hate (Alive) (Speed/Thrash Metal from Serbia versus Hatecore/Thrash from Macedonia! Enhanced CD containing videos from both bands!!!) THE DAMNATION (GER) - Evilution (Brutal Death/Thrash Metal attack!!!) THE THORN (POL) - Hermitage Of Non-Divine (Melodic Death Metal) DIMENTIANON (USA) - Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence Of Demon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal in the vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice cold Black Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, Vulture Industries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik, Panychida, Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Bane continues where Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! MUST HAVE!!!) EDAIN (CZE) - Through Thought and Time (Progressive Death Metal with Absurd Confilct members!!! AMAZING!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Death Grows Into Sperm (Hate filled Black Metal in the vein of old masters!!!) GERIHT (RUS) - Ruins Of Humanity (Depressive Black Metal with Ambient influences!!!) GRIMLAIR (FRA) - Self - Inflicted State (Suicidal Black Metal) HATESTORM (RUS) - Cursed Rituals (Satanic Black Metal!!!) ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (BLR) - Dysphory pt. 1 (Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal) WURM (CAN) - Insomnies (Atmospheric Depressive Black Metal!!!) ENJOY SARMA (SRB) - No Fake Smiles (Thrash Metal for the fans of Pantera!!!) DRACONIC (SRB) - Conflux (Sympho Black Metal with Industrrial influences!!!) KUGA (SRB) - Najcrnje Noci (After years of waiting, debut album is here!!! Thrash/Speed Metal maniacs play for Thrash/Speed Metal maniacs!!! MUST HAVE!!!) MEPHORASH (SWE) - Death Awakens (Debut album!!! Black Metal with Death touches in the best Swedish tradition!!!) ARS MACABRA / COSMIC EKPYROSIS (ITA / GRE) - Nil Sine Deo (Black fucking Metal!!! No other words needed!!!) INFEST (SRB) - Everlasting Genocide (Third strike of Serbian Death/Thrash Metal commando!!! Featuring guest appearances from members of Bane, Disdained, Keep Of Kalessin!!!) CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal, second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) EXECRARIS (MEX) - Two (Satanic Black Metal commando!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Shadows Of Possession (Satanic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Aeoenic Destruction (Satanic Black Metal!!! Final attack!!!) SPELLCRAFT (SPA) - Infernal Demos Revelation (Satanic Black Metal!!! Compilation of demo recordings!!!) ABRAHEL (SPA) - Wrathman Of warfare (Demonic Black Metal attack!!!) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #1 (Sarkus, Nazgul, Crucifier, Sargatanas, Wolfenhords, Almighty Sathanas, ...) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #2 (Spellcraft, Nuklear Antikrist, Mysticism, Land Of Hate, Misa Negra and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #3 (Abrahel, Leviathan, Incinerador, Mordor, Temple Abattoir, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #4 (Veldraveth, Headhunter D.C., Requiem Laus, Demonic Halocaust, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #5 (A Transylvanian Funeral, The True Endless, Sacrilegio, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #6 (Satanel, Astarium, Desolation, Deviator, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #7 (Frozenpath, Crux Cullum, Tzelmoth, Unsilent, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #8 (Legions Of War, Amortys, Hatestorm, Black Angel, Nyarlathotep, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #9 (Barrabas, Frostbitten Kingdoms, Hexentomb, Black Forest, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #10 (Elderhead, Verdelt, Warcrown, Sombras Nefastas, Illness, and many more) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Demo (Raw Black Metal!!!) THE OBSCENE (ENG) - The Torment Of Sinners (Hate-filled and violent Death Metal!!! Pro-done CD-R!