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Everything posted by DBrave

  1. hmm pa bilo bi stvarno vrh al ko zna, mozda su zauzeti snimanjem albuma (Hansi sigurno) a Kai isto tako i sad turnejom... jbg ma bice sledeci deo zato su sad uleteli Ripper i Rusell al ona pesma gde su Tobi, Lande, Kiske i Rusell Allan ce da objasni, cini mi se da traje oko 10-ak min
  2. u pa naravno, sniman je tokom prosle godine ima jos da se zavrsava, ali ocekuje se da izadje na leto otprilike...
  3. DBrave

    Starcraft 2

    hmm mislim da je taj lazylaunch.exe ok radio sa prvim patchom, danas je izasao patch broj 2 (verzija je 0.4.nesto) i mislim da nece raditi... mada naravno izaci ce novi exe fajl sa kojim ce biti moguce opet ovo igranje... negde sam procitao komentar na ovo igranje bez protivnika (samo izgradnja baze i jedinica): masturbacija za nerdove ali svakako cu instalirati trenutno nema stvari koju vise zelim nego da igram SC2 ali jebiga
  4. Malo me je iznenadilo da ga je Blackie odbio, mislim da bi to ispala super pesma, aj jbg...
  5. evo intejvua iz jednog nemackog casopisa (Heavy) od pre par dana. devojka sa edguy/avantasia foruma je prevodila sa nemackog na engleski tako da ne zamerite na greskama u kucanju: ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ready!!!! Really a lot of text to translate and to typewrite. I tried to do my best to translate it very well, so please ignore grammar or spelling mistakes. Just overlook them. Here we go: Weare almost ready with recording, there are only a few overdubs left todo, choires, guitar solos and that kind of stuff. I’m even a bit sadthat our studio work is nearly ready because I’ve never had so much funwriting and recording new songs. After we (Sascha Paeth and I) hadbegun to start working on the new Avantasia album, we had so many ideasthat’s why we are going to release two albums. Heavy: Are both albums equitable? Tobi:Of course they are. We don’t have an album which contains rejectmaterial while we have absolute strong songs on the other one. Bothalbums are adequate releases even if they come out coincidentally. Iwish that they will be seen independent to each other even though theywill be released together at once in a set. Heavy: Do the new albums continue on that part where the Scarecrow story did stop? Tobi:Yes, I continue the story I already have started with the last album.The protagonist develops himself and makes new experiences, that’s whyyou can recognize some parallels to my own character. But neverthelessit’s difficult to consider both albums as a consecutive story because alot of feelings are reflected in the songs. It’s not like you can speakof a consecutive story, it’s more a reunion of episodes in whichespecially emotions play a very huge role. The listener does not haveto understand every single text to recognize the whole concept. Even ifsome passages will remain unclear, he will know and understand thewhole story. If I read “Faust” by Goethe or watch the movie “Paganini”with Klaus Kinski I won’t understand every little thing at all butnevertheless I recognize the context. Probably I only understand everythird sentence which was written by Goethe but I surely know what’sgoing on in that story without that I comprehend every single thought. Heavy:I noticed that Jorn Lande is going to sing a lot of passages again. Isit because you love his voice so much or is it because of his importantcharacter? After all he represents the Mephisto character. Tobi:It’s both. I often think that Jorn would fit perfectly on this or thatpart that’s why then I’m adding some lines which fit to his characterin the story. He’s a kind of Mephisto, so it’s easy to enter himbecause he whispers in a lot of situations. Heavy:Additionally next to Michi Kiske, Bob Catley or Andre Matos, there arenew voices like Russell Allen, Ripper Owens or even Klaus Meine. Howactually happened this? Tobi: I know Russell for quite a time,he’s a brilliant singer. Immediately he liked to participate. He’s avery relaxed guy with whom you can work very easily. When I was writingthe song “Scales Of Justice”, I thought that I need a singer with avery aggressive voice, so immediately Ripper Owens came in my mind. Imanaged to get Klaus because of Rudolph Schenker who was alreadyappeard on the Scarecrow as well. To me it is a dream to have Klaus onthe album. I’m a huge Scorpions fan. I don’t only like their music butalso I respect them for making german rock music international famous.That’s why the Scorpions are definitely the most successful german bandof all times. I had his voice in my mind while working on “Dying For AnAngel” but when he finally was in the studio and