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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Moj izraz lica kad sam ovo video Mislim da ce biti OK album, samo ne verujem da ce biti metal. Ipak, Lou Reed je car, ne verujem da bi moglo da bude nesto lose sa njim.
  2. Jebote. Oni su nacisto sisli sa uma. Prosto covek da ne poveruje da su ovi isti ljudi snimili remek dela kao npr. Queen Of The Reich ili Eyes Of A Stranger. Sramota. DeGarmo je pobegao iz ove ludare od benda na vreme. Malo proguglah, sada je profesionalni pilot i zivi u Sijetlu. Boli ga dupe realno. Seattle progressive rockers QUEENSRŸCHE will release their twelfth studio album, "Dedicated To Chaos", on June 28 in North America via Loud & Proud Records, a Roadrunner Records imprint focusing on established artists. Kao sto rekoh na prethodnoj strani, jako pederski naziv za label.
  3. Stavili link i na Facebooku.
  4. Super postava, jedino sto ovakav Queensryche ne bih iz principa gledao.
  5. Evo tabovi za ceo album, bend okacio na Facebook-u: https://rapidshare.com/files/3956592517/Alestorm_-_Back_Through_Time_-_Guitar_Tab_Collection.zip
  6. Night Prowler


    Ne vide se cipele
  7. Ima li srpskih ili hrvatskih titlova za Lemmy film?
  8. "Illud Divinum Insanus", the new album from Florida-based extreme metal veterans MORBID ANGEL, sold around 3,600 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 141. The effort marks MORBID ANGEL's first CD to feature bassist/vocalist David Vincent since 1995's "Domination". MORBID ANGEL's previous album, "Heretic", opened with around 3,900 units back in October 2003. That CD has shifted 31,000 copies to date, according to Nielsen SoundScan.
  9. Opada im prodaja jako. Googlah malo da uporedim: ARCH ENEMY's new album, "Rise of the Tyrant", debuted at position No. 84 on The Billboard 200 chart with first-week U.S. sales of around 8,900 — approximately 25 percent less than the opening number (12,000) of its predecessor, 2005's "Doomsday Machine" (which landed at No. 87).
  10. Zvuci kao da Maroon 5 pokusava da svira nu metal. Abominacija, bljuvotina itd.
  11. Taken je sjajan. Liam Neeson je car
  12. Link
  13. Nije bas problem, ali mi ide na kurac strasno: Npr. otvorim SAJT A, onda ukucam preko Google search engine-a nesto, pojave se rezultati, i onda udjem na SAJT B. Pritisnem back da se vratim na rezultate, ali se vratim na sajt A tj. back kontrola mi preskace google rezultate. Ima neko ideju kako da se ispravi ovo?
  14. U poredjenju sa ovim, novi Morbid Angel zvuci kao Betoven.
  15. Ima ovde da se skine album, al' pesma po pesma: http://dedicatedtochaos.weebly.com/ Ako ima hrabrih...
  16. :o :o
  17. Novi album ce se zvati "Dystopia".
  18. Imaju problem kao HammerFall, samo stancuju albume koji prolaze nezapazeno, jer se ljudi ne uzele benda uopste. Nemaju potrebu za stancovanjem, ionako ne zaradjuju od snimanja CD-ova vec od koncerata. Nek se ugledaju na Turisas, 3 albuma za 14 godina postojanja, ali zato nemaju niti jednu losu pesmu.
  19. Araya nije ovako dobro zvucao jos od one Still Reigning turneje
  20. X-Men: First Class je sjajan. Najjaca scena:
  21. Bio neki pre-listening party, neki lik sa Edguy foruma je bio tamo, evo utisci: Robin Hood The album starts with a mid-tempo song that sounds so typically Edguy as it can get. Powerful choirs and keyboards, the middle part is a bit calmer, almost spherical, and contains something like a little audio play where you can hear battle noises and alike in the background, you feel put into a respective scene -corresponding to the title- in a deep, dark forest and Tobi slips into a kind of narrative chanting. Then the song turns hard again with an Edguy trademark refrain. This song easily could have been on the Hellfire Club as well, and I could observe pleased nods from the journalists. Nobody's Hero It's quite a fast song which in parts even comes across as aggressive. The bridge lets you prick up your ears, the song lives from the changes of mood from melodic to aggressive. A very dynamic piece of music. Rock Of Cashel A very rocking start which encourages you to bang your head. The refrain gets something fresh by the keyboards in the background and the middle part with flutes, lutes etc. and a Celtic touch transfers you to the medieval age. This is really lively, it is fun, and the medieval mood continues for the remainder of the song. Pandora's Box It starts with a Country-/ Western sound which all in all is a bit more "evi" than the other songs. Very great refrain, almost anthemic. This song has got the blues and the country rock which later turns up again is just fun. Quite a long song and I just can't get the grin off my face. In my opinion the best song so far! It is probably the most uncommon song on this album but at the same time one of the best! Breathe A really fast start with guitars and keyboards, the sound shoots to your feet immediately and you are tempted to tap your feet and move your head. That' how we want to hear Edguy! This is the fastest song so far, the speed only slows down a bit during the solo and then in the middle part where you only hear vocals and guitars. Then the hard stuff is back on. Very melodic and just breathtaking! Also one of my favourites. Two Out Of Seven A mid-tempo song with a slightly "trendy" start but then it gets almost progressive. For me it's the song which is most difficult to categorize, somehow I can't find a real access yet. The lyrics seem to be about album critics in music magazines and at the end there is a sample of Tobi's typical Humour. Fire on the downline It's got a very calm beginning which lets you expect a ballad. However, the song evelops into a pretty rocking one with just temporary ballad-like background. The refrain sounds almost like a typical power ballad but overall the song is much too hard to be classified as such. At the end it even gets really heavy. Behind The Gates To Midnight World This song sounds really dark and evil! Very heavy with calmer parts here and there. The "evil" sound gets moderated from time to time, just like in the very melodic, almost melancholic refrain, just to give you the real blast again immediately thereafter. Fantastic! Tobi in this song changes his singing style often and shows the variance of his voice and what he's able to do with it. Sometimes he sings evil and dark, then again light and clear. The solo sounds almost spherical and at the end there's a small progressive touch to the sound. That will puzzle all the headbangers, hehe! A great song, also one of my favourites. "Age Of The Joker" offers a great mixture of styles and it unbelievably versatile, there are some small or even bigger surprises and the album lives from all the different influences. Tobi all in all sings less low-pitched, less "evil" than on Tinnitus Sanctus, but with more variety. The whole album is really diversified and shows a dazzling array that I did not expect. I am really thrilled! Prepare yourself for something! Most likely in total there will be nine songs on the album and we were allowed to listen to the eight described above (which hadn't been mastered but that didn't reduce the pleasure at all!).
  22. Uli sjebao ruku jako, nece moci cele godine da svira Najbolje bi bilo da rasformiraju bend
  23. Cisto da se zna: album je trebao da bude standardan u 2CD varijanti, ali je Nuclear Blast trazio da ga skrate na jedan CD a 2CD varijanta da bude limited edition.
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