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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Pronadjoh i DVD istog koncerta (CamRip, nije pro-shot). Setlista: ceo prvi album osim The Whistler i Chant + School's Out i Hells Bells. Uploadovacu ako neko hoce...
  2. Ne znam da li je bilo pre: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2UxbMn2QMs
  3. Super ovaj EP. Ne znam sto svi pljuju Portnoya sto ovo nije prog, pa zar im nije dosta 500 prog projekata koje je snimio
  4. Kidaju obe pesme Bice album godine za mene sigurno
  5. Nije, napisao je Richie na facebooku da je sve OK.
  6. Ja bas sad obrcem prvenac, jes' kopija ali jako fin album...
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8VsJFt7oxE
  8. Mogao bi, naravno, Portnoy da uleti.
  9. Pa vratio se brzo, i po snimcima bih mogao da kazem da se nimalo nije primecivalo da je bio bolestan.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtpHqOV7z68 Grobe koja je ovo pesma na kraju?
  11. Meni su bas postali smor otkako im je vecina pesama na finskom. Prvi album sjajan, od tada sve manje i manje dobrih pesama...
  12. MIKE PORTNOY To Play With STONE SOUR At ROCK IN RIO Festival Drummer Mike Portnoy (ADRENALINE MOB, DREAM THEATER, AVENGED SEVENFOLD) will sit behind the kit for STONE SOUR during the band's appearance at the Rock In Rio festival on September 24 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. STONE SOUR's regular drummer, Roy Mayorga, is currently home and anxiously awaiting the birth of his first daughter (due the very same day as STONE SOUR's Rio show). Roy personally asked his friend Portnoy to fill in for what is sure to be a special "once-in-a-lifetime" event for the fans in attendance. Commented Mike: "It's my honor and pleasure to be able to help out my good friends in STONE SOUR and my brother Roy in their time of need. It's also an unexpected treat for me to get another visit with some of the greatest fans in the world down in Brazil." Added STONE SOUR frontman Corey Taylor: "We've been waiting a long time for the opportunity to come to South America. This year's Rock In Rio should be fantastic. With Roy expecting his first child, we'll charge on without him, but having Mike fill in for this one show will be great. We can't wait to take the stage and lay it down the only way STONE SOUR knows how — full-on and in your face!" STONE SOUR canceled a number of tour dates this past spring after Mayorga suffered a stroke following a gig in Des Moines, Iowa.
  13. Steta. Iako je diskutabilno koliko je ucestvovao u komponovanju pesama, ipak je njegovo sviranje jak deo prepoznatljivosti benda.
  14. Night Prowler


    Nasao sam ovo... Ako nekome treba, uploadovacu
  15. Sa Matsom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knSAbmQSKcE Ima sa strane ceo koncert cini mi se...
  16. Night Prowler


    Pederer najbolje da se penzionise, ubio ga Nole u pojam
  17. Freeware program za konverziju iz PDF u DOC/DOCX?
  18. Pomeren datum izdavanja albuma na 31. oktobar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hvdu8Xpq4E
  19. Ja isto Svet Kompjutera, samo zato ga i kupujem
  20. Mislim da nece biti Into Eternity-ja u skorije vreme... Makar ne sa Stuom.
  21. Ima li neki live snimak Song Of The Sage?
  22. Ovaj bi bio super
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