sang that song itsounded so incredible that I couldn’t believe it at all. I’m very proudto have Klaus on my album. Heavy: Understandable. This song is going to be a hit definitely. Tobi:That’s what I think as well. We are going to shoot a video for thatsong, too. It would be a pity if the people out there hadn’t the chanceto listen to that track. Heavy: Is that song the most important to you? Tobi:Difficult to say. But I’m sure it’s one of the highlights. If I had tointroduce Avantasia to someone, I’d choose “Runaway Train” but probablythis song is to complicated and difficult, so at next, I’d take “DyingFor An Angel”. Heavy: “Runaway Train” is a very complex and bombastic track whichincreases during the song and which sounds vey theatrical. It’s easy tonotice you’re a fan of Meat Loaf. Tobi: I don’t want to denythat at all. You can already hear this on the first Avantasia albums oron “Judas At The Opera”. Meat Loaf is a genius and of course I wasaffected by his music. Heavy: You can find this theatrical element in the song “Death is just a feeling” as well. This sung is sung by Jon Olivia. Tobi:Of course. While writing this song I had very detailed pictures in mymind. I imagined a very strange guy who’s sitting in the attic, totallyalone and somehow he seems to be very weird. Jon’s voice fitsperfectly, he made that song exactly how I wanted it to have. Itreminds a bit on “The Toy Master” which was sung by Alice Cooper. Heavy:You mentioned that you have a very clear imagination of a song and howit should sound like. However do your singers have a lot of freedom? Tobi:Some of them easily take it. If I give a song to Jorn, in the end itsometimes sound different from what I was imagining. But he’s such agreat singer so in the end it sounds amazing! Bob Catley is totallydifferent. He wants to know very exactly what to sing and how to sing apart. Not very astonishing, I think that’s the way he and Tony Clarkinof Magnum handle it. I have a clear imagination but I’m always readyfor advices, doesn’t matter if vocal or musicians parts. Heavy: Bruce Kulick – next to Eric singer there’s a secondary guest of the KISS Family involved. How happened this? Tobi:Actually this is very funny, because I already have asked him when Idid the metal operas but I never got a response. One day he contactedme because he wanted me to sing a song on his solo album. So I couldmanage to get him on Avantasia. Bruce is a very nice guy with whom Ibecame friends very quickly. When I was in California to write thetrack for his CD, it worked very well. We wrote music and lyricstogether in a hotel room. Besides we were on holiday with ourgirlfriends and enjoyed California. We often write emails, too. Hisguitar work is really fantastic and in my opinion he played guitar onthe best KISS albums of all. Heavy: Not only Bruce did agreat job on guitar, Sascha did as well. Sometimes you ask yourselfwho’s actually playing that guitar part right now and then you arecompletely surprised that it is Sascha. Tobi: That’s right.He’s absolutely fantastic. When we were in the studio, Eric Singer saidto me that Sascha himself doesn’t know how good he actually is. You cangive him whatever you want and he does a great job without losing hisown style. Heavy: You mentioned Eric Singer, this time he doesn’t play drums on every song…. Tobi:Right, his parts were already recorded when we did the Scarecrow CD. Onthe newer songs we have Alex Holzwart and Felix Bohnke. Eric was verybusy with KISS, but Alex and felix are top quality drummers as well. Heavy: Let’s talk about Sascha again. Is it right, that this time he did some songwriting as well? Tobi:Yes. I always wrote the songs and then we arranged them together butnow Sascha wrote a complete song on his own. It’s called “Symphony OfLive”, a pretty unusual track. The singer who’s doing the vocals is afriend of Sascha as well and he suggested her to me. Her name is CloudyYang and she really did a great job. Heavy: It’s alwaysvery interesting that you can persuade so many popular and top qualitymusicians to participate on Avantasia. Has there ever been a person whoturned out to be very unpleasant? Tobi: No, not yet. I alwayshad luck not only to work with good but as well very nice and friendlymusicians. Of course there are some you like more than some other ones,but there hasn’t ever been one unfriendly person at all. Heavy: Have you been rejected by a musician this time? A person who you wanted to have on your album? Tobi:Yeah, it was Blackie Lawless. I have to say that he acted veryunfriendly. We had a meeting and I had to wait for him for hours. WhenI finally got to him, he only said: “Sorry Tobi, I don’t do