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Everything posted by DBrave

  1. Im soooo looking forward to this konacno da ima pomaka na ovom pitanju, suska se vec godinama
  2. ja sam plakao od smeha skoro ceo film... jbg kapiram da nekome ne lezi ovakav humor, razumem i ljude koji su izlazili iz bioskopa, ali ja sam umro (kao i ranije na Borata)
  3. http://roadrunnerrecords.co.uk/page/News?news_id=80332
  4. i dalje ?? Meni izgleda ko da je bezao sa casova
  5. auuuuu pwned
  6. aj napisi kako si se odvikao, zanimljivo je citati tako nesto
  7. u stvari ne treba, i ovaj jedan je dovoljno dosadan
  8. i ostala 2 albuma su slicna sa do jaja omotima aj dajte linkove i za njih ako nadjete
  9. Dosta ljudi smatra Premonition za njihov najbolji album.. Meni je isto odlican al za nijansu vise volim Allegiance... U svakom slucaju nadam se odlicnom albumu, raduje me sto nisu odustali od instrumentala
  10. Evo konacno vesti za nov album : 2009-07-17 Summer Festivals report & New album Update!! Still successfully supporting their latest studio album “The Premonition” as well as their live DVD/CD release “Live Premonition”, Greek metallers FIREWIND continue to make more and more friends on the road and stay busy through the Summer appearing at several festival events. Guitarist Gus G checks in with the following report: “The past few months for us have been really great. We decided to do select shows and festivals in 2009, so that we can concentrate on writing new material. So in May we embarked on a 6 date UK / Ireland tour together with Stratovarius and Eden’s Curse. All gigs were great and we already miss our UK fans right now…but we’ll be back in UK and Ireland in 2010 that’s for sure! So, straight out of the final gig with Strato and into the festival mood we played a bunch of great festivals like Metal Days (Switzerland), Rock Hard (Germany), Graspop (Belgium) for the 2nd year in a row and Tuska (Finland). Then we played a very special show in Greece (and the only one for the rest of the year). We played with the Scorpions & Dokken @ Creta Festival which took place in the beautiful island of Crete. I’m sure all good tourists know where that is ;-) Not only did we use special pyro for that show, but I also ended up joining my idols, Scorpions, on stage and played “Rock You Like A Hurricane”!!! This was beyond my imagination and I sure wasn’t dreaming! I thank the Scorpions for being so nice to us and for the once-in-a-lifetime invitation to play with them, I’ll never forget it! We’re now ready to do the final 3 shows of the summer – Unirock in Turkey, Summer Breeze in Germany and finally Ilha do Ermal festival in Portugal. We’ll see u all out there!” As previously stated, FIREWIND are currently working on a new studio album to be released early 2010 and here is the update from Gus regarding the upcoming recording session: “So while we’ve been doing all these select shows this year, we concentrated mainly on writing new material. I can tell you right now that we have 12 great vocal songs and 2 instrumentals. While it’s too early to know what will end up on the album, all of us in the band are very pleased with the demos and pre-production we did and we are positive that we’re creating the best album of our career so far! We’re planning to enter the studio this Autumn and looking into possibilities of who will be mixing our new album. As for the material itself, I’d say it’s what our fans would expect from us. Powerful rock / metal anthems with cool riffs and memorable vocal lines from Apollo, but also some faster & more technical stuff is on there. We also wrote a very challenging instrumental song. It will have a fusion of styles and advanced playing from all of us. Needless to say the guitar will shred like never before! ;-) Can’t wait? Neither can we!!!” Here are the upcoming festival shows for FIREWIND: July 19 - Istanbul, TR - Uni Rock Festival Aug. 14 - Dinkelsbühl, GER - Summer Breeze Festival Aug. 28 - Vieira do Minho, PT - Festival Ilha do Ermal
  11. Revenga !!
  12. Partizan - APOEL !!! Sad je izvuceno, bice to 2 zanimljive tekme
  13. znam da jesu (konceptualni ne konceptovani) ali opet ne volim kad se album zove po pesmi... Ovde nema razloga za to. TiA je savrsen naziv... Mogu da prihvatim ime albuma po pesmi jedino ako su sve pesme po 5-6min a ta jedna 15+min i album se vrti oko nje... Vidim da volis Dark side of the moon, vidis kako je lepo kad album ima ime za sebe
  14. ljudi o cemu vi pricate ?? Aj sacekajte da cujete ceo album a ne 5min na majspejsu pa da pricamo... Nemoj posle se iznenadite
  15. normalan covek, mnogo je bolje kada se album ne zove po nekoj pesmi... Osim ako ta pesma nije od 15+min i centralni deo je albuma, ali to ovde nije slucaj (recimo kao Odiseja od SyX )
  16. evo bonus pesme Second Sight : http://rapidshare.com/files/255981320/S-SS.rar.html
  17. DBrave

    Frozen Throne

    @Satan: samo javi kad ti se igra (naravno na BNetu) isti mi je username tamo : DBrave
  18. Nikad nije kasno da se pocne sa dobrim bendom... Ja sam poceo da ih slusam kad je izasao TIA
  19. dobio sam odgovor na mail da li ocu da preuzmem u Bg-u ili da se salje postom... Verovatno cemo mi koji narucimo preuzeti svoje karte uskoro pa tek onda krece prodaja po vecoj ceni...
  20. Meni su Manic Street Preachers bili fenomenalni, Mando Diao, Korn i Moby isto tako... Prodigy su mi ostavili mlak ukus, slusao sam ih na sajmu i bilo je mnooogo bolje, a isto tako kazu i za 2007 na Exitu... Za explosive nisam imao vremena, hteo sam da cujem Sabaton i Deathstars ali jbg, poklopilo se sa Mobyjem... Ona Kocka (Etienne de Crecy) je isto bila zanimljiva da se odgleda, isto kao i Kraftwerk... Krivo mi za Madness sto nisam video al jbg... u svakom slucaju zanimljiv Exit, pogotovu za nekoga ko je isao bez ikakvih ocekivanja i uglavnom zbog provoda i drustva... Glavna zamerka je sto main stejdzu treba jace ozvucenje, secam se samo Metallice, kako je tu gruvalo, ocekivao sam tako nesto...
  21. lol pa realno... Sad cu da pustim STD
  22. Poslah sad mail... Moze sa novog Fail, ta mi je nekako bas simpaticna...
  23. ja uzeo klasican cd, ne digi, jbg nije ih imalo na kraju certa...
  24. ma da cujem ovo uzivo i do jaja Mando Diao -Dance With Somebody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLpRU_WbP2g
  25. posle ovoga mi se definitivno ne ide na koncerte neko vreme, jedno 2 meseca, jednostavno nema smisla I ovaj Exit sto pocinje sutra bice nekako smesan... stvarno savrsen koncert, pravo uzivanje poz za ljude koje sam upoznao i koji su castili cajem
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