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Night Prowler

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Blitzkrieg Metal Magazine conducted an interview with drummer Dani Löble of German power metallers HELLOWEEN at this year's edition of the Wacken Open Air festival, which was held August 4-6, 2011 in Wacken, Germany. When asked if HELLOWEEN is planning to take a break now or go back to the studio to begin work on its next album, Dani said, "We're already talking about ideas for the next album, which is planned to release by the end of 2012. When this tour is finished, we're heading to the studio to write and record new material so that it's ready for [release] at the end of next year." Sto se mene tice, voleo bih samo da promene producenta, jer je usrao produkciju na 7 Sinners. Mogao bi Sascha Paeth, Fredrik Nordström ili Andy Sneap.
  2. Slazem se totalno. Nego sta bi ovo, hoce da bude reunion ili jok?
  3. Intervju sa Staropolijem, snimljen pre 3-4 dana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmyg7i3XrMU You kno'
  4. Tony svakako danas bolje zvuci nego Ozzy, a i pevao bi i svoje, i Ozzyjeve i Diove pesme. Dobro, necu da se zalim, bolje i ovo nego nista.
  5. Ja bas mislim da ce da dodju na ovoj turneji, jer mislim da ce pojeftiniti bez Luce. EDIT: Sad mi pade na pamet da bi bilo kul da Turilli pozove Michelle Luppija u njegov Rhapsody.
  6. Rekao Rob Halford da bi voleo da kada Judasi zavrse ovu turneju, bude turneja Maiden/Priest/Sabbath/Zeppelin. Sada to i nije tako daleko od istine.
  7. Ja se samo nadam da sada kada je Staropoli gazda u bendu nece baciti gitare u drugi plan. Privremeno ugasise forum ROF-a, info ovde: http://www.epic-metal.com/
  8. Bice ovako: RHAPSODY OF FIRE - Lione, Hess, Staropoli, novi drugi gitarista i basista RHAPSODY - Turilli, Leurquin, Guers, novi pevac i klavijaturista Alex Holzwarth ce biti u oba benda.
  9. OSTAO SAM BEZ TEKSTA. RHAPSODY OF FIRE'S FRIENDLY SPLIT After 15 years of friendship, hard work and big passion, fully invested in the creation of symphonic music and an epic saga that will remain in the history of heavy metal, Alex Staropoli and Luca Turilli decided to proceed to a friendly split. "10 albums released and the end of the saga represent, musically and lyrically, an important artistic goal finally reached, underlined by the success of our last release "From Chaos To Eternity", for which we want to thank our wonderful fans once again. Now it came the time when new artistic stimulations need to be found, in respect of both parts' visions and perspectives and of our longtime friendship" say Luca and Alex. Due to the latest legal agreements actually in force, Alex Staropoli will go on with RHAPSODY OF FIRE having, between the others, Fabio Lione as singer, Tom Hess as guitar player and Alex Holzwarth as drummer. For the same agreements and the original name's common ownership, Luca Turilli will release his future works with a new RHAPSODY band, including the faithful band members Dominique Leurquin, Patrice Guers and Alex Holzwarth. Alex says: "While wishing the best to Luca and his new band, I want to tell you that Fabio and myself feel motivated and stronger than ever and that RHAPSODY OF FIRE are already planning a great worldwide tour. More information regarding the new bass player and the new second guitar player will follow. Stay tuned!" The website www.rhapsodyoffire.com will remain the glorious RHAPSODY OF FIRE website at all effects and www.algalordchronicles.com the official fan club of RHAPSODY OF FIRE only. In the future, if you want to know more about the new band of Luca Turilli, please check his personal website at www.lucaturilli.com
  10. Pa svirali bi pesme sa njega, ne bih da budu sranje... Ali bih naravno voleo da ih ni ne snimaju uopste, nema svrhe.
  11. Kada ce da se pojave tabele po ligama (npr. u ovoj Yumetal ligi)? Prvi put igram ove godine pa ne znam...
  12. Iskreno...da ih vidim pre nego sto pomru, ali bih vise voleo da je reunion sa Tony Martinom ili Gillanom...Mislim da ce muzika na novom albumu biti super, ali ce Ozzy da je usere sa vokalima.
  13. Bio sam u sva tri grada, ali nisam naisao na neki CD shop sa metal diskovima
  14. Ti si debil.
  15. Opet svirali sa Kaiem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsvGWe1tmb8
  16. Slazem se, odlican film.
  17. Cak bi i pre slusao tu pesmu nego Amaranthe
  18. Amaranthe je sranje. Zvuci kao da je Scar Symmetry doveo neku pop pevacicu u bend, kupio pop pesme od pop producenata i dodao distorziju i double bass. A i likusa sto peva nije nista specijalno, ima toliko lepsih i boljih pevacica u metalu...
  19. Iskreno, bolje ovako sa Covicem nego da Zvezda nastavi da se bruka. Jeste ovo FMP pod drugim imenom, ali bolje tako, jer bi Zvezda u sezoni koja sledi ili ispala iz lige ili se ugasila.
  20. 'ladno Sabaton iznad Grave Diggera
  21. Svirali su The Dragon Lies Bleeding poslednjih godinu-dve na skoro svakom koncertu, ali nisu Glory To The Brave
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