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Everything posted by DBrave

  1. Uf odlicno, 22 mart Kamelot, pa 3 april nova dupla Avantasia... Bice to vrlo interesantnih 10ak dana + jos naredne godine stize gomila novih power albuma
  2. DBrave


    danas su ekstra utakmice, meni zao sto nemam i SporKlub + i tu prenose 2 meca...
  3. Svaka cast ljudi Edit: zaboravio sam da pitam, jel i dalje ona standardna cena za domace doskove kod One-a, oko 400-500 din ? Uvek mi je drago da podrzim domaci bend, pogotovo kad je ovako dobar !! Krivo mi sto uopste nisam nigde video da ste nastupali skoro u Bgu, moram sledeci put kad dolazite da vas odslusam uzivo
  4. DECEMBER 16.2009 SONS OF LIBERTY - THE NEW PROJECT BY JON SCHAFFER Hello friends, For the last several months I have been working on a new project/soloalbum called Sons of Liberty. I am excited to unveil this and talkabout the motivations behind it this Friday on the Alex Jones show. I will be in the studio with Alex on Friday December 18th at 2pm CST.The show is broadcast from 11am to 3pm CST to over 80 stations nationwide. To find a station near you, go to GCN Live or stream it LIVE for free from Infowars. Just click on Infowars and you will be able to follow the broadcast. Prison Planet members can watch the interview from PrisonPlanet.TV On a newly created website that will go live Friday, December 18th, youwill be able to download and listen to this new album for free. Youwill also be able to purchase a high-resolution version. The webaddress is www.sons-of-liberty.net My desire is for Sons of Liberty to become part of a much largermovement that is happening around the world. This new website will be athink-tank containing lots of interesting web-links, book and movierecommendations, and much more. This will be an ongoing process, socheck back often. I am very proud to be invited to Alex Jones’ show and I feel this isthe perfect place for me to reveal the first Sons of Liberty albumentitled “Brush-fires of the Mind.” This is about the message and not the messenger. This is a project that I encourage you to copy and share with your friends. I care very much about what is happening in our world, we’ve beensteamrolling down this road for a long time, so I assure you this isnot a politically biased message. I’m hoping to set a few brush-firesin the minds of the listeners with this one. So please, check it out,do the research and get involved! Looking forward to getting your responses on this new chapter in my life! All the best, Jon Schaffer
  5. DBrave


    ne tada bi imali 2 pobede vise, ali igraju se jos 2 utakmice, ako oni dobiju te dve a Partizan izgubi onda bi imali isti skor, ali imaju bolju kos razliku pa bi isli dalje. Jbg Partizan je dobio Efes sa 1 poen razlike a u Turskoj je bilo 77-67 za njih... Zajebana je ovo grupa ali dosta ce se znati sutra uvece
  6. do jaja album, nista revolucionarno, ali taman onako kako sam ocekivao... Par novih momenata, iz albuma u album sve bolja produkcija... Sigurno jedan od boljih power albuma ove godine !
