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vec je okacen clanak brisite...
jebote gledam tekmu uzivam, neizvesno 3min do kraja 74-73 za njih, cekam pare na kladzi stavio sam na nasu pobedu (kvota 7,7) i krece ova tuca jbt onaj crnja udara ko lud, trojca ga drze i nista samo zabada a Krle kad je popizdeo i pljas stolicu Burusisu otvorio glavu Edit: gde se javio Tegi jel pocela emisija na SOS-u ??
Danas igramo sa Grcima i to ce biti najveci test na ovim pripremama. Kvota na nas u Mocartu je neverovatnih 7,7 i mislim da vredi pokusati. Ako odigramo maximalno mozemo da pobedimo, iako se igra kod njih i mi smo mrtvi umorni
2010.08.18-22. *Usce, Beograd* Belgrade Beer Fest
DBrave replied to Srlandand's topic in Arhiva koncerata
pilece b. 400 din... svrsim im u oci smradovi -
ne znam zasto pricate da je Anderleht bolji tim ? Po meni su vrlo izjednacene ekipe, i obe imaju opasne rupe u odbrani. Mislim da ce sreca odluciti ili neki ludacki gol
Novi sing World on Fire http://rghost.net/2378254
pa nista u principu su Slovenci vodili celu utakmicu (imali i +15)... mi krecemo da ih stizemo u drugom pol. i 5 sec do kraja imaju +1, Novica trci kontru, faul i ubacuje 2 slobodna, +1 za nas , Slovenci ne daju kos za tih 4 sec i to je to... Slatka pobeda
da gledao sam i ja, okacio neki slovenac link na kosarka.rs Novica i Krstic najbolji danas
aha ja mislio ti se nadas posto na shoptu pise Released: 29/10/2010 a to je naravno nemoguce ja stvarno mislim da ce dijablo sledece godine ali kako Blizzard odlaze mozda bude i tokom 2012... mada najvaznije je da bude dobar jer ce se igrati narednih 10 godina
na tv-u ne, ali mozda se nadje na netu... bice valjda linkova kad pocne
e pa ne slazem se. Iako sam za vecinu grupa saznao preko neta ili mi je neko preporucio, par vrh bendova sam prvi put cuo na VH1 rock ili metal ili na MTV-headbangersball... Recimo Evergrey sam prvi put cuo kada sam video spot za A Touch of Blessing... A imas i kreativne spotove tipa Tool a i one gde se vidi atmosfera sa svirki i koncerata... U svakom slucaju gresis ali dobro, imas pravo na svoje misljenje
svrati na ovu temu u junu sledece godine i procitaj ove postove ponovo
radi promocije ?
pa i nece nema sanse da izadje pre leta 2011
thx za clanak po ovome sprema nam se fantastican album, jedva cekam
za mene je polufinale uspeh a posle ako osvojimo neku od medalja fantasticno Zaista pucamo od talenta ali ipak fali malo iskustva koje imaju Spanija i Argentina A ocekujem da blistamo na Olimpijadi, da gazimo sve kao masina (kao na ovim pripremama )
uh bas mi je legla stvar, odlicna pesma i poseca na boiler na neki nacin bice sigurno jos dobrih pesama to je to, dolaze Linkin Park i Limp Bizkit sa novim albumima, kao u osnovnoj skoli
http://emusician.com/interviews/in_the_mix/in_mix_too_much_information/ http://emusician.com/interviews/in_the_mix/in_the_mix_compression_blues/ http://emusician.com/interviews/in_the_mix/in_the_mix_new_is_old/index.html http://emusician.com/interviews/in_the_mix/full_circle/index.html ovaj je bas dobar intervju, imas u njemu i neke linkove za audio intervju gde prica kako producira kuci http://emusician.com/interviews/steven-wilson/index.html http://emusician.com/online_exclusive/steven_wilson_interview_bonus/index.html
vredi procitati, svaki put me odusevi svojim clancima In the Mix: Too Much Information There’s a story I have heard about the-artist-formerly-known-as-and-now-once-again-known-as-Prince. It suggests that during the past 30 years, he has commissioned several documentaries about his life and work from major filmmakers. Each one has been filmed and edited at great expense, only to be consigned to Prince’s vault for his own viewing pleasure, a glorified home movie if you will. Whether this is true or not, it still chimes well with what we know about Prince—very little. Prince is still a largely mysterious figure, in the great tradition of rock enigmas, and so apart from reflecting on the few things we think we know