thesethings!” For that declining he kept me waiting for hours. Heavy: Are there any musicians who contacted you because they want to participate on Avantasia, too? Tobi:It didn’t happen to me personally, but Sascha once said that sometimesit happens off and on. But actually that’s not interesting to me. Ichoose the people by myself. Heavy: Probably notastonishing that there are requests like this. Not only the Scarecrowwas a very successful CD but also the single “Lost In Space”. When thissong was released a lot of people accused you to act too commercial. Tobi:Honestly to me it’s not a shame to be successful, even it was not mywhole intention. It’s very nice to sell a lot of albums, but never doanything you do not like. You live perhaps 90 years. If I do somethingfor one year which I don’t like at all, then I have wasted 1/90 of mywhole life. That’s why I never do things I don’t stand behind for 100%. I gave myself a hard time releasing Lost In Space. It’s a verydifferent song to that what I have done so far. So it was probablydifficult to notice it was written by me. The Japanese said I was dumbto record such a pop rock song instead be sure to be on the safe side.They would like to have a melodic-speed-metal album with Timo Tolkki,Michi Kiske, Andre Matos and Timo Kotipelto. Every siong should soundlike “Reach Out For The Light”. Of course I could do that but I don’twant to. It would’t give me pleasure at all. Honestly I have to confessthat these accusations towards Lost In Space and Carry Me Over made mevery angry. They were easily unfair. Heavy: Both Lost in Space EPs had a lot of great bonus material. This time again? Tobi:We recorded 22 songs. We won’t have a single so there won’t be B-sidesneither. I think these have never been finished if we start to writeand record additional material. However we have one additional track:Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. But we do not know so far how to useit. I think our version is pretty good, because we really oriented onthe original version. I love Journey and especially that song. Heavy: Who does not? You did a lot of live shows with Avantasia, especially festivals. How was this experience to you? Tobi:Of course it was great and exciting, to me it was a complete newexperience. It was so much fun to travel with all of these people,doesn’t matter if festival or real gigs in concert halls we didoversea. Heavy: It’s a bit stunning that there hasn’t been a live album or a DVD after the tour was finished… Tobi:It was planned – both and we recorded four or five shows but till nowwe actually didn’t had the time to cut all that material. This is somuch work and we didn’t have time at all. Additionally we have so muchbonus material that we have to edit as well. After we finished theAvantasia tour, we did Tinnitus Sanctus and Fucking With Fire, so wedidn’t have any time for Avantasia. However one day we will work on it. Heavy: Are there any plans for forthcoming Avantasia live shows? Tobi:No, not yet and I don’t believe we will play shows. But you never knowwhat will happen, at least there had never been plans for an Avantasiatour and then we did it. But anyway, I don’t think we are going to goon tour in the near future. Heavy: You always seem to bevery positive and happy. That reminds me a bit on Rudolf Schenker andhis biography book. You know it? Tobi: Easy, Tiger! Of course, Iread it and I like it, too. The book reflects him very well and I thinkthere are probably some parallels. I’m a positive human being. Thisconfidence helped me when we started with Edguy, but also as well withAvantasia. The wicked Symophony: title track, orchestra intro, numerous singers, excellent guitar work Wastelands: reminds on earlier Avantasia, Michi Kiske, parallels to Helloween Scales Of Justice: extreme hard song, Tim Owens DyingFor An Angel: first single, reminds on eighties songs, goosebumbsguarantees, author doesn't seem to be a huge Scorpions fan, but hereKlaus Meine's performance is incredible. Blizzard On A Broken Mirror: mini-opus, guitars remind on Savatage, very complex, catchy tune RunawayTrain: magnum-opus, 9 minutes long, a lot of different atmospheres,bombastic chorus, theatrical, best song on "The Wicked Symphony" Forever Is A Long Time: if there will be a tour again, this song is duty!, hard and groovy guitars but nevertheless very melodic States Of Matter: Tobi und Russell Allen, fast song, melodic metal track Angel Of Babylon: title song, great guitars Your Love Is Evil: eighties guitar riff, probably the weakest song Stargazers: numerous tempo changes, Michi Kiske, Russel Allen, Jorn Lande and Tobi Blowing Out The Flame: power ballad, only Tobi on vocals Death Is Just A Feeling: Jon Olivia, very bizarre song, best song on Angel Of Babylon Symphony Of Live: written by Sascha Paeth, Cloudy Yang on vocals, very modern, lot of synthesizers Journey To Arcadia: bombastic, influences by Meat Loaf, great guitar work, Bob Catley, Jorn Lande and Tobi Allin all, the author says that it's again an improvement compared to theScarecrow which already was an incredible album. Seven of the new 22songs weren't completly finished to that time so there's no review. Hopefully I could help you! <br clear="all">
