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Everything posted by Shebalj

  1. SUTRA KIDANJE U CIKLONU!!! DECAPITATED + BANE + KOLAC!!! a danas 3 godine od prvog demo izdanja benda KOLAC!!! Hvala svima na podrsci!!!
  2. SUTRAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Novi album nabavljen!!! KIDAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hell-o again maniaks!!! It’s been a while, but here’s a giant update!!! First of all the news with KOLAC horde!!! KOLAC is confirmed to participate on the “Carnage Into TheCatacombs” compilation tape to be released under the banner of SILENT SCREAMRECORDS (www.silentscreamrecords.webs.com) in early September! The trackfeatured will be “Raskrsten”, and it will open the compilation. Among othernames are GROMKULT, EDAIN, STONECRYPT, MRZNJA, INFERNAL RITES, and many more!!! KOLAC has also confirmed another release in September. Ourdear friend Grubisz of Polish MOON RECORDS (www.moonrecords.glt.pl) is going torelease a compilation tape with all the previous KOLAC demos on one tape!!!Last chance to get some old, forgotten material from the crypts!!! More info onthe release is coming soon!!! KOLAC has been confirmed as a support act for the Polishlegends DECAPITATED alongside our friends BANE!!! The show will be held atCiklon club in Belgradeon 12th September!!! SUPPORT THIS EVENT!!! Another show is confirmed for 30th September in Novi Sad alongside BANE,EUFOBIA, and some others!!! More info on that is coming soon!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As for the updates on SOME KIND OF DISTRO, there are quite alot, so I’m starting right now. I had a great trade again with SILENT SCREAM RECORDS, and I’vegot their newest release for my distro!!! It’s the debut demo of SerbianBlack/Thrash Metal horde KARIJES (http://www.myspace.com/karijesso).I’ve got it on tape and CD-R so take your pick, and enjoy a great piece ofblasphemy with a bonus DESTRUCTION cover. Now a treat for you all!!! From my good friend Milan of GROMRECORDS (www.gromrecords.net) I got agreat collectors item for you all!!! It’s a double gatefold grey vinyl ofWINTERBLUT (www.winterblut.de) andtheir “Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten” album including a poster,sticker, and a patch!!! DON’T MISS THE CHANCE TO GET THIS ITEM!!! I’ve had another excellent trade with MOON RECORDS from Poland and thistime I’ve got for my distro pro CD-R’s of DEADTHORN (www.myspace.com/deadthorn) andTHANATHRON (thanathron.boo.pl). Both are great releases and come highlyrecommended!!! One of my most active traders recently has again been active!!!It’s Giancarlo of BYLEC TUM PRODUCTIONS and I’ve got another two tape releasesfrom his roster. It’s the second strike of Italian Black Metal beasts APOLION,and TRIUMPHUS MORTIS!!! SUPPORT THIS MANIAK!!! I know I will!!! Now I would like to mention some more Serbian traders!!! I’ve had a trade with Branislav of Serbian Death/Black Metalhorde BANE and I’ve got a pro tape version of the debut album “Chaos, Darkness& Emptiness” with a B side bonus comprising of “Misanthropia” EP!!! GETTHIS IF YOU HAVEN’T YET!!! You should already know about the next maniak I will betalking about!!! It’s Valarh of Serbian Black Metal band ISKON (www.iskon-underground.in.rs)and BLACKNESS PRODUCTION (blackness-production.cjb.net)!!! I’ve gotten a refillof all three ISKON releases (unfortunately it’s already gone from my distro,but feel free to contact this maniak, and get it from him directly). The otherstuff I’ve gotten from him are the tape releases from TERROR BLAST (www.terrorblast.tk). Among others I’vegot THE STONE, INFEST, INFERNAL DOMINION, … And the last but not the least I had a great trade withBranimir Lokner, one of the greatest enthusiasts and collectors in this part ofthe world!!! And I’ve gotten some releases from his old labels, and some othergems of ex-YU Metal scene!!! Here’s the entire update, and below you have a full list ofreleases available on my distro: CD: USUD (CRO) - Creator's Sorcery (Dark Death Metal!!!) KRV (BIH) - Ukleta Zemljo (Cold Black Metal masterpiece!!!) ENJOY SARMA (SRB) - No Fake Smiles (Thrash Metal for thefans of Pantera!!!) DRACONIC (SRB) - Conflux (Sympho Black Metal withIndustrrial influences!!!) CD-R: KARIJES (SRB) - Deathstrike (Debut demo of Thrash/SpeedManiaks!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - 2003 - 2008 V Years Of Blasphemy(collection of rare tunes of these Black Metal maniaks!!!) DEADTHORN (POL) - Daleko Od Boga... (Satanic Death/BlackMetal!!!) MELKOR (CRO) - Monuments Of Grief - Anthems For Armageddon(Necro Black Metal assault!!!) RAIN DELAY (SRB) - As I Bequeth My Yesterday (Avangarde DoomMetal, debut album!!!) AMON DIN (SRB) - Dinamonized (Melodic Death Metal!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - Sons Of Eastern Darkness (The compilationof very best Serbian Black Metal bands!!!) BETHOR (SRB) - Potonja (Cold, harsh, violent, Satanic BlackMetal!!!) BETHOR (SRB) - The Return Of Darkness And Evil - A TributeTo Bathory (Title says it all!!! Son of Serbian hell pays tribute to thelegend!!!) KRV (BIH) - Silna Volja Srebra (Cold Anti-christian BlackMetal in the vein of old masters!!!) ENJOY SARMA (SRB) - Reborn Power (Pantera fans want this!!!Debut album!!!) DARK CARNIVAL (SRB) - Dark Carnival (Dark Ambient!!! Debutalbum) DARK CARNIVAL (SRB) - The Abyss (Dark Ambient!!! Secondalbum) DARK CARNIVAL (SRB) - Twilight (Dark Ambient!!! Third album) ACROHOLIA (SRB) - Ecocide (Legends of European Grind Core!!!MUST HAVE!!!) COBI'S DEATH vs. WRUM vs. M. A. D. (SRB) / (SRB) / (SRB) - Split (History of SerbianMetal!!! Death, Thrash, Grind, ... Three tapes on one CD!!!) THE BLOODY EARTH (SRB) - Requiem Of Weeping Souls(Death/Doom Metal with bonus Celtic Frost cover) BOMBARDER (BIH/SRB) - Ledena Krv (5th strike of the bestThrash/Speed Metal horde in ex-Yugoslavia!!! A FUCKING MUST!!!) TAPES: KARIJES (SRB) - Deathstrike (Debut demo of Thrash/SpeedManiaks!!!) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Pro-Tape withbonus B-Side containing debut EP!!! A MUST!!!) NOMAD (POL) - The IndependenceOf Observation Choice (Luce Clarius) (Anti-Christian Death Metal!!!) THE STONE (SRB) - Magla / The Fog (Masterpiece of SerbianBlack Art!!! A FUCKING MUST!!!) INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (Old School Death/ThrashMetal!!! Second album!!!) RIOTOR (CAN) - Fucking Metal (Speed/Thrash Metal in the veinof old masters!!! Two demos on one tape!!!) BLOODY SIGN (FRA) - Explosion Of Elements (Real Undergroundwarriors should know this band by now!!!) INFERNAL DOMINION (USA) - Salvation Through InfiniteSuffering (Stanic Death strike!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Hungry Of Souls (Second album!!! Black Metalmachinery!!!) TRIUMPHUS MORTIS (ITA) - Crepuscolo Spirituale (MisanthropicBlack Metal!!!) VINYL: WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten(Exclusive limited gatefold 2LP grey vinyl version with bonus songs, poster,patch, sticker!!! YOU MUST HAVE THIS!!!!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOME KIND OF DISTRO full list: CD: INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (2nd full length of pureold school Death/Thrash Metal. DON'T MISS THIS!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten(Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...) AVENGER (CZE) - Feast Of Anger - Joy Of Despair (Death/BlackMetal legends, brand new strike!!!) REX SATANACHIA (DNK) - First Legion Of Hell (Debut EP ofpure Black Metal attack from the frostbitten north) BEASTCRAFT (NOR) - Dawn Of The Serpent (Norwegian BlackMetal the way it is supposed to be!!!) NADIMAC / NIHILIST (SRB) / (MKD) - Metal Je Rat / After ADecade In Hate (Alive) (Speed/Thrash Metal from Serbiaversus Hatecore/Thrash from Macedonia!Enhanced CD containing videos from both bands!!!) THE DAMNATION (GER) - Evilution (Brutal Death/Thrash Metalattack!!!) THE THORN (POL) - Hermitage Of Non-Divine (Melodic Death Metal) THANATHRON (POL) - Thanathron (Hateful Satanic BlackMetal!!! AWESOME!!!!) SECTIONED (USA)- Purulent Reality (Death Metal the old (only) way!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) DIMENTIANON (USA)- Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence OfDemon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal inthe vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice coldBlack Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece ofUnderground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, VultureIndustries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece of UndergroundMetal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik, Panychida,Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Bane continueswhere Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! MUST HAVE!!!) EDAIN (CZE) - Through Thought and Time (Progressive DeathMetal with Absurd Confilct members!!! AMAZING!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - A Tribute To Debustrol: Peklo Takhle Zní…(Tribute to the Czech Thrashing MANIAKS!!! MUST HAVE!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Death Grows Into Sperm (Hate filled BlackMetal in the vein of old masters!!!) GERIHT (RUS) - Ruins Of Humanity (Depressive Black Metalwith Ambient influences!!!) GRIMLAIR (FRA) - Self - Inflicted State (Suicidal BlackMetal) HATESTORM (RUS) - Cursed Rituals (Satanic Black Metal!!!) ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (BLR) - Dysphory pt. 1(Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal) WURM (CAN) - Insomnies (Atmospheric Depressive BlackMetal!!!) USUD (CRO) - Creator's Sorcery (Dark Death Metal!!!) KRV (BIH) - Ukleta Zemljo (Cold Black Metal masterpiece!!!) ENJOY SARMA (SRB) - No Fake Smiles (Thrash Metal for thefans of Pantera!!!) DRACONIC (SRB) - Conflux (Sympho Black Metal withIndustrrial influences!!!) CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal,second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood AndBlasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood AndBlasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) EXECRARIS (MEX) - Two (Satanic Black Metal commando!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Shadows Of Possession(Satanic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Aeoenic Destruction (SatanicBlack Metal!!! Final attack!!!) SPELLCRAFT (SPA) - Infernal Demos Revelation (Satanic BlackMetal!!! Compilation of demo recordings!!!) ABRAHEL (SPA) - Wrathman Of warfare (Demonic Black Metalattack!!!) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #1 (Sarkus, Nazgul,Crucifier, Sargatanas, Wolfenhords, Almighty Sathanas, ...) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #2 (Spellcraft, NuklearAntikrist, Mysticism, Land Of Hate, Misa Negra and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #3 (Abrahel, Leviathan,Incinerador, Mordor, Temple Abattoir, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #4 (Veldraveth, HeadhunterD.C., Requiem Laus, Demonic Halocaust, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #5 (A TransylvanianFuneral, The True Endless, Sacrilegio, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #6 (Satanel, Astarium,Desolation, Deviator, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #7 (Frozenpath, CruxCullum, Tzelmoth, Unsilent, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #8 (Legions Of War,Amortys, Hatestorm, Black Angel, Nyarlathotep, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #9 (Barrabas, Frostbitten Kingdoms,Hexentomb, Black Forest, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #10 (Elderhead, Verdelt,Warcrown, Sombras Nefastas, Illness, and many more) BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT (ITA) - Blood Purge Demo 2009 (RawDeath/Black Metal!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Demo (Raw Black Metal!!!) THE OBSCENE (ENG) - The Torment Of Sinners (Hate-filled andviolent Death Metal!!! Pro-done CD-R!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - The Huge Circle Of Time (Dark GothicMetal with ambient touches from Montevideo!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - Melodies In Grey Scale (Dark GothicMetal from SOuth America!!! Debutfull-length!!! AMAZING!!!) VINTAGE FLESH (USA) - The Eyes That Glared At MyAgonies (Weird mix of Black and Doom Metal! Interesting!) VINTAGE FLESH / RAVENFROST (USA) / (GER) - Split (Two Doom/Black Metal hordes!!!) NOST (RUS) - From The Ashes Chasm (Melodic and MelancholicBlack Metal, pro CD-R) ROTTING OF SOUL VOL. 1 (Inferius Torment, Ordo TempliOrientis, Horrorthrone, and many more!!! Pro CD-R) KARIJES (SRB) - Deathstrike (Debut demo of Thrash/SpeedManiaks!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - 2003 - 2008 V Years Of Blasphemy(collection of rare tunes of these Black Metal maniaks!!!) DEADTHORN (POL) - Daleko Od Boga... (Satanic Death/BlackMetal!!!) MELKOR (CRO) - Monuments Of Grief - Anthems For Armageddon(Necro Black Metal assault!!!) RAIN DELAY (SRB) - As I Bequeth My Yesterday (Avangarde DoomMetal, debut album!!!) AMON DIN (SRB) - Dinamonized (Melodic Death Metal!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - Sons Of Eastern Darkness (The compilationof very best Serbian Black Metal bands!!!) BETHOR (SRB) - Potonja (Cold, harsh, violent, Satanic BlackMetal!!!) BETHOR (SRB) - The Return Of Darkness And Evil - A TributeTo Bathory (Title says it all!!! Son of Serbian hell pays tribute to the legend!!!) KRV (BIH) - Silna Volja Srebra (Cold Anti-christian BlackMetal in the vein of old masters!!!) ENJOY SARMA (SRB) - Reborn Power (Pantera fans want this!!!Debut album!!!) DARK CARNIVAL (SRB) - Dark Carnival (Dark Ambient!!! Debutalbum) DARK CARNIVAL (SRB) - The Abyss (Dark Ambient!!! Secondalbum) DARK CARNIVAL (SRB) - Twilight (Dark Ambient!!! Third album) ACROHOLIA (SRB) - Ecocide (Legends of European Grind Core!!!MUST HAVE!!!) COBI'S DEATH vs. WRUM vs. M. A. D. (SRB) / (SRB) / (SRB) - Split (History of SerbianMetal!!! Death, Thrash, Grind, ... Three tapes on one CD!!!) THE BLOODY EARTH (SRB) - Requiem Of Weeping Souls(Death/Doom Metal with bonus Celtic Frost cover) BOMBARDER (BIH/SRB) - Ledena Krv (5th strike of the bestThrash/Speed Metal horde in ex-Yugoslavia!!! A FUCKING MUST!!!) TAPES: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious BlackMetal!!! Debut full-length!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - TH: Horde (Hateful Satanic BlackMetal!!!) IMPERIAL (FRA) - Aggressors... Not Followers (Thrash Metalthe old (the only) way) KRISIUN (BRA) - Ageless Venomous (Need Comments? Fuck off!!!A MASTERPIECE!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - The Attraction: Heaven And Earth (HeathenBlack Metal, second demo) HATE (POL) - Abhorrence (First Demo of Polish Death Kult) AVENGER (CZE) - Fall Of Devotion - Wrath And Blasphemy(Great Black/Death Metal) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Das Aas Aller Dinge (Kult Black Metalfrom member of Krieg, Nargaroth, ...) ETERNAL PAIN (GER) - In Pain We Trust... Relicts For Revenge(Old School German Styled Thrash Metal) 9th PLAGUE / MUTILATION (SWE)/(SRB) - United In RealBrutality (Old School Brutal Death Metal) THE KRUSHERS (ITA) - Megaloi Throi (Death/Thrash Metal) MAROTH (SRB) - Krst U Plamenu (One of the best Serbian BlackMetal bands ever!!! Bojan Stambolija R.I.P.) ASTROFAES (UKR) - Dying Emotions Domain (First full album.Pagan Black Metal) NHAAVAH (CZE) - Kings Of Czech Black Metal (Title says itall!!! Satanic Black Metal with members of almighty Maniac Butcher) ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (BRA) - At Battlefields Of The AbyssalRealm (Satanic Black Metal) NIHIL DOMINATION (ECU) - Jehovah's Desecration (SatanicBlack/Death Metal from the abyss of South American Underground) WORVHALLAG (POL) - Worvhallag (Satanic Black Metal!!!) KATHARSIS 666 (POL) - Total Beast (Satanic Black Metal!!!Latest demo recording) THANATHRON (POL) - Hiarra (Re-release of the first tworecordings!!! BLACK FUCKING METAL!!!) THANATHRON / BELETH (POL)/(POL) - Voice Of Inferno (Polish BlackMetal at its best!!! Recommended!!!) MERCILESS WARFARE (SPA) - Satanic Liturgies Of Destruction(Blasphemous Death/Black Metal) MISANTHROPIC ART (RUS) - Possessed By Bestiality (DepressiveBlack Metal) BESTIAL (RUS) - Satanic Metal (Anti-Christian Black Metal) MOLOCH LETALIS (POL) - Arkana Chaosu (Antichristian HatefulBlack/Death Metal!!! Compilation of early releases!!!) DEEP VEIN / BLOODY SIGN / OPPRESSION (FRA) / (FRA) / (SWE) -Split Tape (KVLT AS FUCK!!! Old styled Death and Thrash Metal!!!) BELETH / SHINING ABYSS (POL) / (POL) - Sacrifice For BlackMetal (666% Black fucking Metal!!!) WICHER / FENRIZ (POL) / (POL) - The Severe Winter wind (ColdRaw Black Metal!!! VERY RARE!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Faces (Raw Black Metal!!! Singletape limited to 20 copies!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - ... Those Whose Past Is Immortal(Legendary Pagan Black Metal commando!!!) VICTIMIZER (DNK) - 5 Years Of Violence And Skullcrushing(German styled Thrashing maniaks!!!) KOLAC / MRZNJA / STONECRYPT (SRB) / (SRB) / (SRB) -Sacrifice To The Bloody Cult (Three-way Serbian Black Metal assault!!!) AMON DIN (SRB) - Dinamoneyezed (Melodic Death Metal!!!) ANGELGOAT (SRB) - Angelgoat (Raw Black Metal!!! Debut demore-release including rare live tracks!!!) PSYCHOPARADOX (SRB) - Apeiron (The best Melodic Death Metalalbum from Serbia!!!) ROSSOMAHAAR (RUS) - Grotesque (Tolkien inspired SymphonicBlack Metal!!! Debut demo!!!) DEAD JOKER (SRB) - Venture (History of Serbian Death Metal,lesson 1!!!) MORTUUS (SRB) - Words Of Warning + Mind Obliteration(Serbian Grind Core history!!!) APOLION (ITA) - The Mute God Of Deaf Men (Raw, cold, fast,blasphemous, … Do you anything more of a Black Metal band?) LUCTUS (LIT) - Warlike Hate And Grief (Warlike BlackMetal!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) TOD (ITA) - Black Metal Manifesto (Black Metal as it shouldbe!!!) KARIJES (SRB) - Deathstrike (Debut demo of Thrash/SpeedManiaks!!!) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Pro-Tape withbonus B-Side containing debut EP!!! A MUST!!!) NOMAD (POL) - The IndependenceOf Observation Choice (Luce Clarius) (Anti-Christian Death Metal!!!) THE STONE (SRB) - Magla / The Fog (Masterpiece of SerbianBlack Art!!! A FUCKING MUST!!!) INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (Old School Death/ThrashMetal!!! Second album!!!) RIOTOR (CAN) - Fucking Metal (Speed/Thrash Metal in the veinof old masters!!! Two demos on one tape!!!) BLOODY SIGN (FRA) - Explosion Of Elements (Real Undergroundwarriors should know this band by now!!!) INFERNAL DOMINION (USA) - Salvation Through InfiniteSuffering (Stanic Death strike!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Hungry Of Souls (Second album!!! Black Metalmachinery!!!) TRIUMPHUS MORTIS (ITA) - Crepuscolo Spirituale (MisanthropicBlack Metal!!!) VINYL: ABSURD CONFLICT (CZE) - Point Of Crisis (Progressive DeathMetal masters!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten(Exclusive limited gatefold 2LP grey vinyl version with bonus songs, poster,patch, sticker!!! YOU MUST HAVE THIS!!!!) ZINES: AKREP #2 (A5, 52 pages, Serbian written, interviews: Bane,Bombarder, Rain Delay, Kolac, ...) PATCHES: ABSURD CONFLICT KOLAC SILENT KINGDOM BADGES: EDAIN KRV SILENT KINGDOM THE STONE