about him (he’s mad, he likes purple, he’s quite short, etc.), we tend to simply listen to his music and work and conclude that the guy really is a pop genius. Now compare Prince to those two other ’80s pop icons, Madonna and Michael Jackson. Isn’t it true that we know too much about these people? And isn’t it also true that it’s almost impossible to hear the music of either of them without being weighed down with knowledge of their private lives, scandals, family feuds, ex-marriages, and court cases? I say all this because it seems to me we have now passed out of the era of the pop enigma and are now firmly entrenched in the era of reality. But when was great pop music ever about reality? I think of the mystery and aura that grew up around artists like Led Zeppelin and David Bowie in the ’70s, and wonder if this wasn’t a contributing factor to the immense power of the music. When I first started to buy records in the early ’80s, the only means I had to find anything out about the music and musicians I liked was whatever I could glean from the credits on the sleeve, or perhaps an interview in a music paper like Melody Maker or NME. These little scraps of information only increased my sense of awe at the magic of the music. David Bowie is a bisexual alien? I’ll buy that. Jimmy Page sold his soul to the devil? That makes total sense! In contrast, these days I’m only a few clicks on the Internet away from the minute details of the lives of any number of pop and rock stars on Twitter (handy if you want to know what they had for breakfast), a webcam link into their studio as they write their new album, or a blog discussing their personal and business problems. Of course, there is something to be said for this. Musicians are just regular people; the rock star thing was just a pretense anyway, so aren’t things more honest now? Yes, more honest, but hellishly more dull too. I am writing this in a magazine designed to demystify the process of how music is made (and as I write this perhaps I’m even demystifying myself), but I’m not really talking about the technical considerations of making music; I’m talking about the human aspect. I want to believe that the music I love was created by superhumans who, when they were not space traveling, hanging out with supermodels, and finding religion, spent their time dreaming up music that would somehow perfectly encapsulate the human condition in a way that only a divinely gifted being could. Because they are not like you and me. Okay, I exaggerate a little, but you take my point. Shows such as American Idol may put the whole pop-star charade up on the screen and lead us to believe that somehow it’s all fake anyway, but I don’t believe that. Or at least I don’t want to believe it. Just like I don’t want to know how a magician does all of his tricks, because to know that would render the whole experience banal. And it’s for these reasons that when I listen to classic Black Sabbath, I still try to picture Ozzy as an Odinist visionary in league with Satan, not as Ozzy the cuddly buffoon falling off of his chair.
cheesy je prava rec, isto kao i prva dva albuma od Linkin Parka... jbg, nema tu neke mudrosti, napravili su zlo od albuma, skoro svaka pesma je hit i komercijala, kome se ne svidja ima toliko drugih grupa... a i sta fali malo popularnosti ovakvoj vrsti muzike ? Bolje mi je milion puta kad vidim ovo na mtv-ju nego bijonse
hahah kakvi spotovi rofl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VshwFbC1akE
fala braco zivi bili
hmm koliko ja znam to je verovatno Gettysburg trilogija, ali tu se Barlow pojavi samo u 2 recenice... Ima par remixa sa predzadnjeg albuma koje su ljudi pravili i ukrstali vokale, ali to nije zvanicno...
meni je Isle of Avalon pesma po meri, a i Coming Home mi bas legla. Ima stvarno zanimljivih delova na albumu, ne znam koliko ce me drzati, ali mislim da album nije razocarao
po cemu sudeci ? jel ima jos neki info osim ovog previewa koji traje 30sec ?