  7. DBrave


    paaa vise nama znaci da unikaha pobedi efes... tu se treba uzdati, da efes ispadne iz trke... Tesko je takmiciti se sa Litvancima jer imaju ubedljivu pobedu nad Partizanom, tako da ce sigurno biti bolji u medjusobnom skoru... Glavno je da se sutra dobiju Francuzi
  8. do jaja je ! Uf sad mi se bas slusa album
  9. slazem se, tako nesto je najpotrebnije, i verujem da ce ih i biti... Na proslom je u tom fazonu bila Another Angel Down koja rastura, potrebno je vise takvih pesama... A neka i bude neka baladica, bice 22 pesme sto da ne
  10. December 15, 2009INTERVIEW WITH TOBIAS ABOUT NEW AVANTASIA EPIC We have managed to capture Tobias in thestudio for a little chat regarding the new albums "The Wicked Symphony"and "Angel Of Babylon" that will be released on April 3rd 2010. Readwhat Tobias has to say about his hedonism, the new Avantasia journeyand additional guest stars... Webmaster:Tobias, 2009 was quite a busy year for you. You toured with Edguy andproduced two new Avantasia albums: "Angel Of Babylon" and "The WickedSymphony", that will be released in early 2010. Did you manage to sleepat all in 2009? Tobias: Not a lot, really. But when youlove what you do it doesn't feel like stress. I travel the world andwhenever I have a few weeks off I go to the studio to make anotherdream of mine come true. It's so satisfying to be creative, others gobowling or play golf or go Scuba diving, I try to write the ultimatesong or just record a duet with Klaus Meine and Alice Cooper. And everynow and then I interrupt the sessions to play a festival with Edguy.You call that a workaholic? I would rather say I am happy, a pleasureseeker, I can afford being terribly hedonistic - if you like, only thatmy form of hedonism isn't really bad for my health or anyone else's. Webmaster: As long as you don't have to go on stage with laryngitis? Or have a bottle of white wine and a cigarillo? Tobias:Haha, true! I might have a wine or a cigarillo at times. But it doesn'thappen every week. I am not too hard on myself, but I try to take careof myself, I loathe drugs and I am no smoker or heavy drinker! Thatbeing said, earlier this year I had a bad laryngitis and high fever. Wehad to postpone Edguy shows, but I didn't wanna let the fans down andso I went on stage in Sweden, although the doctors had told me I wasn'table to go on stage yet. That's what competitive performers do; we areinsane. Sometimes things happen that you can't control. We just playeda show where I blew my voice during the first five songs because thestage sound was bad and I couldn't hear myself. It just happens, that'spart of the whole thing, but no big deal: Two days later the voice isback on track. It's got nothing to do with self-abuse or wrongbehavior, it's the collateral damage of my life, Rock'n'Roll! Webmaster: So back to the creations of 2009... what is the state of the production of your two new Avantasia albums? Tobias:Well, first of all: Those two albums are not a creation of 2009 only.When we recorded "The Scarecrow" we had already written the secondchapter of it, that was way back in 2006, but I had so many more ideas,so I continued to compose. You know, song writing is nothing I do tofulfill a contract. It is more of a basic instinct. I have to do it, nomatter what. I don't think about how many songs I need for an albumwhen I have an idea or a vision. I feel like a messenger of the Gods,when I have one of those melodies that get me goosebumps. It's veryemotional and beyond any thought of the music industry. That's why Iwill always be mad at people who wanna tell me what to do. What thefuck do they know? Webmaster: Okay, so we're going to get two full albums? Tobias:Yes, and I swear, there is not one single song that doesn't deserve tobe on there. We have 22 songs, we have Classic Metal stuff, Epic Metalstuff, but it is that combination of silent tunes and heavy tunes, thedynamics that make those albums what they are. We have Meat Loafishchoirs, epic orchestral parts and great melodies. Fast stuff, slowstuff, traditional Hard Rock stuff. Great ballads, I am very happy.This musical is a movie for your soul, you close your eyes and listenand you will be taken on a journey. To me I got the feeling that thisis the most intense musical journey I have ever set off on. This isAvantasia at its best, man. I gotta quote a friend: This is not anotherproject, it's a fucking epic. Webmaster: Will the two albums be released separately or as a box set? Tobias:The