  5. Ako ne bude direktno kod Baneta, bice kod mene na Some Kind Of Distro i CD i kasetna verzija albuma.
  6. Naravno!!! \m/
  7. fala, fala, nemo da se ne vidimo tamo :-)
  9. stonecrypt mrznja kolac
  10. HAIL MANIAKS!!! It's been awhile but as i promised here's a huge update!!! KOLAC has agreed another release through Moon Records (http://www.moonrecords.glt.pl/). It will be a compilation of demo materials published on the previously released demos, this time put together on one tape!!! A great chance for all you maniaks who missed out on some of our recordings to complete your collections!!! Don't miss this!!! It should be out in September! As i announced in the previous newsletter, issue #2 of Serbian zine Akrep has appeared, and it contains a KOLAC interview!!! We are very proud to be in it among the great Serbian hordes such as BOMBARDER, BANE, RAIN DELAY, ... I have some copies on my distro, but i recommend you to contact this dedicated maniak himself and get your copy on [email protected]. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And now a few words on the newcomers on SOME KIND OF DISTRO. I had some great trades, and here's the list of them. First of all i have to mention a bit of history. Serbian Metal history of course. I have some great titles of some of the first Metal warriors from my country. I've got DEAD JOKER, AMON DIN, PSYCHOPARADOX and MORTUUS. So if you are interested in Serbian Metal history, this is a good place to start. A huge trade was made with the awesome Russian label RIGORISM PRODUCTIONS (http://www.rigorism.narod.ru/), and i've got a few of their releases on my distro now. You should know that they are mostly dedicated to underground Black Metal so releases i got from them are great pieces of Underground spirit!!! Support this label, or rot in heaven!!! Now, something about our own ex Yugoslav maniaks!!! I had a great trade with Slovenian Underground machinery called ON PAROLE PRODUCTIONS (http://www.on-parole.com/)!!! They are mostly oriented towards promotion of their own local scene, so we got a few great Slovenian hordes, who deserve a great support from your side!!! Most of the releases i got from them are already gone from my distro but i have to mention them for they are worth it!!! DICKLESS TRACY (http://www.myspace.com/dicklesstracygrind), SARCASM (http://www.myspace.com/sarcasmslovenia), ERUPTION (http://www.myspace.com/eruptionband), and METALSTEEL (http://www.myspace.com/metalsteel). I am left with just DICKLESS TRACY on my distro but if you are interested in some of these maniaks and many, many more, contact the label, you won't be disappointed!!! And now something about a maniak you should already know about!!! You should already know BYLEC TUM RECORDS ([email protected])!!! How about BYLEC TUM zine? I guess you all know what i'm talking about here!!! After APOLION CD i got for you last time, this time i am bringing you a couple of tape releases from this dedicated maniak!!! I'm sure some of these names will ring some Hell's bells in your mind: TOD, LUCTUS, APOLION!!! This guy has released many more, and has a huge distro list, so contact him if you deem yourself worthy!!! Here's the update: CD: GERIHT (RUS) - Ruins Of Humanity (Depressive Black Metal with Ambient influences!!!) GRIMLAIR (FRA) - Self - Inflicted State (Suicidal Black Metal) HATESTORM (RUS) - Cursed Rituals (Satanic Black Metal!!!) ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (BLR) - Dysphory pt. 1 (Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal) WURM (CAN) - Insomnies (Atmospheric Depressive Black Metal!!!) DICKLESS TRACY (SLO) - Halls Of Sickness (Old Slovenian Grind/Death Metal maniaks!!!) CD-R: NOST (RUS) - From The Ashes Chasm (Melodic and Melancholic Black Metal, pro CD-R) ROTTING OF SOUL VOL. 1 (Inferius Torment, Ordo Templi Orientis, Horrorthrone, and many more!!! Pro CD-R) TAPES: AMON DIN (SRB) - Dinamoneyezed (Melodic Death Metal!!!) ANGELGOAT (SRB) - Angelgoat (Raw Black Metal!!! Debut demo re-release including rare live tracks!!!) PSYCHOPARADOX (SRB) - Apeiron (The best Melodic Death Metal album from Serbia!!!) ROSSOMAHAAR (RUS) - Grotesque (Tolkien inspired Symphonic Black Metal!!! Debut demo!!!) DEAD JOKER (SRB) - Venture (History of Serbian Death Metal, lesson 1!!!) MORTUUS (SRB) - Words Of Warning + Mind Obliteration (Serbian Grind Core history!!!) PAGAN SPIRIT (SVK) - Grimoire - Mysteries Arriving With Death (Atmospheric Pagan Black Metal!!!) APOLION (ITA) - The Mute God Of Deaf Men (Raw, cold, fast, blasphemous, … Do you anything more of a Black Metal band?) LUCTUS (LIT) - Warlike Hate And Grief (Warlike Black Metal!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) TOD (ITA) - Black Metal Manifesto (Black Metal as it should be!!!) And of course the full list of my distro as it stands right now: CD: INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (2nd full length of pure old school Death/Thrash Metal. DON'T MISS THIS!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten (Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...) AVENGER (CZE) - Feast Of Anger - Joy Of Despair (Death/Black Metal legends, brand new strike!!!) REX SATANACHIA (DNK) - First Legion Of Hell (Debut EP of pure Black Metal attack from the frostbitten north) BEASTCRAFT (NOR) - Dawn Of The Serpent (Norwegian Black Metal the way it is supposed to be!!!) NADIMAC / NIHILIST (SRB) / (MKD) - Metal Je Rat / After A Decade In Hate (Alive) (Speed/Thrash Metal from Serbia versus Hatecore/Thrash from Macedonia! Enhanced CD containing videos from both bands!!!) THE DAMNATION (GER) - Evilution (Brutal Death/Thrash Metal attack!!!) THE THORN (POL) - Hermitage Of Non-Divine (Melodic Death Metal) THANATHRON (POL) - Thanathron (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!! AWESOME!!!!) SECTIONED (USA) - Purulent Reality (Death Metal the old (only) way!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) DIMENTIANON (USA) - Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence Of Demon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal in the vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice cold Black Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, Vulture Industries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik, Panychida, Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Bane continues where Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! MUST HAVE!!!) EDAIN (CZE) - Through Thought and Time (Progressive Death Metal with Absurd Confilct members!!! AMAZING!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - A Tribute To Debustrol: Peklo Takhle Zní… (Tribute to the Czech Thrashing MANIAKS!!! MUST HAVE!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Death Grows Into Sperm (Hate filled Black Metal in the vein of old masters!!!) GERIHT (RUS) - Ruins Of Humanity (Depressive Black Metal with Ambient influences!!!) GRIMLAIR (FRA) - Self - Inflicted State (Suicidal Black Metal) HATESTORM (RUS) - Cursed Rituals (Satanic Black Metal!!!) ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (BLR) - Dysphory pt. 1 (Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal) WURM (CAN) - Insomnies (Atmospheric Depressive Black Metal!!!) DICKLESS TRACY (SLO) - Halls Of Sickness (Old Slovenian Grind/Death Metal maniaks!!!) CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal, second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) EXECRARIS (MEX) - Two (Satanic Black Metal commando!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Shadows Of Possession (Satanic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Aeoenic Destruction (Satanic Black Metal!!! Final attack!!!) SPELLCRAFT (SPA) - Infernal Demos Revelation (Satanic Black Metal!!! Compilation of demo recordings!!!) ABRAHEL (SPA) - Wrathman Of warfare (Demonic Black Metal attack!!!) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #1 (Sarkus, Nazgul, Crucifier, Sargatanas, Wolfenhords, Almighty Sathanas, ...) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #2 (Spellcraft, Nuklear Antikrist, Mysticism, Land Of Hate, Misa Negra and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #3 (Abrahel, Leviathan, Incinerador, Mordor, Temple Abattoir, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #4 (Veldraveth, Headhunter D.C., Requiem Laus, Demonic Halocaust, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #5 (A Transylvanian Funeral, The True Endless, Sacrilegio, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #6 (Satanel, Astarium, Desolation, Deviator, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #7 (Frozenpath, Crux Cullum, Tzelmoth, Unsilent, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #8 (Legions Of War, Amortys, Hatestorm, Black Angel, Nyarlathotep, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #9 (Barrabas, Frostbitten Kingdoms, Hexentomb, Black Forest, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #10 (Elderhead, Verdelt, Warcrown, Sombras Nefastas, Illness, and many more) BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT (ITA) - Blood Purge Demo 2009 (Raw Death/Black Metal!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Demo (Raw Black Metal!!!) THE OBSCENE (ENG) - The Torment Of Sinners (Hate-filled and violent Death Metal!!! Pro-done CD-R!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - The Huge Circle Of Time (Dark Gothic Metal with ambient touches from Montevideo!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - Melodies In Grey Scale (Dark Gothic Metal from SOuth America!!! Debut full-length!!! AMAZING!!!) VINTAGE FLESH (USA) - The Eyes That Glared At My Agonies (Weird mix of Black and Doom Metal! Interesting!) VINTAGE FLESH / RAVENFROST (USA) / (GER) - Split (Two Doom/Black Metal hordes!!!) NOST (RUS) - From The Ashes Chasm (Melodic and Melancholic Black Metal, pro CD-R) ROTTING OF SOUL VOL. 1 (Inferius Torment, Ordo Templi Orientis, Horrorthrone, and many more!!! Pro CD-R) TAPES: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious Black Metal!!! Debut full-length!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - TH: Horde (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!!) IMPERIAL (FRA) - Aggressors... Not Followers (Thrash Metal the old (the only) way) KRISIUN (BRA) - Ageless Venomous (Need Comments? Fuck off!!! A MASTERPIECE!