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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. METALLICA, SLAYER, MEGADETH, ANTHRAX i DIAMOND HEAD - Am I Evil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekW74i05_u8
  2. LOL Ucinilo mi se mu pise Metallica na majici
  3. Bice druge sezone, takodje sa 10 epizoda.
  4. Ako racunam samo bendove koje sam hteo da gledam, dakle bez nekih predgrupa, i bez domacih bendova: Judas Priest Whitesnake Blind Guardian Stratovarius Cynic Thin Lizzy HammerFall Sabaton Bloodbound Iron Maiden Thin Lizzy Sex Pistols The Rolling Stones
  5. Ako stvarno dolaze, idem 100%, onaj prethodni nisam otisao zbog lose setliste (previse novih pesama i premalo sa Reise, Reise) Posto je ovo best of turneja, valjda ce da izbalansiraju sve albume...
  6. Space Eater Forever Storm Toxic Trace
  7. Ista riba je na obe slike.
  8. Ne znam sto ti to prebacivanje tema toliko znaci...
  9. Selite ovu temu na Heavy, vreme je.
  10. "Dedicated To Chaos", the new album from Seattle progressive rockers QUEENSRŸCHE, sold 8,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 70 on The Billboard 200 chart. The band's previous CD, the epic concept album "American Soldier", opened with 21,000 units back in April 2009 to enter the chart at No. 25. This was roughly half the first-week tally registered by QUEENSRŸCHE's "Operation: Mindcrime II" album, which shifted 44,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release back in April 2006 to debut at No. 14 on The Billboard 200 chart. QUEENSRŸCHE's 2003 effort, "Tribe", sold 20,000 copies in the first week while 1999's "Q2K", opened with sales of 28,000. QUEENSRŸCHE's top-selling album by far is 1990's "Empire", which was certified triple-platinum in October 1994 for sales in excess of three million copies in the United States. The original "Operation: Mindcrime" release (1988) attained platinum status in August 1991, while 1994's "Promised Land" reached the same plateau in December 1994.
  11. Hahahahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU-576AiPK4
  12. Umirem :haha: :haha:
  13. Enemy Of God > Hordes Of Chaos > Violent Revolution > eksperimentalni albumi.
  14. Ma svi Kreator albumi su dobri na svoj nacin.
  15. Hear In The Now Frontier zvuci kao najlepsa muzika na svetu u poredjenju sa ovim novim izbljuvkom. Meni je bonus sa HITNF - Chasing Blue Sky - poslednja dobra QR stvar.
  16. Ako bude taj The Voice u Srbiji, Bethor da bude sudija.
  17. Cackaju onog aliena kao da je macka, a ne cudoviste sa osam nogu duplo vece od njih. I cale crnac je debil, umesto da pusti da preko klinca ispitaju aliena, on mu odmah skinuo onu uzdu.
  18. Pa ono, ja ne vidim neku razliku u kvalitetu. Cinjenica je da neki likovi stalno cackaju mecku i idu mi na zivce.
  19. A jbg, stvar ukusa...
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