  6. DBrave


    na 3
  7. hvala, plus od mene
  8. ako ima jos zainteresovanih mozemo da se udruzimo i da narucimo ove box-edition, pa troskove slanja placamo zajedno... Elderane i ja smo prosli album (Scarecrow-lmtd.edition + DVD) narucivali preko Oath records shopa, nije ni to lose, korektno je stiglo sa ok cenom, samo sto smo cekali 3 nedelje po izlasku albuma... Verovatno moze opet da se poruci preko njih
  9. ovo kupujem cim izadje: The albums will be available as normal CDs, as two separate double-picture vinyls, and as a beautiful collector's edition with a beautiful Avantasia-picture-book. The deluxe box set will feature twoCDs in two digibooks with impressive booklets, codes for online content(like bonus tracks, etc.) and the Avantasia-book "The Wicked Trilogy"including many never before seen photos from the tour and from photo sessions, etc. An exclusive interview, liner-notes, and a biography will also be included. All the album versions will be released simultaneously on April 3rd, so no one has to buy everything piece by piece but rather choose the version they prefer to get right from the start. kosta 33 evra
  10. uf prelep mi je cover, a nemam nikakve sumnje da ce DVD biti savrsen
  11. Uf ta Departed mi je odlicna, obozavam tu pesmu
  12. to mi je bio i prvi album od Edguy, posle sam nabavio ostatak i Avantasiu... Kad sam dobio Savage Poetry slusao sam ga 2 nedelje po ceo dan u danasnje vreme kad nabavim neki album, slusam ga 2-3 dana i to je to...
  13. i meni su to najbolje pesme, mada ceo album je perfektan, prava bomba !! Ipak volim remasterovanu verziju, jer je ipak ozbiljnije uradjena (i prva verzija je uradjena dobro za to vreme ali vidi se nedostatak kesha za bolji studio i produkciju...). Mislim da je i na remasteru zadrzana sirovost koju su kasnije uspesno zamenili sa power/epskim stilom na Theater of Salvation i Vain Glory Opera... u svakom slucaju fantastican album !
  14. ma to ce biti zadnji album sa njom... onda napusta bend i vraca se Tarja, sve je to unapred smisljeno i vec odavno oprobano, zna se i koji su sve veliki bendovi radili po istom receptu... Paznja, publicitet, marketing, ogromne turneje, svi bi da vide ono sto je popularno
  15. sto se mene tice, prosli album mi je bio zanimljiv, sa par vrlo dobrih pesama... skidam novi, hvala za link
  16. nastelujte timove na Fantasiju, ponovo se igramo
  17. e jebiga, isao sam na search ali nisam nista nasao...
  18. evo za ljubitelje Rippera, ovo mu dodje kao neki blek metal sa klin vokalima ludacki je agresivno, nikako ne pripada power/prog delu vec na bleck/death ali mrzi me tamo da zalazim Charred Walls of the Damned - Charred Walls of the Damned (2010) CHARRED WALLS OF THE DAMNED is: * Tim "Ripper" Owens (JUDAS PRIEST, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, ICED EARTH) - Vocals * Richard Christy - Drums * Jason Suecof - Guitar, Producer * Steve DiGiorgio (SADUS, TESTAMENT) - Bass http://rapidshare.com/files/346161394/Charred_Walls_of_the_Damned_-_Charred_Walls_of_the_Damned__2010_.rar
  19. a pa Axenstar nije bas nepoznata grupa, albumi su dobri, a neki su izvanredni... Mozda smo cak imali i temu o njima... Cini mi se da sam krenuo da ih slusam kad su izbacili Inquisition, dok mi je poslednji album (Final Requiem) prosecan, ima dobrih pesama, ali vise mi se svidjalo ono ranije... Bas dugo nisam cuo nista o njima, zadnji album je izasao 2006, i evo vidim novi je najavljen tek za devembar 2010... Uzecu sad malo da se podsetim, bas ih dugo nisam pustao, dobar predlog
  20. Ma Frubi ja kad sam pitao oko prostora to je bilo u najpozitivnijem smislu... Svidja mi se promena prostora, SKC mi se vec pomalo i smucio posle 15 koncerata tamo... Lepo je malo promeniti ambijent, a jos ako je i sala sa boljim zvukom to je onda super. A i do jaja je ustedeti kintu ako je Odeon jeftiniji... I ovde ce ljudi uvek da pisu o svakakvim glupostima, a pogotovo o organizaciji... Pa ovo je forum, znaci besposleni ljudi, visak slobodnog vremena, mora o necemu da se razglaba zar je moguce posle silnih tema od po 200 strana da se jos neko cudi sto se prica o organizaciji...
