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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. AVANTASIA - Wacken show live on TV on August 6th! On Saturday, August 6th, in front of more than 80,000 fans, Tobias Sammet and his AVANTASIA project will headline the last night of Wacken Open Air, the biggest Heavy Metal festival in the world. Featuring guest stars such as Michael Kiske, Jorn Lande, Bob Catley, Kai Hansen and many more, the show will be broadcast live on German TV station "ZDFkultur" at 8:00 pm. This way all fans will have the chance to witness the only AVANTASIA show of the year, despite the event having been sold out for months. If you are in the right, rocking modd, then zap on 11.00 pm on iMusic1, who will show a 1-hour AVANTASIA Live special. Tooooooooooooooooooooooooo, bice ipak pro-shot snimak sa Kiske-om :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  2. Dzaba i to ako Tole ne ode.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE3nKto0Lfs
  4. Diskutabilno je ko ima bolji sastav fudbalera, ali ono sto je sigurno je da oni imaju mnogo boljeg selektora.
  5. Sledece nedelje ce biti dve epizode spojene u finale sezone. Ono sto mene zanima: Sta se desava sa decom sa uzdama i da li se pretvaraju u Skittere? Sta se desava sa decom kojima su skinute uzde? Sta su oni visoki covekoliki alieni? Od cega nastaju Skitteri? Ima prequel strip ovde: http://www.tnt.tv/series/fallingskies/webcomic/ Nisam jos procitao, javicu kakav je.
  6. Evo najduze setliste ove godine: 01. My Enemy 02. Sky Is Mine 03. The Smoke 04. Against Widows 05. The Castaway 06. Crack In A Stone 07. Alone 08. My Kantele 09. Sign From The North Side 10. You I Need 11. Song Of The Troubled One 12. Battle For Light 13. Silver Bride - 14. Into Hiding 15. Towards & Against 16. House Of Sleep Ne bih se bunio da ih vidim sa ovom setlistom.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLJ8lxv97Fo 1:14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3WJX1cIuY4 0:14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRDzx87sRmA&hd=1 0:01 4:26
  8. Bice opet re-recordovana jedna pesma za novi album. Za sad se ne zna koja.
  9. Awwwww, bas su wepi :wub: :wub: :haha:
  10. Mrzim oba kluba, ali mu je pametan potez, makar ce sada igrati u velikom klubu.
  11. E vidis, ja bih bas rekao da je originalan. Nisam video vampire slicne ovima iz The Strain-a nigde drugde a i Al', dobro, ukusi su razliciti.
  12. Ima li bonus pesme (Heartwork - obrada Carcassa, iTunes bonus)?
  13. http://www.powerwolf.net/2011/music.htm Kacite ako ima linka
  14. Preporucujem The Strain trilogiju od Giljerma Del Tora i Caka Hogana. Za sada su izasle prve dve knjige sa prevodom kod nas, engleska verzija trece tek krajem oktobra. Uglavnom, ove knjige su IMO ucinile da sve ostale knjige o vampirima zvuce pickasto. Twilight da ne spominjem. Pre izlaska prve knjige, snimljeni su traileri za knjigu (!), pa pogledajte: i
  15. Meni svaki album od kako je Tomi dosao bolji od prethodnog.
  16. Meni cetvrti album bas super, ne znam sta vam smeta kod njega uopste. Super produkcija, sve pesme catchy, jedino je mozda clean vokal losiji, ali ne smeta. Ali slazem se da je ovaj poslednji bas govno.
  17. Deo intervjua sa Avenged Sevenfold al' su pitanja o Portnoy-u, pa cu postovati ovde: Guitar World: Do you believe it was Mike's [Portnoy, ex-DREAM THEATER drummer who played on AVENGED SEVENFOLD's 2010 album "Nightmare" and toured with the band for the latter part of last year] intention to stay on with [AVENGED SEVENFOLD]? Gates: I think he definitely wanted to. And it would have been really nice. He's a great guy and a great drummer, and we consider him family. But it's just… He's "Mike Portnoy." He's established. He makes a lot of money. More than we can really dish out, especially at this point. And my whole thing after Jimmy ["The Rev" Sullivan, AVENGED SEVENFOLD's late drummer] died was if we were ever going to do this, I wanted to give a young kid a chance. That would have been a dream come true, to breathe some new life from a death. And so this feels right. And unfortunately, Mike made some decisions that I don't know if he's super happy with at this point, and that weren't very conducive to his well being. Vengeance: When Mike first came on for "Nightmare", he was sincerely genuine in the fact that he was there to help us fulfill Jimmy's legacy, and for that we'll always be so thankful and appreciative. And, truthfully, he was really the only man for the job. But I think he was also searching for new things to do, music-wise. I know for a fact he was starting to lose the romance of DREAM THEATER a little bit. That had been going on from before he knew us. And then "Nightmare" came out and it was a Number One album, and the tours were huge, and I think it was exciting for him. I think his intentions were pretty clear that he wanted to be a member of AVENGED SEVENFOLD. But we weren't ready to have a new member. And truthfully, he's not the right fit anyway. When he went and quit DREAM THEATER, that was something we had no say in, because he's a grown man and he makes his own decisions. But we had urged against it, fully knowing we weren't ready to commit to him. But it's his life. Guitar World: He enjoyed being a part of AVENGED SEVENFOLD. Gates: Yeah, we had a blast. I think he liked the young energy. Mike's an outgoing, rock-star type of dude, so he was definitely enjoying the party. Because it's a different atmosphere than DREAM THEATER. When those guys play, it's a very intense thing that requires a lot of concentration. It's a different vibe with us.
  18. Od CD-ova nista sto vec nema u onom CD shopu u Vulkan knjizari u Knez Mihajlovoj. DVD-eve nisam gledao.
  19. Jes' tako, kao neka kombinacija Sawyera i Bena iz Losta. U principu se ponasa kao sto bi se vecina ljudi ponasala, a ne kao onaj crnac sto je poginuo koji je pravio sranje za sranjem. Klise je, ali boljih likova trenutno nema. Bacam bas to poredjenje sa likovima iz Losta jer se vidi da vecina science fiction/mystery serija u zadnje vreme puca na istu publiku kao Lost kao npr. propali FlashForward, V, The Event i sl. Meni je fina serija, nista senzacionalno, ali volim te end of the world filmove i serije.
  20. Meni ova epizoda najbolja do sada. Nadam se da ce onog malog crnju da roknu sto pre, uzasno je iritantan. Pope mi je najbolji lik za sada.
  21. Grupa od 15 Albanaca pretukla srpskog dečaka
  22. Night Prowler


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  23. Ahahahahahahahahaha, napisem im ja na Facebook strani: When can we expect the release of that famous live album? Odgovor: Huh???? What live album????? :haha: :haha:
  24. Na ono zeleno slower download.
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