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - The Attraction: Heaven And Earth (Heathen Black Metal, second demo) HATE (POL) - Abhorrence (First Demo of Polish Death Kult) AVENGER (CZE) - Fall Of Devotion - Wrath And Blasphemy (Great Black/Death Metal) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Das Aas Aller Dinge (Kult Black Metal from member of Krieg, Nargaroth, ...) ETERNAL PAIN (GER) - In Pain We Trust... Relicts For Revenge (Old School German Styled Thrash Metal) 9th PLAGUE / MUTILATION (SWE)/(SRB) - United In Real Brutality (Old School Brutal Death Metal) THE KRUSHERS (ITA) - Megaloi Throi (Death/Thrash Metal) MAROTH (SRB) - Krst U Plamenu (One of the best Serbian Black Metal bands ever!!! Bojan Stambolija R.I.P.) KOLDBRANN (NOR) - Nekrotisk Inkvisition (KVLT Black Metal band!!! Only for Eastern European maniaks!!! 2 bonus live tracks) ASTROFAES (UKR) - Dying Emotions Domain (First full album. Pagan Black Metal) NHAAVAH (CZE) - Kings Of Czech Black Metal (Title says it all!!! Satanic Black Metal with members of almighty Maniac Butcher) ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (BRA) - At Battlefields Of The Abyssal Realm (Satanic Black Metal) NIHIL DOMINATION (ECU) - Jehovah's Desecration (Satanic Black/Death Metal from the abyss of South American Underground) WORVHALLAG (POL) - Worvhallag (Satanic Black Metal!!!) KATHARSIS 666 (POL) - Total Beast (Satanic Black Metal!!! Latest demo recording) THANATHRON (POL) - Hiarra (Re-release of the first two recordings!!! BLACK FUCKING METAL!!!) THANATHRON / BELETH (POL)/(POL) - Voice Of Inferno (Polish Black Metal at its best!!! Recommended!!!) MERCILESS WARFARE (SPA) - Satanic Liturgies Of Destruction (Blasphemous Death/Black Metal) MISANTHROPIC ART (RUS) - Possessed By Bestiality (Depressive Black Metal) BESTIAL (RUS) - Satanic Metal (Anti-Christian Black Metal) HELVETE (SWE) - Kill Him Once Again (Raw Satanic Black Metal, compilation of demo recordings) JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) - Avetinjski Ples Sablasti (Very rare!!! BLACK METAL MASTER!!! Only for Serbia and Macedonia!!!) MOLOCH LETALIS (POL) - Arkana Chaosu (Antichristian Hateful Black/Death Metal!!! Compilation of early releases!!!) CAPITOLLIUM (UKR) - Undivine Antipathy (Symphonic Anti-Christian Black Metal!!!) DEEP VEIN / BLOODY SIGN / OPPRESSION (FRA) / (FRA) / (SWE) - Split Tape (KVLT AS FUCK!!! Old styled Death and Thrash Metal!!!) BELETH / SHINING ABYSS (POL) / (POL) - Sacrifice For Black Metal (666% Black fucking Metal!!!) WICHER / FENRIZ (POL) / (POL) - The Severe Winter wind (Cold Raw Black Metal!!! VERY RARE!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Faces (Raw Black Metal!!! Single tape limited to 20 copies!!!) INFERNO (CZE) - Chram Nenavisti (Kult Czech Black Metal horde!!!) MOONTOWER (POL) - The Wolf's Hunger (Anti-Christian Black Metal in the purest tradition!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - ... Those Whose Past Is Immortal (Legendary Pagan Black Metal commando!!!) DENIAL OF GOD (DNK) - The Ghouls Of D. O. G. (Masters of blasphemy!!! A MUST!!!) VICTIMIZER (DNK) - 5 Years Of Violence And Skullcrushing (German styled Thrashing maniaks!!!) KOLAC / MRZNJA / STONECRYPT (SRB) / (SRB) / (SRB) - Sacrifice To The Bloody Cult (Three-way Serbian Black Metal assault!!!) AMON DIN (SRB) - Dinamoneyezed (Melodic Death Metal!!!) ANGELGOAT (SRB) - Angelgoat (Raw Black Metal!!! Debut demo re-release including rare live tracks!!!) PSYCHOPARADOX (SRB) - Apeiron (The best Melodic Death Metal album from Serbia!!!) ROSSOMAHAAR (RUS) - Grotesque (Tolkien inspired Symphonic Black Metal!!! Debut demo!!!) DEAD JOKER (SRB) - Venture (History of Serbian Death Metal, lesson 1!!!) MORTUUS (SRB) - Words Of Warning + Mind Obliteration (Serbian Grind Core history!!!) PAGAN SPIRIT (SVK) - Grimoire - Mysteries Arriving With Death (Atmospheric Pagan Black Metal!!!) APOLION (ITA) - The Mute God Of Deaf Men (Raw, cold, fast, blasphemous, … Do you anything more of a Black Metal band?) LUCTUS (LIT) - Warlike Hate And Grief (Warlike Black Metal!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) TOD (ITA) - Black Metal Manifesto (Black Metal as it should be!!!) VINYL: ABSURD CONFLICT (CZE) - Point Of Crisis (Progressive Death Metal masters!!!) ZINES: AKREP #2 (A5, 52 pages, Serbian written, interviews: Bane, Bombarder, Rain Delay, Kolac, ...) PATCHES: ABSURD CONFLICT KOLAC SILENT KINGDOM BADGES: EDAIN KRV SILENT KINGDOM THE STONE
  11. ima li ko Mortuus snimke Words of Warning i Mind Obliteration? Imam omot za kasetu koja sadrzi oba ova snimka, al nemam snimke.
  12. http://img198.imageshack.us/i/akrepzinefrontcover.jpg/[/img]
  13. http://silentscreamrecords.webs.com/apps/blog/show/7385106-silent-scream-records-presents-the-first-compilation-carnage-into-the-catacombs-#.Tfargp7F01Q;facebook
  14. HAILZ MANIAKS!!! It’s been a long time since the last mail, but it was due tomy clumsiness! A few weeks ago I suffered a dislocated shoulder and as I’mwriting this it still hasn’t healed but I’m alive and will continue my strugglethrough the underworld!!! So here are some news from the KOLAC camp and of course asmall update on SOME KIND OF DISTRO: First of all KOLAC has appeared for the first time on asplit release. Taking part on the split aside us are our good friends from theSerbian underworld MRZNJA (http://www.myspace.com/mrznja)and STONECRYPT (http://www.myspace.com/stonecrypt).The split was released through SILENT SCREAM RECORDS (http://silentscreamrecords.webs.com/)on May 20th on tape limited to 100 hand-numbered copies. It’s asmall quantity so hurry up maniaks! You can order it through the bands or thelabel. KOLAC is starting to look out for the label that isinterested in releasing our debut full-length album “BASTARD SON IS DEAD” on CDor LP so if you own a label and you might be interested, drop us a line and wewill come to some sort of agreement. Also we will be starting rehearsals for the recordingsession of the follow-up to our debut soon (as soon as my shoulder heals). Itis all written and we expect to start the recording sessions by the end of theyear. As for the SOME KIND OF DISTRO it has been relatively slowrecently due to the aforementioned difficulties but still i have a tastyupdate. Of course first of all is the mentioned split between threeSerbian Black Metal hordes KOLAC, MRZNJA and STONECRYPT titled “SACRIFICE TOTHE BLOODY CULT”!!! And as always there was trading involved. This time thetrade with the cult Italian BYLEC-TUM PRODUCTIONS (you should recall the zinewith the same name) has brought us their latest release! It’s Italian BlackMetal commando APOLION (http://www.webalice.it/apolion/) and their brand neweffort called “DEATH GROWS INTO SPERM” on pro-done CD. Here is the complete updated list of SOME KIND OF DISTRO: CD: INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (2nd full length of pureold school Death/Thrash Metal. DON'T MISS THIS!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten(Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...) AVENGER (CZE) - Feast Of Anger - Joy Of Despair (Death/BlackMetal legends, brand new strike!!!) REX SATANACHIA (DNK) - First Legion Of Hell (Debut EP ofpure Black Metal attack from the frostbitten north) BEASTCRAFT (NOR) - Dawn Of The Serpent (Norwegian BlackMetal the way it is supposed to be!!!) DISDAINED (SRB) - We All Reek (the best Serbian TechnicalDeath Metal band) ISKON (SRB) - Dok Gnev Proslosti Navire (oldway Black Metal,first strike) ISKON (SRB) - Tisina Usnulih Vekova (oldway Black Metal inthe vein of old masters of darkness) ISKON (SRB) - Gde Krug Vecni Svoj Beskraj Nudi (brand newattack of Atmospheric Black Metal) BLACK EMPIRE / KRATORNAS / NAKKIGA / XERION (MEX) / (PHI) /(SPA) / (SPA) - Four Concentric Ways Of The Ancient Cult (Infernal UndergroundBlack Metal union! GREAT SPLIT!!!) EUFOBIA (BLG) - Insemination (Avantgarde Black/Death Metal) NADIMAC / NIHILIST (SRB) / (MKD) - Metal Je Rat / After ADecade In Hate (Alive) (Speed/Thrash Metal from Serbiaversus Hatecore/Thrash from Macedonia!Enhanced CD containing videos from both bands!!!) ADOKHSINY / WARGOATCULT / WICKED / NADIMAC / LAND OF HATE(KOR) / (SPA) / (SWE) / (SRB) / (ITA) - Abominations, Chaos And Bestial Warfare(5 bands from all over the world!!! Death, Thrash and Black Metal on one CD) THE DAMNATION (GER) - Evilution (Brutal Death/Thrash Metalattack!!!) THE THORN (POL) - Hermitage Of Non-Divine (Melodic DeathMetal) CRYPTIC TALES (POL) - Valley Of The Dolls(One of the beast Avantgarde Black/Death Metal bands ever!!! Includes a bonuslive video!!! WARFIST / EXHALATION / MESMERIZED (POL) / (POL) / (POL) -Satanic & Violent Metal Aggression (TITLE SAYS IT ALL!!! 666%UNDERGROUND!!!) APERION (SLO) - Act Of Hybris (Symphonic Gothic Metal!!!EXCELLENT STUFF!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - Thanathron (Hateful Satanic BlackMetal!!! AWESOME!!!!) SECTIONED (USA)- Purulent Reality (Death Metal the old (only) way!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) DIMENTIANON (USA)- Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence OfDemon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal inthe vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice coldBlack Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece ofUnderground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, VultureIndustries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece ofUnderground Metal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik,Panychida, Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Bane continueswhere Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! MUST HAVE!!!) EDAIN (CZE) - Through Thought and Time (Progressive DeathMetal with Absurd Confilct members!!! AMAZING!!!) KRV (BIH) - Ograma (Cold as ice Black Metal in the vein ofold Norse masters!!!) SILENT KINGDOM (BIH) - LegendsOf An Old Grave (Melodic Death/Black Metal with Folk influences!!! EXCELENTSTUFF!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - A Tribute To Debustrol: Peklo Takhle Zní…(Tribute to the Czech Thrashing MANIAKS!!! MUST HAVE!!!) APOLION (ITA) - Death Grows Into Sperm (Hate filled BlackMetal in the vein of old masters!!!) CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal,second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood AndBlasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood AndBlasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) EXECRARIS (MEX) - Two (Satanic Black Metal commando!