plan is to do both. One deluxe edition featuring both albums in abox and the two CDs seperately as well. So fans can decide what theywanna buy and I think this is fair. The production of those albums wasquite expensive, I've paid it out of my own pocket and I invested overtwo years of work. I really count on my fans to buy the stuff, there isno rip-off excuse, haha! If they won't I have thrown away the provisionfor my old-age. Webmaster: Are there any details or song titles that you can share with us? Tobias:You know, we will come up with all sorts of details on the website whenit's time to do so. I don't wanna ruin the excitement. There is a songcalled "The Wicked Symphony", it's a ten minutes track featuring avocal battle between Jorn Lande, Russell Allen and me. There are manyunusually long songs, one little epic is called "Blizzard On A BrokenMirror", it's a duet of a friend of mine and me. I will not reveal thename of this guy yet, but Avantasia fans know him. There is anothervocal legend recording right now, but I won't reveal his name until Ihear the performance, I am superstitious. I guess we will confirm it onthe website before the end of the year. Webmaster:Okay, last question... You've worked with KISS guitarist Bruce Kulickon his solo album. When is this album gonna come out and what can youtell us about it? Tobias: Bruce contacted me in early2008 because Eric (Singer, drummer of KISS) had played him ourAvantasia stuff and Bruce liked my voice. He was working on a soloalbum and so he asked me if I could imagine singing a song. We becamefriends and when I was in Los Angeles last year, we completed thelyrics and I came up with some melodies and we adjusted and recordedit. The song rocks I think, it's a Skid Rowish gang vocal anthem,sounds like classic KISS during their Revenge era. I don't know whenthe album is gonna come out but I will spread the word as soon as Iknow any details. Bruce is a super nice guy, and he deserves all thebest. Working with people like him reminds you of the reason why youare doing this, it's the very basics. Sitting together with a friendand letting two worlds collide to create some piece of music! I shoulddo that more often! <br style="font-weight: bold;">Webmaster: Thank you Tobi, talk to you soon. More news and information here at tobiassammet.com in the coming days!
  11. Too bre!! Konacno da je izasao, odma skidam... Hvala
  12. bilo bi zaista steta, mnogo bi ovim mladim igracima znacilo da odigraju jos 6 vrhunskih utakmica, i jos 3 puta da se napuni hala Pionir... Koristilo bi to iskustvo puno za sledecu sezonu od koje se ipak puno ocekuje !
  13. ova grupa je najneizvesnija... Na primer u sledecem kolu pobede litvanci grke, i turci dobiju Unikahu kuci, i nastaje pravo ludilo, sta god Partizan uradi sa Orleanom, tu se ne bi znalo ko je ispred koga...
  14. jebiga... Orlean je imao pobedu protiv Litvanaca u ovom kolu, vodili su sa 4 minut ipo pre kraja, ali onda kretenske greske i ovi im ubace 7-8 peona lagano... Da su im uzeli pobedu bilo bi mnogo lakse... Moraju da se dobiju sledece 2 a za ostalo se uzdamo u srecu
  15. Gledam sad malo na sajtu Evrolige, zamislite da Partizan dobije ovakvu grupu u Top16: Barselona Macabi Khimki Partizan koje bi tu bilo krljanje
  16. pa nije mislio na to, mislio je da mozes nesto da uradis da izgleda realno (kostimi, maske...) a mozes i kompjuterskom animacijom, ali koliko god ona bila dobra i dalje izgleda poprilicno vestacki i neprirodno... CGI ipak jos uvek ne moze prevariti covekovo oko-mozak, vidi se i iz ovog trejlera za Avatar edit: sada vidim da ovo sto sam napisao nema ni malo smisla posto su i u Districtu alieni uradjeni sa CGi, ali jednostavno imaju realniju fiziku, kretanje... pa izgleda uverljivije... Ove zivotinje iz Avatara (posebno ovi tigrovi ili sta vec) mi bas izgledaju lose... Ali ajde videcemo, mozda ce se dosta promeniti kad stavimo te naocare
  17. imamo li mi temu o ovom bendu ? Skidam sad zadnji album "Hymn to the Immortal Wind" a ovo sto slusam na spejsu je sjajno
  18. nikada cuo za ovo, ali ovo sto je okaceno sa jutjuba je strasno ! Trebalo bi obavezno odslusati ovo, 800din je skroz ok cena
  19. ja bih voleo da bude kao Scarsick, dobar mi je album... Ali skoro sam siguran da nece biti slican, upravo zbog njihove promene od albuma do albuma...
  20. Dobro ali pise ovo: Limited edition in lavish digipak. SLIPCASE DAMAGED - REST OK - THEREFORE MEGA-PRICE sta mu znaci ovo "lavish", nikad cuo za izraz...
