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Everything posted by VoivodBG

  1. So apparently the Aussies aren’t the only ones Trent Reznor thinks should steal his music: MetalSucks reader/frequent commentor TTQuick has tipped us off to Boingboing.net’s report that Reznor recently encouraged his Chinese fans to do the same. Says Reznor: “As for the special situation in China, it does not seem to be easy to obtain Western music via legal channels, so I have the following suggestion for our fans: If you can find and buy our legal CDs, I express my thanks for your support. If you cannot find it, I think that downloading from the Internet is a more acceptable option than buying pirated CDs. Our music is easy to find on the Internet, and you might not need to spend much effort to find most of our songs. If you like our songs after you’ve heard them, please feel free to share it with your friends. As I have put all my effort and heart into my music, I sincerely hope that more and more people can share the enjoyment with us.” Whether or not you actually like Year Zero or any of Nine Inch Nails’ other releases, you gotta admit, Trent Reznor is absolutely earning his cred as one of the coolest musicians alive this year. Now if only he’d sock Tommy Lee in the mouth… :) :)
  2. Ljudi bi li neko bio toliko dobar da mi ostavi neki link ka poslednjem albumu?Unapred zahvalan
  3. Ima i taj,ali mislim da i dalje moze da se skine rude awakening.
  4. Eyehategod-ov take as needed for pain bongzilla gateway(ovi su ti stoneri na kvadrat) Fu manchu pod obavezno,klasican stoner rock bilo koji album od doticnih OD CoC-a, Wiseblood i Blind pod obavezno,a mozes i prva dva albuma kada su bili crossover,tj kada je mike dean bio pevac
  5. Bio je jedan live cini mi se iz 2003 za skidanje,tu je nosio gas masku i gubio se nevidjeno... Po meni nijedan pattonov projekat se ne moze porediti,jer iskreno za svakog ima ponesto
  6. FEAST 2006 Meni jedan od boljih horora u poslednjih nekoliko godina,kao izvrsni producenti se vode dva meni veoma (ne)omiljena glumca,Matt Damon i Ben Affleck,film je izdat za Wes Craven-ovu izdavacku kucu. Gozba ili mrsenje kako bi ga preveo,se moze okarakterisati kao survivor horor,radnja se desava u nekim pustinjskim pizdincima u americi,u malom baru gde nas na pocetku autori upoznaju sa likovima,od kojih svako ima neki nadimak(npr.Bozo,Heroine 1,Beer Guy,Jason Mewes as himself ) i humoristicni info tipa koliko im treba da zaginu od monstruma Od nikuda se pojavljuje lik u baru koji im kaze da moraju sve da zabarakadiraju jer dolaze monstrumi i odatle pocinje picvajz.Dalje vam nista necu reci jer ovo treba da se odgleda,mislim da je ovo jedini(ili jedan od retkih filmova),u kojoj mozete videti kako se dva monstruma seksaju i pritom prave svoj nakot a to jednostavno ne smete propustiti. Apropo Henry Rollins-a,covek se pojavljuje i u ovom hororu
  7. Potrazi torrent na www.torrentspy.com tamo ima definitvno,mada bolje bi bilo da skines arsenal of megadeth,2 dvd nuff said
  8. Child O' Flames http://www.myspace.com/childoflames nista konkretno ne pise o bendu,cak ni na njihovom sajtu,a ni na enciklopediji metalum. Mogu vam reci da bend ne zvuci nimalo lose(sa obzirom odakle dolaze ni ne cudi me ). Vode se kao eksperimentalni metal,mada ponajvise zvuce na melodicni death kao soilwork i in flames(ne mogu se porediti muzicki sa ta dva benda ali to je taj stil). Za sada imaju jedan demo koji su izbacili 2005,a ovo sto im se nalazi na myspace su nove stvari koje se mogu skinuti za dz!Produkcija je solidna i vokali su na mestu,a na vama ostaje da cujete pa da reknete neko svoje misljenje.
  9. Naravno video sam slicu Vic-a,on je glavni lik u stripu,mislim da je strip izdat za chaos comics ali nisam uspeo da nadjem ama bas nista o tome
  10. Opiceni,blesavi,veseli tako ih dozivljavam Skoro sam slucajno naisao na one njihove demo koji su teski za naci,pa cu morati da ih skinem zivo me interesuje kakve su im tu pesme
  11. http://rapidshare.com/files/55884176/Over_..._by_Wiseman.rar Limited Edition sa jednom bonus pesmom pass:www.mediaportal.ru
  12. Interesuje me da li je neko citao Megadeth strip/ove koji su izasli 90-tih?Trazio sam po netu skenove ali nista od toga...jel ima neko?
  13. Nema na cemu
  14. mislim da je clear verzija posto naglase kada je sa voiceoverom
  15. Helloween Gamble With The Devil http://rapidshare.com/files/55119020/H-200...W.T.D.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/55127901/H-200...W.T.D.part2.rar pass:www.mediaportal.ru Enjoy
  16. "Malefice have a sparkle that sets them apart. If you want something that will take you apart limb from limb, get Entities!" 8/10 - Terrorizer "This is a pure, brutal body-slam of an album... forged with enough skill and fury to challenge the American big guns" KKKK - Kerrang! "Malefice have pulled together an international class stormer of an album. Absolutely stuffed with phenominal musicianship, imaginative structures, and some of the best drum work from a Brit since John Bonham. Seriously, it's that good!" 9/10 - Rock Sound "Equal parts precision musicianship and raw brutality, precise yet pummelling drumming and some scarily intense vocals. Malefice are just as deserving of your attention as the latest big thing from the US!" 4/5 - Big Cheese When you think of good British metal, what you’re usually thinking of is the least rubbish; the ones who at least have a stab at something innovative and fail miserably, the best looking, or perhaps the most prolific in a dreary little town that has spawned little else. Nobody really cares - they go through the motions of support and then happily skip off to watch the latest hypetacular US titans dropping by on their twenty-quid-a-ticket arena tour. Malefice are the exception. From their crushing debut album 'Entities' to their fierce live show, they are undoubtedly a band who can stand toe-to-toe with the big guns. Extreme yet accessible and sacrificing none of the credibility in order to sound good, you don’t need to be a chin-scratching muso in order to enjoy it. Formed in 2003, yet only really getting their act together over the last twelve months, Reading metallers Malefice have evolved into polished, professional unit as comfortable onstage with brutal underground stalwarts like Akercocke and Gutworm as they are the more commercial, yet hard-edged, unit-shifting sounds of Sepultura and Chimaira. As much one for the kids in the oversized Slipknot t-shirts as the discerning metalhead, 'Entities' is a powerful and polished mixture of pit-filling groove-thrash, jaw-dropping precision, utter brutality and soaring melody. Had they grown up in Shitbucket, Idaho, they’d be on Headbanger’s Ball already. Solidan metalcore/progressive/death metal,izdali za sada samo jedan album pod nazivom Entities http://ifolder.ru/3282003 link ga doticnom. Trebali su sa Mochugom i dilindzerima ici na turneju,ali posto je ona otkazana,nista od toga,mozda ih vidimo za nekoliko godina ovde.
  17. VoivodBG