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Shadows Of Possession(Satanic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Aeoenic Destruction (SatanicBlack Metal!!! Final attack!!!) SPELLCRAFT (SPA) - Infernal Demos Revelation (Satanic Black Metal!!!Compilation of demo recordings!!!) ABRAHEL (SPA) - Wrathman Of warfare (Demonic Black Metalattack!!!) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #1 (Sarkus, Nazgul,Crucifier, Sargatanas, Wolfenhords, Almighty Sathanas, ...) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #2 (Spellcraft, NuklearAntikrist, Mysticism, Land Of Hate, Misa Negra and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #3 (Abrahel, Leviathan,Incinerador, Mordor, Temple Abattoir, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #4 (Veldraveth, HeadhunterD.C., Requiem Laus, Demonic Halocaust, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #5 (A TransylvanianFuneral, The True Endless, Sacrilegio, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #6 (Satanel, Astarium,Desolation, Deviator, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #7 (Frozenpath, CruxCullum, Tzelmoth, Unsilent, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #8 (Legions Of War,Amortys, Hatestorm, Black Angel, Nyarlathotep, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #9 (Barrabas, Frostbitten Kingdoms,Hexentomb, Black Forest, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #10 (Elderhead, Verdelt,Warcrown, Sombras Nefastas, Illness, and many more) SKULL CRUSHER (THA) - In The Name Of War (SatanicBlack/Thrash Metal, pro-done CD-R) BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT (ITA) - Blood Purge Demo 2009 (RawDeath/Black Metal!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Demo (Raw Black Metal!!!) THE OBSCENE (ENG) - The Torment Of Sinners (Hate-filled andviolent Death Metal!!! Pro-done CD-R!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - The Huge Circle Of Time (Dark GothicMetal with ambient touches from Montevideo!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - Melodies In Grey Scale (Dark GothicMetal from SOuth America!!! Debutfull-length!!! AMAZING!!!) TAPES: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious BlackMetal!!! Debut full-length!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - TH: Horde (Hateful Satanic BlackMetal!!!) IMPERIAL (FRA) - Aggressors... Not Followers (Thrash Metalthe old (the only) way) KRISIUN (BRA) - Ageless Venomous (Need Comments? Fuck off!!!A MASTERPIECE!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - The Attraction: Heaven And Earth (HeathenBlack Metal, second demo) HATE (POL) - Abhorrence (First Demo of Polish Death Kult) AVENGER (CZE) - Fall Of Devotion - Wrath And Blasphemy(Great Black/Death Metal) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Das Aas Aller Dinge (Kult Black Metalfrom member of Krieg, Nargaroth, ...) ETERNAL PAIN (GER) - In Pain We Trust... Relicts For Revenge(Old School German Styled Thrash Metal) 9th PLAGUE / MUTILATION (SWE)/(SRB) - United In RealBrutality (Old School Brutal Death Metal) THE KRUSHERS (ITA) - Megaloi Throi (Death/Thrash Metal) MAROTH (SRB) - Krst U Plamenu (One of the best Serbian BlackMetal bands ever!!! Bojan Stambolija R.I.P.) KOLDBRANN (NOR) - Nekrotisk Inkvisition (KVLT Black Metalband!!! Only for Eastern European maniaks!!! 2 bonus live tracks) ASTROFAES (UKR) - Dying Emotions Domain (First full album.Pagan Black Metal) NHAAVAH (CZE) - Kings Of Czech Black Metal (Title says itall!!! Satanic Black Metal with members of almighty Maniac Butcher) ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (BRA) - At Battlefields Of The AbyssalRealm (Satanic Black Metal) NIHIL DOMINATION (ECU) - Jehovah's Desecration (SatanicBlack/Death Metal from the abyss of South American Underground) WORVHALLAG (POL) - Worvhallag (Satanic Black Metal!!!) KATHARSIS 666 (POL) - Total Beast (Satanic Black Metal!!!Latest demo recording) THANATHRON (POL) - Hiarra (Re-release of the first tworecordings!!! BLACK FUCKING METAL!!!) THANATHRON / BELETH (POL)/(POL) - Voice Of Inferno (PolishBlack Metal at its best!!! Recommended!!!) MERCILESS WARFARE (SPA) - Satanic Liturgies Of Destruction(Blasphemous Death/Black Metal) MISANTHROPIC ART (RUS) - Possessed By Bestiality (DepressiveBlack Metal) BESTIAL (RUS) - Satanic Metal (Anti-Christian Black Metal) HELVETE (SWE) - Kill Him Once Again (Raw Satanic BlackMetal, compilation of demo recordings) JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) - Avetinjski Ples Sablasti(Very rare!!! BLACK METAL MASTER!!! Only for Serbiaand Macedonia!!!) MOLOCH LETALIS (POL) - Arkana Chaosu (Antichristian HatefulBlack/Death Metal!!! Compilation of early releases!!!) CAPITOLLIUM (UKR) - Undivine Antipathy (SymphonicAnti-Christian Black Metal!!!) DEEP VEIN / BLOODY SIGN / OPPRESSION (FRA) / (FRA) / (SWE) -Split Tape (KVLT AS FUCK!!! Old styled Death and Thrash Metal!!!) BELETH / SHINING ABYSS (POL) / (POL) - Sacrifice For BlackMetal (666% Black fucking Metal!!!) WICHER / FENRIZ (POL) / (POL) - The Severe Winter wind (ColdRaw Black Metal!!! VERY RARE!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Faces (Raw Black Metal!!! Singletape limited to 20 copies!!!) INFERNO (CZE) - Chram Nenavisti (Kult Czech Black Metalhorde!!!) MOONTOWER (POL) - The Wolf's Hunger (Anti-Christian BlackMetal in the purest tradition!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - ... Those Whose Past Is Immortal(Legendary Pagan Black Metal commando!!!) DENIAL OF GOD (DNK) - The Ghouls Of D. O. G. (Masters ofblasphemy!!! A MUST!!!) VICTIMIZER (DNK) - 5 Years Of Violence And Skullcrushing(German styled Thrashing maniaks!!!) GOATOIMPURITY (CHI) - Impious Rehearsal (South AmericanBlack/Death Metal!!! No further explanation should be needed!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten(Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...Pro-tape) KOLAC / MRZNJA / STONECRYPT (SRB) / (SRB) / (SRB) -Sacrifice To The Bloody Cult (Three-way Serbian Black Metal assault!!!) VINYL: ABSURD CONFLICT (CZE) - Point Of Crisis (Progressive DeathMetal masters!!!) PATCHES: ABSURD CONFLICT KOLAC SILENT KINGDOM BADGES: EDAIN KRV SILENT KINGDOM THE STONE TRADES ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!!
  15. KVLT!!!
  16. moze brate, uvek!
  17. http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Kolac/Sacrifice_to_the_Bloody_Cult/307236
  18. HAIL MANIAKS!!! KOLAC is proud to announce the contribution to the forthcoming split release with MRZNJA (http://www.myspace.com/mrznja) and STONECRYPT (http://www.myspace.com/stonecrypt) that will be released on 20th May through the SILENT SCREAM RECORDS (silentscreamrecords.webs.com). More info on the release very soon!!! Brand new issue #18 of the NOCTURNE MUSIC MAGAZINE (http://www.nocturnemagazine.com/) will be out on 11th May and will include the 8th promo sampler. This time KOLAC took the participation on the sampler and there you will have the chance to hear the second song from our debut full-length "BASTARD SON IS DEAD" entitled "THE DEADLIEST OF PLAGUES", for the first time on CD. KOLAC logo patches are up for grabs!!! There is not many of them left so hurry up and pick it up while we still have it!!! KOLAC releases still available: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal, second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious Black Metal!!! Debut full-length!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, Vulture Industries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) + KOLAC logo patches WHOLESALES AND TRADES ARE MORE THAN WELCOME!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOME KIND OF DISTRO is proud to announce the great trades that have been done in the last few weeks!!! We had a visit from our good friend Martin Brnovjak of ZERO BUDGET PRODUCTIONS (http://easilythefinestinextrememetal.blogspot.com/) and also known for his mighty hordes ABSURD CONFLICT (http://bandzone.cz/absurdconflict19982008) and EDAIN (www.edain.cz) and of course his own BLAKULA METAL CHRONICLES zine. And of course we made a trade and right now on SOME KIND OF DISTRO you can find a couple of ZERO BUDGET releases like SILENT KINGDOM, KRV, EDAIN, ... And a bunch of patches from his bands and SILENT KINGDOM, THE STONE, KRV, badges Also another attack from the old time trader Branislav of BANE horde (http://www.myspace.com/baneband) brings us a restock of BANE CDs which are always a great contribution to my list. BTW BANE album has recently been released on tape format through SATANIC DEATHCULT PRODUCTIONS (http://www.myspace.com/sdp666) including the previous EP "MISANTHROPIA"!!! GET THIS TAPE RIGHT NOW OR DIE TRYING!!! Also included in that trade was the #15 issue of the oldest Macedonian zine VAMPIR (http://vampirzine.110mb.com). Another great trade was made with Hunter of mighty STONECRYPT horde and SILENT SCREAM RECORDS, and it brings us back the STONECRYPT debut demo and tape single!!! Here is the new stuff available: CD: BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Bane continues where Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! MUST HAVE!!!) EDAIN (CZE) - Through Thought and Time (Progressive Death Metal with Absurd Confilct members!!! AMAZING!!!) KRV (BIH) - Ograma (Cold as ice Black Metal in the vein of old Norse masters!!!) SILENT KINGDOM (BIH) - Legends Of An Old Grave (Melodic Death/Black Metal with Folk influences!!! EXCELENT STUFF!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - A Tribute To Debustrol: Peklo Takhle Zní… (Tribute to the Czech Thrashing MANIAKS!!! MUST HAVE!!!) CD-R: STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Demo (Raw Black Metal!!!) ZINE: VAMPIR #15 (72 pages (english written), nearly 200 reviews of tapes, zines, demos, CD and CDr's. In depth interviews with: Headhunter D.C. (Brazil), Angelgoat (Serbia), Slugathor (Finland), Necroscope Zine (Poland), …) PATCHES: ABSURD CONFLICT KOLAC SILENT KINGDOM BADGES: EDAIN KRV SILENT KINGDOM THE STONE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And of course as always here is the updated full list of SOME KIND OF DISTRO: CD: INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (2nd full length of pure old school Death/Thrash Metal. DON'T MISS THIS!