  21. ma odlican posao ste obavili Legacy, svaka cast i molim vas, nemojte odrapiti sa cenom, dajte malo jeftinije pa da bude vise ljudi... Taj odeon od 300evra, jel to jeftinije ili skuplje od velike sale SKCa ?? Nisam upoznat sa cenama zakupa, al bas me zanima, jel su prosli jeftinije ili skuplje jel ce biti odrzano u bioskopskoj sali Odeona ? to je bas ogroman prostor
  22. Therion je uvek dobar uzivo, lepe vesti
  23. DBrave


    "Trifunović može da me iznenadi" DuškoVujošević je uputio bezbroj lepih reči na račun kolege na klupi Zvezdeuoči nedeljnog večitog derbija (19,30). Marić bi mogao da se pojavi usastavu. Nema favorita. "Utakmice između Partizana i Zvezdemogu da se igraju u važnim i manje bitnim trenucima, u sklopupripremnog turnira, u toku NLB lige, završnici Kupa ili finalimaplej-ofa... Trenutaka ima manje i više značajnih, ali svaki derbi jevažan". Uvodno izlaganje Duška Vujoševića nakonferenciji za medije povodom nedeljnog večitog derbija (19,30)najbolja je najava okršaja Crvene zvezde i Partizana. Jer, sutrašnjiduel crveno-belih i crno-belih rezultatski nije preterano značajan,posebno za šampiona, ali derbi je jednostavno uvek derbi. Osimstandardnog motiva da se pobedi najljući rival, crno-beli će imatidodatnu želju da se iskupe za slabu partiju protiv Marusija, da serevanširaju Zvezdi za poraz u prvom delu sezone, odnosno da pobedomdočekaju završnicu Kupa u Nišu. "Derbije nešto što određuje raspoloženje navijača i igrača. Želimo da na Kupodemo u dobroj atmosferi, da odigramo dobru utakmicu i pobedimo.Naravno, sa druge strane postoje slične želje, tako da ćemo videti koće pokazati više karaktera i kvaliteta da realizuje ciljeve", poručio je Vujošević.<br style="font-weight: bold;"><br style="font-weight: bold;">Odavno je poznato da u derbiju favorit ne postoji. To je još jednom ponovio trener Partizana: "Zvezdaje domaćin, ali nema favorita. Mi imamo nešto kvalitetniji sastav, alito može da dođe do izražaja samo kada su obe ekipe u najboljoj formi ipunom sastavu. I mnogo jači Partizan je znao da izgubi od mnogo slabijeZvezde i obrnuto. Prema tome, breme favorita se prebacuje sa jedne nadrugu stranu". Što se tiče sastava Partizana, najveća nepoznanica je da li će navijači crno-belih konačno dočekati povratak Aleksa Marića: "Definitivnuodluku da li će biti u timu, donećemo posle večerašnjeg treninga.NJegova rehabilitacija ide dobrim tokom. Da nije u pitanju meč saZvezdom, Marić bi sigurno bio u sastavu. Ovako, videćemo. Mora da sezna da vraćanje u formu važnih igrača traje skoro isto koliko ioporavak od povrede. Sigurno ćemo ubrzo imati Marića na terenu, ali napravu formu ćemo morati da sačekamo". Na zanimljivo pitanje da li kolega Trifunović može nekako da ga iznenadi u nedeljnom derbiju, Vujošević dao ništa manje zanimljiv odgovor: "Dali može da me iznenadi? Može. U Trifunovića sam uvek verovao, on todobro zna. Talenat je već pretočio u kvalitet, a sakupio je i dovoljnomeđunarodnog iskustva. Zvezdin je čovek, počeo je u najmlađimselekcijama, imao uspešnu seniorsku karijeru, osvajao je trofeje... Pozavršetku je tu počeo da se bavi trenerskim poslom. Pametan je čovek,zna struku, posao, vezan je za Zvezdu, što je jako bitno u ovimsituacijama. Jako je kvalitetan i mislim da je Zvezda rešila pitanjetrenera na duži period", zaključio je Vujošević. Kosarka.rs
  24. DBrave


    lol pa ja koliko znam on je Grobar, a ja navijam za Zvezdu... Volim ja Partizan kad igra u evropi, kao i svaki Srpski klub, al ovde im zelim svako zlo
  25. DBrave


    pa nema, to je i sranje.... kao utakmica velikog rizika... Ma razmisljam da ce sigurno biti oni tapkarosi ispred, pred svaku utakmicu Zvezde ih ima i prodaju one karte sto dobiju za dzabe nekad i po nizoj ceni...
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