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - The Huge Circle Of Time (Dark Gothic Metal with ambient touches from Montevideo!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - Melodies In Grey Scale (Dark Gothic Metal from SOuth America!!! Debut full-length!!! AMAZING!!!) VINTAGE FLESH (USA) - The Eyes That Glared At My Agonies (Weird mix of Black and Doom Metal! Interesting!) VINTAGE FLESH / RAVENFROST (USA) / (GER) - Split (Two Doom/Black Metal hordes!!!) NOST (RUS) - From The Ashes Chasm (Melodic and Melancholic Black Metal, pro CD-R) ROTTING OF SOUL VOL. 1 (Inferius Torment, Ordo Templi Orientis, Horrorthrone, and many more!!! Pro CD-R) THANATHRON (POL) - 2003 - 2008 V Years Of Blasphemy (collection of rare tunes of these Black Metal maniaks!!!) AMON DIN (SRB) - Dinamonized (Melodic Death Metal!!!) ENJOY SARMA (SRB) - Reborn Power (Pantera fans want this!!! Debut album!!!) DARK CARNIVAL (SRB) - Dark Carnival (Dark Ambient!!! Debut album) ACROHOLIA (SRB) - Ecocide (Legendary Grind Core machine!!! MUST HAVE!!!) BLASPHEMOUS SEXFAGO (BRA) - Necrosadokultart (Perverted Satanic Black Fucking Metal!!!) INFEST (SRB) - Anger Will Remain (Debut album of Serbain Death/Thrash Metal maniaks!!!) JANE DARK (SRB) - Voices From The Deep (Death Metal, no more, no less!!! KILLER!!!) ERIS MAESTUS (BRA) - Rooted In Agony (Black Metal from the guts of South America!!! Compilation of demo recordings!) TAPES: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious Black Metal!!! Debut full-length!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - TH: Horde (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!!) IMPERIAL (FRA) - Aggressors... Not Followers (Thrash Metal the old (the only) way) ASTROFAES (UKR) - The Attraction: Heaven And Earth (Heathen Black Metal, second demo) HATE (POL) - Abhorrence (First Demo of Polish Death Kult) AVENGER (CZE) - Fall Of Devotion - Wrath And Blasphemy (Great Black/Death Metal) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Das Aas Aller Dinge (Kult Black Metal from member of Krieg, Nargaroth, ...) ETERNAL PAIN (GER) - In Pain We Trust... Relicts For Revenge (Old School German Styled Thrash Metal) 9th PLAGUE / MUTILATION (SWE)/(SRB) - United In Real Brutality (Old School Brutal Death Metal) THE KRUSHERS (ITA) - Megaloi Throi (Death/Thrash Metal) ASTROFAES (UKR) - Dying Emotions Domain (First full album. Pagan Black Metal) NHAAVAH (CZE) - Kings Of Czech Black Metal (Title says it all!!! Satanic Black Metal with members of almighty Maniac Butcher) ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (BRA) - At Battlefields Of The Abyssal Realm (Satanic Black Metal) NIHIL DOMINATION (ECU) - Jehovah's Desecration (Satanic Black/Death Metal from the abyss of South American Underground) WORVHALLAG (POL) - Worvhallag (Satanic Black Metal!!!) KATHARSIS 666 (POL) - Total Beast (Satanic Black Metal!!! Latest demo recording) THANATHRON (POL) - Hiarra (Re-release of the first two recordings!!! BLACK FUCKING METAL!!!) THANATHRON / BELETH (POL)/(POL) - Voice Of Inferno (Polish Black Metal at its best!!! Recommended!!!) MERCILESS WARFARE (SPA) - Satanic Liturgies Of Destruction (Blasphemous Death/Black Metal) MISANTHROPIC ART (RUS) - Possessed By Bestiality (Depressive Black Metal) BESTIAL (RUS) - Satanic Metal (Anti-Christian Black Metal) MOLOCH LETALIS (POL) - Arkana Chaosu (Antichristian Hateful Black/Death Metal!!! Compilation of early releases!!!) DEEP VEIN / BLOODY SIGN / OPPRESSION (FRA) / (FRA) / (SWE) - Split Tape (KVLT AS FUCK!!! Old styled Death and Thrash Metal!!!) BELETH / SHINING ABYSS (POL) / (POL) - Sacrifice For Black Metal (666% Black fucking Metal!!!) WICHER / FENRIZ (POL) / (POL) - The Severe Winter wind (Cold Raw Black Metal!!! VERY RARE!!!) KOLAC / MRZNJA / STONECRYPT (SRB) / (SRB) / (SRB) - Sacrifice To The Bloody Cult (Three-way Serbian Black Metal assault!!!) AMON DIN (SRB) - Dinamoneyezed (Melodic Death Metal!!!) ANGELGOAT (SRB) - Angelgoat (Raw Black Metal!!! Debut demo re-release including rare live tracks!!!) PSYCHOPARADOX (SRB) - Apeiron (The best Melodic Death Metal album from Serbia!!!) ROSSOMAHAAR (RUS) - Grotesque (Tolkien inspired Symphonic Black Metal!!! Debut demo!!!) DEAD JOKER (SRB) - Venture (History of Serbian Death Metal, lesson 1!!!) MORTUUS (SRB) - Words Of Warning + Mind Obliteration (Serbian Grind Core history!!!) APOLION (ITA) - The Mute God Of Deaf Men (Raw, cold, fast, blasphemous, … Do you anything more of a Black Metal band?) LUCTUS (LIT) - Warlike Hate And Grief (Warlike Black Metal!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) TOD (ITA) - Black Metal Manifesto (Black Metal as it should be!!!) NOMAD (POL) - The Independence Of Observation Choice (Luce Clarius) (Anti-Christian Death Metal!!!) THE STONE (SRB) - Magla / The Fog (Masterpiece of Serbian Black Art!!! A FUCKING MUST!!!) INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (Old School Death/Thrash Metal!!! Second album!!!) RIOTOR (CAN) - Fucking Metal (Speed/Thrash Metal in the vein of old masters!!! Two demos on one tape!!!) BLOODY SIGN (FRA) - Explosion Of Elements (Real Underground warriors should know this band by now!!!) INFERNAL DOMINION (USA) - Salvation Through Infinite Suffering (Stanic Death strike!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Hungry Of Souls (Second album!!! Black Metal machinery!!!) TRIUMPHUS MORTIS (ITA) - Crepuscolo Spirituale (Misanthropic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC FOREST (MEX) - Demo '08 (Grim and hatefueled Black Metal!!!) UNENDING HATRED (MEX) - Demo rehearsal (Depressive Black Metal!!! Limited edition with transparent cover!!!) KRYPTHALL (MEX) - Pestis Umbra (Misanthropic Black Metal!!! Demo 2011) KRYPTHALL (MEX) - Primitive And Macebre Black Metal (Title says it all!!! Compilation of demo and rehearsal recordings!!!) ZLOSLUT (SRB) - Abyss Of Eternal Deception (True Black Metal for True Black Metal maniacs!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Death Grows Into Sperm (Latest strike of these Italian maniacs, tape version!!!) MAY RESULT (SRB) - Svetogrdje / Blasphemy (Masterpriece of Slavonic Pagan Black Metal!!!) BELLHHARAR (BRA) - Abside Do Sacrilegio (Satanic Black Metal from South American Underground!!!) MANIAC GOAT (BRA) - All The Command The Black Goat (One-man Satanic Black Metal!!!) TENEBROUS INFERNAL ABYSS (BRA) - Puro Odio De Satanas No Tenebroso Abismo Infernal (Infernal, hatefull, raw Black Metal!!!) KAZIKLU BEY (BRA) - Black War Metal (Title says it all!!! 666% Underground!!!) PAGANFIRE / MODER (PHI) / (GER) - Paganfire / Moder (Kult Philipino maniaks and disbanded German monsters!!! UNDERGROUND 666%!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - Awaken Compilation Vol. 2 (old compilation tape! Horna, Amon Din, Pathology Stench, Amon Din, Lunatic Gods, Stone To Flesh, and many more!!!) VINYL: WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten (Exclusive limited gatefold 2LP grey vinyl version with bonus songs, poster, patch, sticker!!! YOU MUST HAVE THIS!!!!) THE STONE (SRB) - Neke Rane Krvare Vecno (KULT first album on KULT gatefold picture vinyl!!! MUST HAVE!!!) ZINES: AKREP #2 (A5, 52 pages, Serbian written, interviews: Bane, Bombarder, Rain Delay, Kolac, ...) FORGOTTEN CHAPEL #8 (A4, too many pages to count them, English written, interviews: Destruktor, Nocturnal Vomit, Dark Celebration, Bestial Invasion Records, and many, many more + tons of reviews, columns!!! Underground press for most devoted Underground maniakks!!!!!!!) VAMPIR #16 (A5, 68 pages, English written, interviews: Putrid, Mantak, Bilocate, Nadimac, Jane Dark, Warnament, … + tons of reviews!!! A FUCKING MUST!!!) PATCHES: ABSURD CONFLICT KOLAC SILENT KINGDOM BEASTCRAFT UNITED SLAVIC SWORDS BADGES: EDAIN SILENT KINGDOM
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