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten (Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...) AVENGER (CZE) - Feast Of Anger - Joy Of Despair (Death/Black Metal legends, brand new strike!!!) REX SATANACHIA (DNK) - First Legion Of Hell (Debut EP of pure Black Metal attack from the frostbitten north) BEASTCRAFT (NOR) - Dawn Of The Serpent (Norwegian Black Metal the way it is supposed to be!!!) DISDAINED (SRB) - We All Reek (the best Serbian Technical Death Metal band) ISKON (SRB) - Dok Gnev Proslosti Navire (oldway Black Metal, first strike) ISKON (SRB) - Tisina Usnulih Vekova (oldway Black Metal in the vein of old masters of darkness) ISKON (SRB) - Gde Krug Vecni Svoj Beskraj Nudi (brand new attack of Atmospheric Black Metal) BLACK EMPIRE / KRATORNAS / NAKKIGA / XERION (MEX) / (PHI) / (SPA) / (SPA) - Four Concentric Ways Of The Ancient Cult (Infernal Underground Black Metal union! GREAT SPLIT!!!) EUFOBIA (BLG) - Insemination (Avantgarde Black/Death Metal) NADIMAC / NIHILIST (SRB) / (MKD) - Metal Je Rat / After A Decade In Hate (Alive) (Speed/Thrash Metal from Serbia versus Hatecore/Thrash from Macedonia! Enhanced CD containing videos from both bands!!!) ADOKHSINY / WARGOATCULT / WICKED / NADIMAC / LAND OF HATE (KOR) / (SPA) / (SWE) / (SRB) / (ITA) - Abominations, Chaos And Bestial Warfare (5 bands from all over the world!!! Death, Thrash and Black Metal on one CD) THE DAMNATION (GER) - Evilution (Brutal Death/Thrash Metal attack!!!) THE THORN (POL) - Hermitage Of Non-Divine (Melodic Death Metal) CRYPTIC TALES (POL) - Valley Of The Dolls (One of the beast Avantgarde Black/Death Metal bands ever!!! Includes a bonus live video!!! WARFIST / EXHALATION / MESMERIZED (POL) / (POL) / (POL) - Satanic & Violent Metal Aggression (TITLE SAYS IT ALL!!! 666% UNDERGROUND!!!) APERION (SLO) - Act Of Hybris (Symphonic Gothic Metal!!! EXCELLENT STUFF!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - Thanathron (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!! AWESOME!!!!) SECTIONED (USA) - Purulent Reality (Death Metal the old (only) way!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) DIMENTIANON (USA) - Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence Of Demon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal in the vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice cold Black Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, Vulture Industries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik, Panychida, Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Bane continues where Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! MUST HAVE!!!) EDAIN (CZE) - Through Thought and Time (Progressive Death Metal with Absurd Confilct members!!! AMAZING!!!) KRV (BIH) - Ograma (Cold as ice Black Metal in the vein of old Norse masters!!!) SILENT KINGDOM (BIH) - Legends Of An Old Grave (Melodic Death/Black Metal with Folk influences!!! EXCELENT STUFF!!!) VARIOUS ARTISTS - A Tribute To Debustrol: Peklo Takhle Zní… (Tribute to the Czech Thrashing MANIAKS!!! MUST HAVE!!!) CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal, second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) EXECRARIS (MEX) - Two (Satanic Black Metal commando!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Shadows Of Possession (Satanic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Aeoenic Destruction (Satanic Black Metal!!! Final attack!!!) SPELLCRAFT (SPA) - Infernal Demos Revelation (Satanic Black Metal!!! Compilation of demo recordings!!!) ABRAHEL (SPA) - Wrathman Of warfare (Demonic Black Metal attack!!!) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #1 (Sarkus, Nazgul, Crucifier, Sargatanas, Wolfenhords, Almighty Sathanas, ...) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #2 (Spellcraft, Nuklear Antikrist, Mysticism, Land Of Hate, Misa Negra and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #3 (Abrahel, Leviathan, Incinerador, Mordor, Temple Abattoir, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #4 (Veldraveth, Headhunter D.C., Requiem Laus, Demonic Halocaust, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #5 (A Transylvanian Funeral, The True Endless, Sacrilegio, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #6 (Satanel, Astarium, Desolation, Deviator, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #7 (Frozenpath, Crux Cullum, Tzelmoth, Unsilent, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #8 (Legions Of War, Amortys, Hatestorm, Black Angel, Nyarlathotep, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #9 (Barrabas, Frostbitten Kingdoms, Hexentomb, Black Forest, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #10 (Elderhead, Verdelt, Warcrown, Sombras Nefastas, Illness, and many more) SKULL CRUSHER (THA) - In The Name Of War (Satanic Black/Thrash Metal, pro-done CD-R) BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT (ITA) - Blood Purge Demo 2009 (Raw Death/Black Metal!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Demo (Raw Black Metal!!!) THE OBSCENE (ENG) - The Torment Of Sinners (Hate-filled and violent Death Metal!!! Pro-done CD-R!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - The Huge Circle Of Time (Dark Gothic Metal with ambient touches from Montevideo!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - Melodies In Grey Scale (Dark Gothic Metal from SOuth America!!! Debut full-length!!! AMAZING!!!) TAPES: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious Black Metal!!! Debut full-length!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - TH: Horde (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!!) IMPERIAL (FRA) - Aggressors... Not Followers (Thrash Metal the old (the only) way) KRISIUN (BRA) - Ageless Venomous (Need Comments? Fuck off!!! A MASTERPIECE!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - The Attraction: Heaven And Earth (Heathen Black Metal, second demo) HATE (POL) - Abhorrence (First Demo of Polish Death Kult) AVENGER (CZE) - Fall Of Devotion - Wrath And Blasphemy (Great Black/Death Metal) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Das Aas Aller Dinge (Kult Black Metal from member of Krieg, Nargaroth, ...) ETERNAL PAIN (GER) - In Pain We Trust... Relicts For Revenge (Old School German Styled Thrash Metal) 9th PLAGUE / MUTILATION (SWE)/(SRB) - United In Real Brutality (Old School Brutal Death Metal) THE KRUSHERS (ITA) - Megaloi Throi (Death/Thrash Metal) MAROTH (SRB) - Krst U Plamenu (One of the best Serbian Black Metal bands ever!!! Bojan Stambolija R.I.P.) KOLDBRANN (NOR) - Nekrotisk Inkvisition (KVLT Black Metal band!!! Only for Eastern European maniaks!!! 2 bonus live tracks) ASTROFAES (UKR) - Dying Emotions Domain (First full album. Pagan Black Metal) NHAAVAH (CZE) - Kings Of Czech Black Metal (Title says it all!!! Satanic Black Metal with members of almighty Maniac Butcher) ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (BRA) - At Battlefields Of The Abyssal Realm (Satanic Black Metal) NIHIL DOMINATION (ECU) - Jehovah's Desecration (Satanic Black/Death Metal from the abyss of South American Underground) WORVHALLAG (POL) - Worvhallag (Satanic Black Metal!!!) KATHARSIS 666 (POL) - Total Beast (Satanic Black Metal!!! Latest demo recording) THANATHRON (POL) - Hiarra (Re-release of the first two recordings!!! BLACK FUCKING METAL!!!) THANATHRON / BELETH (POL)/(POL) - Voice Of Inferno (Polish Black Metal at its best!!! Recommended!!!) MERCILESS WARFARE (SPA) - Satanic Liturgies Of Destruction (Blasphemous Death/Black Metal) MISANTHROPIC ART (RUS) - Possessed By Bestiality (Depressive Black Metal) BESTIAL (RUS) - Satanic Metal (Anti-Christian Black Metal) HELVETE (SWE) - Kill Him Once Again (Raw Satanic Black Metal, compilation of demo recordings) JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) - Avetinjski Ples Sablasti (Very rare!!! BLACK METAL MASTER!!! Only for Serbia and Macedonia!!!) MOLOCH LETALIS (POL) - Arkana Chaosu (Antichristian Hateful Black/Death Metal!!! Compilation of early releases!!!) CAPITOLLIUM (UKR) - Undivine Antipathy (Symphonic Anti-Christian Black Metal!!!) DEEP VEIN / BLOODY SIGN / OPPRESSION (FRA) / (FRA) / (SWE) - Split Tape (KVLT AS FUCK!!! Old styled Death and Thrash Metal!!!) BELETH / SHINING ABYSS (POL) / (POL) - Sacrifice For Black Metal (666% Black fucking Metal!!!) WICHER / FENRIZ (POL) / (POL) - The Severe Winter wind (Cold Raw Black Metal!!! VERY RARE!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Faces (Raw Black Metal!!! Single tape limited to 20 copies!!!) VINYL: ABSURD CONFLICT (CZE) - Point Of Crisis (Progressive Death Metal masters!!!) CALES (CZE) - Krf (Blackie of almighty Root horde strikes again!!! Doom/Death Metal, latest release) ZINE: VAMPIR #15 (72 pages (english written), nearly 200 reviews of tapes, zines, demos, CD and CDr's. In depth interviews with: Headhunter D.C. (Brazil), Angelgoat (Serbia), Slugathor (Finland), Necroscope Zine (Poland), ...) PATCHES: ABSURD CONFLICT KOLAC SILENT KINGDOM BADGES: EDAIN KRV SILENT KINGDOM THE STONE
  19. http://nocturnemagazine.net/vest/509/nocturne-18-u-prodaji-od-11-maja-2011
  21. Hvala brate!!! Bice bolje drugi put