    Da da u pravu si zeznuh se Znao sam da je dinosaurus u pitanju,ali ne i koji
  18. Julieta i lizovi,jedva cekam Heh mozda i dotle nadjem celu diskografiju muse pa i njih zgotivim
  19. Novi album Apocalyptica-e Worlds Collide sifra:www.mediaportal.ru http://rapidshare.com/files/54677718/A___1.part1.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/54677797/A___2.part2.rar.html 01. Worlds Collide 02. Grace (with Tomoyasu Hotei) 03. I`m Not Jesus (with Corey Taylor) 04. Ion 05. Helden (with Till Lindemann) 06. Stroke 07. Last Hope 08. I Dont Care (with Adam Gontier) 09. Burn 10. S.O.S. (with Cristina Scabbia) 11. Peace
  20. @dr WoI ajde prosledi link ka albumu ako imas
  21. VoivodBG


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntlJVqW_Lpg Nesto mi se malo ugojio Poslednje izdanje mu nije lose ima tu interesantnih pesama koje nisu zavrsile na albumima(White Devil Rise,Bucik Mkane(obrada dinosaur jr. cini mi se),Angel of the seventh dawn,soul eater,lady lucifera itd.) Imam neki osecaj da kada slusam ceo album,da se zaista vecina pesama ne bi uklopila uz albume koje tada izbacivao...mada za neke je mogao da napravi propust i da ih ubaci,ali Danza zna najbolje
  22. Svaki album down-a je prica za sebe,nekako mi je drago sto Over The Under nije kao NOLA ili a Bustle In Your Hedgerow.Mozda nema rokanja kao na prethodna dva,ali tu je sve,Anselmov poetican glas,Keenanovi i Weindsteinovei gitarski rifovi,album je i vise nego solidan i pokazuje kako jedan bend sa takvim muzicarima stalno evoluira.
  23. Da mi nisu toliko smesni i zabavni bili bi mi shit bend Kakav je ovaj novi album Fire Up The Blades,cujem da im je Joey iz Slipknota producirao i da su dobili mracniji zvuk(mozes misliti )?
  24. Na poslednjem albumu sva ostala izdanja cista thrash estetika
  25. A evo konacno i novog spota,Headbanger Face Rip(genijalan naziv) Inace spot im je radio poznati Troma studio(po tresh filmovima,Toxic Avenger anyone ),i postoji clear i gore verzija(kao sto je bilo uradjeno za prvi Unleash The Bastards spot). Bice ovaj spot kult
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