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About ElDiablo

  • Birthday 08/08/1975

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    Black Sabbathca

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Hvala na pitanju, veoma dobro. Imao sam malu frku sa gitarom, pa sam svirao rezervnu srebrenu-sivu od našeg plavog džina ( )... Svirali smo prvi, pa publika se još skupjala, al* atmosfera je bila odlična, ozvučenje isto. Ne sećam se da li smo ikada imali tako dobar zvuk, možda u Sloveniji. Jedino mi je žao što nismo imali prilike da sviramo sa njima (Tankcsapda-Tankčapda) u Mađarskoj ili negde na Zapadu, pošto ovo im je bila turneja gde su uglavnom nastupali u Zapadnoj Evropi. To bi nam verovatno i značilo nešto. Ove domaće svirke (Subotica, Senta) neće nam mnogo pomoći što se tiče naših daljih angažmana, pošto je ovde već sve mrtvo. I scena, i klubovi i ljudi. Više nego pozitivan utisak je jedina korist. A u ovoj truloj zemlji i to je luksuz... Ali uživali smo. Evo i slike... (trenutno jedina slika što imamo... ) Hugs & Kisses! Pride, Respect & Brotherhood!
  2. Sutra svirka u Senti! Hedlajner je Tankcsapda iz Mađarske! Predgrupe su Helland (HU) i The Southern Society... More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1397021367218242/?ref=22
  3. TSS Live Slike https://www.facebook...k=photos_stream http://www.thesouthernsociety.com//photos/2014-03-15-klub-terrarossa
  4. One of the most well-known modern instrumental band in the central-eastern european region with their virtuoso, yet easily digestable style. Having an approach, by putting music as a priority over virtuosistic individualism, allows the band to represent a unique music, a mixture of the modern jazz, progressive-rock-metal, electronic styles in a new light. They are undoubtable a band highly recommended, with their huge dynamic stagepresence and aura for any listerner to digest. Special Providence have performed at London Jazz Festival, Crescendo, ProgSud, Prog-Résiste and countless other festivals gigs in Europe or at overseas. (England, Japan, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia and South America etc.) In January 2012 the band released their 3rd album titled SOUL ALERT, which is their biggest success so far. With over eight years of work and three albums under its belt, Special Providence plays live worldwide and enjoyed a first place at the American Gagliarchives progressive chart. After getting the Japanese audiences excited in 2012, the band had a great EU tour with Beardfish in 2013. "SPECIAL PROVIDENCE demonstrate here that they are one of the most promising bands in Metal fusion today." (Metal Observer/USA) Genre: progressivejazzrockmetalturbochill Website: http://www.specialprovidence.eu Press Contact: http://[email protected] http://youtu.be/3s8ZseWBt-8 http://youtu.be/_Q-ZzpWFEcw
  5. THE SOUTHERN SOCIETY - Live - 07.12.2013., Klub Mladost, SubotIca Guest: VOID INN (BG)
  6. hvala!... ...
  7. ne mo'š ni zamisliti... rastura...
  8. The Southern Society je završio svoj drugi video na pesmu We Dont Bleed sa albuma Tales From a Southern Land, izdat 2012 godine koji se još može naručiti na mejlu ([email protected]) ili oficijalnoj vebstranici benda (http://www.thesouthernsociety.com). Pored ovog spota je postavljena i poboljšana verzija prvog videa sa većom rezolucijom, na pesmu Burn Well. Spotove ovde možete pogledati: The Southern Society - We Dont Bleed The Southern Society - Burn Well Hvala na podršci!
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