  21. Druze ako provalis kako funkcionise naruci i meni 1 primerak, saljem ti kintu... Nikada nisam video ovako jeftin DVD, a plus sto ima i bonus sa spotovima...
  22. ne znam za tu pesmu... Ovakve kritike me bas odusevljavaju, volim ja efekte i epske bitke, ali najvaznija mi je uvek bila prica, ako je ona losa sve postaje bljutavo (citaj: Transformersi i hiljade drugih) Ali od Kameruna se i ocekivalo samo najbolje... Jedva cekam da dodje i kod nas !
  23. a dal si procitala ovo: Deadline is the 24th of December to je u stvari najjaci deo totalni je kreten majke mi
  24. evo sa sajta evrolige: Ina battle for survival in the heart of Group B, another sellout crowd in Belgrade got to see basketball at its finest as Partizan edged EfesPilsen 93-92 thanks to a monster night by Aleksandr Maric and a game-winning jumper by Dusan Kecman in the waning seconds. Partizan improved to 4-3 and now sits tied for third place with Lietuvos Rytas,while Efes dropped to fifth place at 3-4 with three regular season games remaining. Maric continued his relevatory season with a performance that ranked among the 10 best in the Euroleague this decade. The 25-year-old rookie center from Australia was unstoppable all night, finishing with 34 points on 13-of-16 two-point shooting while ripping down 16 rebounds, including 8 on offense to finish with a performance index rating of 49. To je to !!
  25. Uskoro ce nam stici i ovaj film Najavljuje se pompezno, kao prekretnica u svetu 3d tehnologije... Kamerun je za sada svojim filmovima izgradio sebi zavidnu reputaciju, videcemo da li ce nastaviti istim kvalitetom... Evo za pocetak OST, meni se svidja, savrsen je za neku knjigu, mada filmske muzike na ovu foru ima jako puno... VA - Avatar (Music From The Motion Picture) OST-2009-DOH Artist...: VA Title.: Avatar (Music From The Motion Picture)-OST Genre........: Soundtrack Label.: Atlantic Source.......: CDDA Encoder......: Lame 3.97 -V2 --vbr-new Quality......: 182kbps avg / 44.1KHz / Joint Stereo Release Date.: 2009-12-10 Store Date...: 2009-12-15 Tracklist --------- 01. James Horner - You dont dream in cryo. .... 6:09 02. James Horner - Jake enters his avatar world 5:24 03. James Horner - Pure spirits of the forest 8:49 04. James Horner - The bioluminescence of the night 3:37 05. James Horner - Becoming one of The People Becoming one with Neytiri 7:43 06. James Horner - Climbing up Iknimaya - The Path to Heaven 3:18 07. James Horner - Jakes first flight 4:50 08. James Horner - Scorched earth 3:32 09. James Horner - Quaritch 5:01 10. James Horner - The destruction of Hometree 6:47 11. James Horner - Shutting down Graces lab 2:47 12. James Horner - Gathering all the Navi clans for battle 5:14 13. James Horner - War 11:21 14. Leona Lewis - I See You (Theme from Avatar) 4:20 Release notes: Atlantic Records has announced the upcoming release of AVATAR Music From The Motion Picture Music Composed And Conducted By James Horner the official score album companion to 20th Century Foxs hugely anticipated 3-D sci-fi action-adventure. The album, which features music composed and conducted by Academy Award-winner James Horner (Titanic, A Beautiful Mind, An American Tail), will be released physically on December 15th. Avatar arrives in theatres everywhere on December 18th. Written and directed by Academy Award-winner James Cameron (Titanic, Aliens, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, True Lies, The Abyss), Avatar takes us to a spectacular new world beyond our imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on a journey of redemption and discovery as he leads a heroic battle to save a civilization. Cameron first conceived the film 14 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not yet exist. Now, after four years of actual production work, Avatar delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story. Avatar stars Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation), Zo Saldana (Star Trek), Michelle Rodriguez (Lost, Fast & Furious), and Sigourney Weaver (Aliens, Galaxy Quest). The film is produced by James Cameron and Jon Landau. Enjoy!
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