  22. HAIL MANIAKS!!!! KOLAC is continuing the live desecration of club CIKLON on 26th April during the CHAINSAW FESTIVAL #8!!! We hope to see you there!!! KOLAC is proud to announce that we are taking place in another compilation CD. We will be featured on the NOCTURNE MUSIC MAGAZINE SAMPLER VOL. 8. It will be given away for free with every copy of NOCTURNE #18 that is set to appear in the beginning of May. Support this magazine (http://www.nocturnemagazine.com/)!!! Reviews of KOLAC releases appeared in the brand new issue #3 of Lithuanian zine FORGOTTEN PATH (http://www.forgotten-path.lt/)!!! This is a great underground publication and every maniak who supports underground should have a copy of it in his/her collection!!! Also reviews of KOLAC debut full-length "BASTARD SON IS DEAD" appeared alongside other MOON RECORDS releases in NOCTURNE MUSIC MAGAZINE #17. Great effort by these enthusiasts should not go unnoticed. They have dedicated an entire page to the tape cult, and to the reviews of tape releases!!! KOLAC interview will be published in the second issue of Serbian fanzine AKREP that is set to appear at the end of May. SUPPORT THIS MANIAK ([email protected])!!! KOLAC merchandise can be found on the HNW Fest, Montreuil, Paris, France on 23rd April through the SILENT SCREAM RECORDS (http://silentscreamrecords.webs.com/) roster!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOME KIND OF DISTRO will make a live appearance on Sunday 24th April in the club Route 66 in Novi Sad during the KOZELJNIK / AWAITING FEAR / DARK DAWN concert!!! See you there!!! Also as always we have done a few trades in the meantime!!! Trade with Dejan Ilic of ILKE MANAGEMENT ([email protected]) brought us the latest MOR album "HRAM KRVI I PRAZNINE" but unfortunately it has already been sold so all you need is to contact this enthusiast and trade with him!!! Great trade with dedicated underground label PEST RECORDS (http://pestrecords.ucoz.com/) brings us a new release of this label THE OBSCENE from England!!! Also a great trade with Tamara Picardo from Uruguayan band UPON SHADOWS (http://uponshadows.webs.com/) brings us two releases of this dedicated horde!!! SUPPORT ALL OF THESE TRADERS OR SUCK THE ROTTEN COCK OF GOD!!! SOME KIND OF DISTRO UPDATE: CD-R: THE OBSCENE (ENG) - The Torment Of Sinners (Hate-filled and violent Death Metal!!! Pro-done CD-R!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - The Huge Circle Of Time (Dark Gothic Metal with ambient touches from Montevideo!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - Melodies In Grey Scale (Dark Gothic Metal from SOuth America!!! Debut full-length!!! AMAZING!!!) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOME KIND OF DISTRO FULL LIST: CD: INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (2nd full length of pure old school Death/Thrash Metal. DON'T MISS THIS!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten (Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...) AVENGER (CZE) - Feast Of Anger - Joy Of Despair (Death/Black Metal legends, brand new strike!!!) REX SATANACHIA (DNK) - First Legion Of Hell (Debut EP of pure Black Metal attack from the frostbitten north) BEASTCRAFT (NOR) - Dawn Of The Serpent (Norwegian Black Metal the way it is supposed to be!!!) DISDAINED (SRB) - We All Reek (the best Serbian Technical Death Metal band) ISKON (SRB) - Dok Gnev Proslosti Navire (oldway Black Metal, first strike) ISKON (SRB) - Tisina Usnulih Vekova (oldway Black Metal in the vein of old masters of darkness) ISKON (SRB) - Gde Krug Vecni Svoj Beskraj Nudi (brand new attack of Atmospheric Black Metal) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Death/Black Metal!!! Bane continues where Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! ABSOLUTE MUST!!!) XERION (SPA) - Palida Morte, Negra Sombra (Galician Black Metal!!! The best Spain has to offer!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) NAKKIGA (SPA) - Belebeltzeta (Black Metal inspired by the Basque history) BLACK EMPIRE / KRATORNAS / NAKKIGA / XERION (MEX) / (PHI) / (SPA) / (SPA) - Four Concentric Ways Of The Ancient Cult (Infernal Underground Black Metal union! GREAT SPLIT!!!) EUFOBIA (BLG) - Insemination (Avantgarde Black/Death Metal) NADIMAC / NIHILIST (SRB) / (MKD) - Metal Je Rat / After A Decade In Hate (Alive) (Speed/Thrash Metal from Serbia versus Hatecore/Thrash from Macedonia! Enhanced CD containing videos from both bands!!!) ADOKHSINY / WARGOATCULT / WICKED / NADIMAC / LAND OF HATE (KOR) / (SPA) / (SWE) / (SRB) / (ITA) - Abominations, Chaos And Bestial Warfare (5 bands from all over the world!!! Death, Thrash and Black Metal on one CD) THE DAMNATION (GER) - Evilution (Brutal Death/Thrash Metal attack!!!) THE THORN (POL) - Hermitage Of Non-Divine (Melodic Death Metal) CRYPTIC TALES (POL) - Valley Of The Dolls (One of the beast Avantgarde Black/Death Metal bands ever!!! Includes a bonus live video!!! WARFIST / EXHALATION / MESMERIZED (POL) / (POL) / (POL) - Satanic & Violent Metal Aggression (TITLE SAYS IT ALL!!! 666% UNDERGROUND!!!) APERION (SLO) - Act Of Hybris (Symphonic Gothic Metal!!! EXCELLENT STUFF!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - Thanathron (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!! AWESOME!!!!) SECTIONED (USA) - Purulent Reality (Death Metal the old (only) way!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) DIMENTIANON (USA) - Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence Of Demon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal in the vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice cold Black Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, Vulture Industries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik, Panychida, Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal, second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) EXECRARIS (MEX) - Two (Satanic Black Metal commando!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Shadows Of Possession (Satanic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Aeoenic Destruction (Satanic Black Metal!!! Final attack!!!) SPELLCRAFT (SPA) - Infernal Demos Revelation (Satanic Black Metal!!! Compilation of demo recordings!!!) ABRAHEL (SPA) - Wrathman Of warfare (Demonic Black Metal attack!!!) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #1 (Sarkus, Nazgul, Crucifier, Sargatanas, Wolfenhords, Almighty Sathanas, ...) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #2 (Spellcraft, Nuklear Antikrist, Mysticism, Land Of Hate, Misa Negra and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #3 (Abrahel, Leviathan, Incinerador, Mordor, Temple Abattoir, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #4 (Veldraveth, Headhunter D.C., Requiem Laus, Demonic Halocaust, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #5 (A Transylvanian Funeral, The True Endless, Sacrilegio, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #6 (Satanel, Astarium, Desolation, Deviator, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #7 (Frozenpath, Crux Cullum, Tzelmoth, Unsilent, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #8 (Legions Of War, Amortys, Hatestorm, Black Angel, Nyarlathotep, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #9 (Barrabas, Frostbitten Kingdoms, Hexentomb, Black Forest, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #10 (Elderhead, Verdelt, Warcrown, Sombras Nefastas, Illness, and many more) SKULL CRUSHER (THA) - In The Name Of War (Satanic Black/Thrash Metal, pro-done CD-R) BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT (ITA) - Blood Purge Demo 2009 (Raw Death/Black Metal!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Demo (Raw Black Metal!!!) THE OBSCENE (ENG) - The Torment Of Sinners (Hate-filled and violent Death Metal!!! Pro-done CD-R!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - The Huge Circle Of Time (Dark Gothic Metal with ambient touches from Montevideo!!!) UPON SHADOWS (URY) - Melodies In Grey Scale (Dark Gothic Metal from SOuth America!!! Debut full-length!!! AMAZING!!!) TAPES: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious Black Metal!!! Debut full-length!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - TH: Horde (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!!) IMPERIAL (FRA) - Aggressors... Not Followers (Thrash Metal the old (the only) way) KRISIUN (BRA) - Ageless Venomous (Need Comments? Fuck off!!! A MASTERPIECE!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - The Attraction: Heaven And Earth (Heathen Black Metal, second demo) HATE (POL) - Abhorrence (First Demo of Polish Death Kult) AVENGER (CZE) - Fall Of Devotion - Wrath And Blasphemy (Great Black/Death Metal) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Das Aas Aller Dinge (Kult Black Metal from member of Krieg, Nargaroth, ...) ETERNAL PAIN (GER) - In Pain We Trust... Relicts For Revenge (Old School German Styled Thrash Metal) 9th PLAGUE / MUTILATION (SWE)/(SRB) - United In Real Brutality (Old School Brutal Death Metal) THE KRUSHERS (ITA) - Megaloi Throi (Death/Thrash Metal) PAGANFIRE / EVIL ATTACK (PHI)/(CHI) - United In Thrash And Beer II (Exotic Speed/Thrash Metal alliance) MAROTH (SRB) - Krst U Plamenu (One of the best Serbian Black Metal bands ever!!! Bojan Stambolija R.I.P.) KOLDBRANN (NOR) - Nekrotisk Inkvisition (KVLT Black Metal band!!! Only for Eastern European maniaks!!! 2 bonus live tracks) ASTROFAES (UKR) - Dying Emotions Domain (First full album. Pagan Black Metal) NHAAVAH (CZE) - Kings Of Czech Black Metal (Title says it all!!! Satanic Black Metal with members of almighty Maniac Butcher) ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (BRA) - At Battlefields Of The Abyssal Realm (Satanic Black Metal) NIHIL DOMINATION (ECU) - Jehovah's Desecration (Satanic Black/Death Metal from the abyss of South American Underground) WORVHALLAG (POL) - Worvhallag (Satanic Black Metal!!!) KATHARSIS 666 (POL) - Total Beast (Satanic Black Metal!!! Latest demo recording) THANATHRON (POL) - Hiarra (Re-release of the first two recordings!!! BLACK FUCKING METAL!!!) THANATHRON / BELETH (POL)/(POL) - Voice Of Inferno (Polish Black Metal at its best!!! Recommended!!!) MERCILESS WARFARE (SPA) - Satanic Liturgies Of Destruction (Blasphemous Death/Black Metal) MISANTHROPIC ART (RUS) - Possessed By Bestiality (Depressive Black Metal) BESTIAL (RUS) - Satanic Metal (Anti-Christian Black Metal) HELVETE (SWE) - Kill Him Once Again (Raw Satanic Black Metal, compilation of demo recordings) JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) - Avetinjski Ples Sablasti (Very rare!!! BLACK METAL MASTER!!! Only for Serbia and Macedonia!!!) MOLOCH LETALIS (POL) - Arkana Chaosu (Antichristian Hateful Black/Death Metal!!! Compilation of early releases!!!) CAPITOLLIUM (UKR) - Undivine Antipathy (Symphonic Anti-Christian Black Metal!!!) ADRAGARD (ITA) - Neverending Necro Void (Pure Underground Old School Black Fucking Metal!!!) DEEP VEIN / BLOODY SIGN / OPPRESSION (FRA) / (FRA) / (SWE) - Split Tape (KVLT AS FUCK!!! Old styled Death and Thrash Metal!!!) BELETH / SHINING ABYSS (POL) / (POL) - Sacrifice For Black Metal (666% Black fucking Metal!!!) WICHER / FENRIZ (POL) / (POL) - The Severe Winter wind (Cold Raw Black Metal!!! VERY RARE!!!) STONECRYPT (SRB) - Morbid Faces (Raw Black Metal!!! Single tape limited to 20 copies!!!) VINYL: ABSURD CONFLICT (CZE) - Point Of Crisis (Progressive Death Metal masters!!!) CALES (CZE) - Krf (Blackie of almighty Root horde strikes again!!! Doom/Death Metal, latest release) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TRADES ARE AS ALWAYS HELL-COMED!!!
