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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Bugarska otkazana?!
  2. Iz intervjua sa Joakimom: Great! You have been on the road for quite some time; so, are there any thoughts about the next album? Do you write music while on tour? Well, at least I try to write while on tour but I am afraid there is not much coming out of me. There are some ideas but I cannot really work on them since I need to have many vocal harmonies and stuff like that and it is not that easy to do with just one guitar. But, I think two or maybe three songs are almost complete in terms of music and vocal melodies. But, not the lyrics; it is going to be a surprise so I cannot really tell you everything (laughs). It will still be about war but not what people are expecting from us. Most people are going to be surprised when they see the war we are singing about. Is it going to be a concept? It will be a concept album. We are not going to rely on one book like we did in “The Art Of War”… (the door opens and there is a lot of noise) I am sorry I did not catch that; what will be the main subject of the album? Hmmm, that I did not say… Nice try though… (laughs). The recording will start in January and will be done by mid February since we do not like spending six months in recording sessions; it such a waste of time. Hmmmmm, ili je u pitanju neki rat iz daleke proslosti ili neki futuristicki...
  3. Otkud znas da ce usrati? Meni je u principu svejedno, ionako ne obracam paznju na njihove tekstove...
  4. http://www.stormbringer.at/interviews.php?id=942&lang=en It has been recently announced that with the new album the era of fantasy driven songs will come to an end. What's the reason for such a change in direction? Fabio: I think it's something natural, probably we just need to do and write about something different now after 14 years. I'm sure the fans will understand and support us. I think we did great things..and we'll do great new things in the future.. Nobody will be disappointed about the band.
  5. Kopka me sta im znaci to da zavrsavaju sa fantasy tematikom... O cemu li ce im tekstovi biti na sledecem albumu? Valjda nece biti Radikult - Power Metal Edition
  6. Jebem im mater, uzasna im je sinhronizacija. Aj ovo i da razumem, ali umro sam kad sam video da su sinhronizovali neku tursku seriju
  7. Ja sam kupio pre jedno 2-3 nedelje za 2990.
  8. Singer FABIO LIONE 'Would Love' To Join KAMELOT Permanently Tooooo
  9. Night Prowler


    Zajeb'o si Princa po kontriranju
  10. Ja sakupio pare za Bugarsku, jos samo da dobijem "dozvolu"...
  11. A ponudjeno samo: Yes, Will wait i Not sure
  12. Ovi na Blicu su teski imbecili, po ko zna koji put objave vest o poslednjoj epizodi sezone neke serije, i najveci spoiler krnu u naslov, da nikako ne mozes da ga izbegnes Evo danas o Hausu, izbegavajte ako niste gledali.
  13. Dajte neki lossless ili mp3 320 link.
  14. Super je Cloverfield. Pogledah juce The A Team i OK je, osim nekih WTF scena.
  15. Sa Facebook-a: Morbid Angel "I'm basically just trying to explore music and push boundaries and create something new, which is something we've been doing anyway" Trey Azagthoth, Decibel Magazine July 2011
  16. Night Prowler


    Ja bih voleo da se vrati, jer je mnogo bolji od Dukesa.
  17. Ja sam proslog leta bio tamo, diskova nema, majica ponegde i to uglavnom standardno Iron Maiden, Metallica i sl. Imas izlet u Solun, 25 evra ako se dobro secam, i tamo ima jedna do jaja prodavnica "Metropolis", gde sam nasao mnostvo dobrih metal diskova. Nema neki ultra underground, ali ima podosta od svakog podzanra. EDIT: Cisto ako te zanima, od Pefkohorija do Haniotija ti je 45 minuta peske. Hanioti ima kvalitetnije radnje a i vise ih je nego u Pefkohoriju (u kom sam ja odseo).
  18. Night Prowler


    Evo ti link za ceo demo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GIG6AZQE
  19. Je l' ima growl/scream negde osim na Aeons?
  20. Night Prowler


    Mislim da je pritisak ucinio svoje... Da nije bio mec za prvo mesto na ATP listi, mislim da bi Djokovic rasterecenije igrao. Koliko sam shvatio, ako Nadal izgubi, Djokovic preuzima prvu poziciju, ali ipak ne mogu da navijam za Pederera. Nadam se da ce Nadal da ga opere.
  21. Night Prowler


    Sranje... Dabogda crkli pederi Francuzi, jebo ih Pederer...
  22. Ne znam zasto, ali ovo mi bas gadno zvuci. Skinuo sam jedno 2-3 puta u nadi da cu promeniti misljenje, ali ne vredi. A volim i Amorphis i Swallow The Sun.
  23. Ima na Facebook-u neka nova pesma za dzaba, samo treba da se like-uje strana. Ako neko ima hrabrosti (ja nemam), neka poslusa.
  24. Hahahaha, prvi pasus je prejak.
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