  24. HELL-o MANIAKS!!!!! KOLAC is proud to announce the participation on the compilation CD entitled "Message From The Other Side Vol. I" released by Grom Records (www.gromrecords.net) alongside hordes like SHADOWDREAM, DARKENHOLD, AWAITING FEAR, VULTURE INDUSTRIES, BANE, MURDER, EXTERMINAS, GRAVEYARD, WAR-HEAD, ICENI, MAY RESULT, PTAHIL, SANGRE ETERNA and TOTAL HATE!!!!! You can order this great piece of Underground Metal through SOME KIND OF DISTRO or directly through the label!!! KOLAC is also proud to announce the participation on the 6-way split alongside ERIS, SARPANIT, MEZNJA, 1389 and AZORDON!!!! This great release should be out very soon through the Australian label SMELL THE STENCH (www.smellthestench.net)!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOME KIND OF DISTRO made a great trade with Vulgar from almighty THANATHRON horde, and became official distributor of THANATHRON releases in Serbia!!!! SUPPORT THESE BLACK METAL MANIAKS!!!!!!!!! SOME KIND OF DISTRO is proud to announce Paragon Records (www.myspace.com/paragon_records) releases on the list!!!!! Great Underground spirit of this label should be an example to every maniak out there!!!!!!! SOME KIND OF DISTRO UPDATE MARCH 2011: CD: THANATHRON (POL) - Thanathron (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!! AWESOME!!!!) SECTIONED (USA) - Purulent Reality (Death Metal the old (only) way!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) DIMENTIANON (USA) - Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence Of Demon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal in the vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice cold Black Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, Vulture Industries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik, Panychida, Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) TAPES: CAPITOLLIUM (UKR) - Undivine Antipathy (Symphonic Anti-Christian Black Metal!!!) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOME KIND OF DISTRO FULL LIST: CD: INFEST (SRB) - Onward To Destroy (2nd full length of pure old school Death/Thrash Metal. DON'T MISS THIS!!!) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Von den Pflichten Schönes zu vernichten (Kvlt German Black Metal with member of Krieg, Nargaroth, Seeds Of Hate, ...) AVENGER (CZE) - Feast Of Anger - Joy Of Despair (Death/Black Metal legends, brand new strike!!!) REX SATANACHIA (DNK) - First Legion Of Hell (Debut EP of pure Black Metal attack from the frostbitten north) BEASTCRAFT (NOR) - Dawn Of The Serpent (Norwegian Black Metal the way it is supposed to be!!!) DISDAINED (SRB) - We All Reek (the best Serbian Technical Death Metal band) ISKON (SRB) - Dok Gnev Proslosti Navire (oldway Black Metal, first strike) ISKON (SRB) - Tisina Usnulih Vekova (oldway Black Metal in the vein of old masters of darkness) ISKON (SRB) - Gde Krug Vecni Svoj Beskraj Nudi (brand new attack of Atmospheric Black Metal) BANE (SRB) - Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness (Death/Black Metal!!! Bane continues where Jon Nodtveidt left off!!! ABSOLUTE MUST!!!) XERION (SPA) - Palida Morte, Negra Sombra (Galician Black Metal!!! The best Spain has to offer!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) NAKKIGA (SPA) - Belebeltzeta (Black Metal inspired by the Basque history) BLACK EMPIRE / KRATORNAS / NAKKIGA / XERION (MEX) / (PHI) / (SPA) / (SPA) - Four Concentric Ways Of The Ancient Cult (Infernal Underground Black Metal union! GREAT SPLIT!!!) EUFOBIA (BLG) - Insemination (Avantgarde Black/Death Metal) NADIMAC / NIHILIST (SRB) / (MKD) - Metal Je Rat / After A Decade In Hate (Alive) (Speed/Thrash Metal from Serbia versus Hatecore/Thrash from Macedonia! Enhanced CD containing videos from both bands!!!) ADOKHSINY / WARGOATCULT / WICKED / NADIMAC / LAND OF HATE (KOR) / (SPA) / (SWE) / (SRB) / (ITA) - Abominations, Chaos And Bestial Warfare (5 bands from all over the world!!! Death, Thrash and Black Metal on one CD) REPOSSESSION (POL) - Reign Over Inferno (Old styled Death Metal!!!) THE DAMNATION (GER) - Evilution (Brutal Death/Thrash Metal attack!!!) THE THORN (POL) - Hermitage Of Non-Divine (Melodic Death Metal) CRYPTIC TALES (POL) - Valley Of The Dolls (One of the beast Avantgarde Black/Death Metal bands ever!!! Includes a bonus live video!!! WARFIST / EXHALATION / MESMERIZED (POL) / (POL) / (POL) - Satanic & Violent Metal Aggression (TITLE SAYS IT ALL!!! 666% UNDERGROUND!!!) APERION (SLO) - Act Of Hybris (Symphonic Gothic Metal!!! EXCELLENT STUFF!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - Thanathron (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!! AWESOME!!!!) SECTIONED (USA) - Purulent Reality (Death Metal the old (only) way!!! RECOMMENDED!!!) DIMENTIANON (USA) - Collapse The Void (Death/Black Metal MASTERS!!! AS DARK AS IT GETS!!!) DARK CELEBRATION (BRA) - Phlegeton: The Transcendence Of Demon Lords (Death Metal from the depths of hell!!!) AETHERIUS OBSCURITAS (HUN) - Black Medicine (Black Metal in the vein of Taake!!!) ALDAARON (FRA) - Nous Reviendrous Immortels (666% ice cold Black Metal!!!) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 1 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Darkenhold, Awaiting Fear, Vulture Industries, Bane, Kolac, May Result, and many more) MESSAGE FROM THE OTHER SIDE VOL. 2 (Great piece of Underground Metal from all over the world!!! Huldrefolk, Harm, Kozeljnik, Panychida, Helheim, The Stone, Skullthrone Of Satan, and many more) CD-R: KOLAC (SRB) - ... No God (Serbian Antireligious Black Metal, second demo) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, regular version) KOLAC (SRB) - Live Zyklon: Opening Night Of Blood And Blasphemy (fourth demo recorded live, sprecial edition with bonus video) EXECRARIS (MEX) - Two (Satanic Black Metal commando!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Shadows Of Possession (Satanic Black Metal!!!) DEMONIC HALOCAUST (USA) - Aeoenic Destruction (Satanic Black Metal!!! Final attack!!!) SPELLCRAFT (SPA) - Infernal Demos Revelation (Satanic Black Metal!!! Compilation of demo recordings!!!) ABRAHEL (SPA) - Wrathman Of warfare (Demonic Black Metal attack!!!) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #1 (Sarkus, Nazgul, Crucifier, Sargatanas, Wolfenhords, Almighty Sathanas, ...) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #2 (Spellcraft, Nuklear Antikrist, Mysticism, Land Of Hate, Misa Negra and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #3 (Abrahel, Leviathan, Incinerador, Mordor, Temple Abattoir, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #4 (Veldraveth, Headhunter D.C., Requiem Laus, Demonic Halocaust, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #5 (A Transylvanian Funeral, The True Endless, Sacrilegio, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #6 (Satanel, Astarium, Desolation, Deviator, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #7 (Frozenpath, Crux Cullum, Tzelmoth, Unsilent, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #8 (Legions Of War, Amortys, Hatestorm, Black Angel, Nyarlathotep, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #9 (Barrabas, Frostbitten Kingdoms, Hexentomb, Black Forest, and many more) THE LEGION OF TCHORT COMPILATION #10 (Elderhead, Verdelt, Warcrown, Sombras Nefastas, Illness, and many more) SKULL CRUSHER (THA) - In The Name Of War (Satanic Black/Thrash Metal, pro-done CD-R) TAPES: KOLAC (SRB) - Bastard Son Is Dead (Anti-Religious Black Metal!!! Debut full-length!!!) THANATHRON (POL) - TH: Horde (Hateful Satanic Black Metal!!!) IMPERIAL (FRA) - Aggressors... Not Followers (Thrash Metal the old (the only) way) KRISIUN (BRA) - Ageless Venomous (Need Comments? Fuck off!!! A MASTERPIECE!!!) ASTROFAES (UKR) - The Attraction: Heaven And Earth (Heathen Black Metal, second demo) HATE (POL) - Abhorrence (First Demo of Polish Death Kult) AVENGER (CZE) - Fall Of Devotion - Wrath And Blasphemy (Great Black/Death Metal) WINTERBLUT (GER) - Das Aas Aller Dinge (Kult Black Metal from member of Krieg, Nargaroth, ...) ETERNAL PAIN (GER) - In Pain We Trust... Relicts For Revenge (Old School German Styled Thrash Metal) 9th PLAGUE / MUTILATION (SWE)/(SRB) - United In Real Brutality (Old School Brutal Death Metal) THE KRUSHERS (ITA) - Megaloi Throi (Death/Thrash Metal) PAGANFIRE / EVIL ATTACK (PHI)/(CHI) - United In Thrash And Beer II (Exotic Speed/Thrash Metal alliance) MAROTH (SRB) - Krst U Plamenu (One of the best Serbian Black Metal bands ever!!! Bojan Stambolija R.I.P.) KOLDBRANN (NOR) - Nekrotisk Inkvisition (KVLT Black Metal band!!! Only for Eastern European maniaks!!! 2 bonus live tracks) ASTROFAES (UKR) - Dying Emotions Domain (First full album. Pagan Black Metal) NHAAVAH (CZE) - Kings Of Czech Black Metal (Title says it all!!! Satanic Black Metal with members of almighty Maniac Butcher) ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (BRA) - At Battlefields Of The Abyssal Realm (Satanic Black Metal) NIHIL DOMINATION (ECU) - Jehovah's Desecration (Satanic Black/Death Metal from the abyss of South American Underground) WORVHALLAG (POL) - Worvhallag (Satanic Black Metal!!!) KATHARSIS 666 (POL) - Total Beast (Satanic Black Metal!!! Latest demo recording) THANATHRON (POL) - Hiarra (Re-release of the first two recordings!!! BLACK FUCKING METAL!!!) THANATHRON / BELETH (POL)/(POL) - Voice Of Inferno (Polish Black Metal at its best!!! Recommended!!!) MERCILESS WARFARE (SPA) - Satanic Liturgies Of Destruction (Blasphemous Death/Black Metal) MISANTHROPIC ART (RUS) - Possessed By Bestiality (Depressive Black Metal) BESTIAL (RUS) - Satanic Metal (Anti-Christian Black Metal) HELVETE (SWE) - Kill Him Once Again (Raw Satanic Black Metal, compilation of demo recordings) JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) - Avetinjski Ples Sablasti (Very rare!!! BLACK METAL MASTER!!! Only for Serbia and Macedonia!!!) MOLOCH LETALIS (POL) - Arkana Chaosu (Antichristian Hateful Black/Death Metal!!! Compilation of early releases!!!) CAPITOLLIUM (UKR) - Undivine Antipathy (Symphonic Anti-Christian Black Metal!!!) VINYL: ABSURD CONFLICT (CZE) - Point Of Crisis (Progressive Death Metal masters!!!) CALES (CZE) - Krf (Blackie of almighty Root horde strikes again!!! Doom/Death Metal, latest release)
  25. Hvala brate!!! Trudili smo se :-) Bane je vec napisao, al izgleda da su se moderatori malko ulenjili :-)
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