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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Katarina Lilja izgleda otisla http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=94 EDIT: Jeste otisla... http://www.megatherion.com/en/ First the good news! Nalley has used his time well, sobered up and got his life back together. We're very happy to welcome him back and do all the upcoming shows with him again! : ) A BIG THANX to Waldemar Sorychta for filling Nalleys duties meanwhile! Second news will make many* of you sad. Kat has decided to give it a second attempt to join the boring civil world and not be a cool rock star anymore. To sit at home with the boyfriend and just have a regular job. She gave that a try before after the Gothic Kabbalah Tour and she therefore wasn't with us for the Adulruna Redviva 20 year anniversary tour. Maybe it was the wrong boyfriend back then, or maybe it was the wrong job? Or both? Anyway, with a new boyfriend (and hopefully soon a new job), she's now up for giving BRLWBAR** (version 2,0) a try. But this time she have at least found a great boyfriend, so as much as we will miss her on stage and on the road, we wish her all the best and all the luck! : ) * We're writing down the names of those who dare not missing her and compile a list of names and give it to Kat (so she can beat you up) ** Boring Regular Life Without Being A Rockstar .: Posted by Christofer Johnsson :: March 12, 2011 :.
  2. Jebo mu pas mater lopovsku!
  3. Kamelot je nastao bez Khana, a nastavice i posle njega. Kad bih znao da Fabio moze da balansira Rhapsody i Kamelot tako da ni jedan ni drugi bend ne ispasta, odmah bih prihvatio da bude u Kamelotu za stalno.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGYSFgF29E4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i583jLN1MXg
  5. 01. Rule The World 02. 03. The Great Pandemonium 04. The Human Stain 05. 06. 07. A Sailorman's Hymn 08. 09. Keyboard Solo 10. 11. EdenEcho 12. Necropolis 13. Drum Solo 14. - Bass Solo 15. 16. Don't You Cry 17. March Of Mephisto Imaju svi klipovi sem soloa (mrzelo me da stavljam) i Necropolis (nema jos snimaka)
  6. Paul je sjajan
  7. Nije official, za sada je samo na turneji.
  8. Bodomima skoro duplo manja prodaja u prvoj nedelji ovog nego proslog albuma...
  9. Novi AA u Americi prve nedelje prodao oko 15000 diskova, a novi Whitesnake oko 12000 Jos poredjenja radi, novi Within Temptation prodao isto 12000. Dobro, prodaje nisu bitne nama, ali lepo je videti ovako nesto...
  10. Pa ono, ni Jeff se ne pomera nesto mnogo dok svira. Holt "proseta" po bini za vreme jednog koncerta k'o Jeff za celu turneju. Mada dobro, to kod Slayera nije ni bitno, k'o da ce sad neko u sutci da gleda da li se oni na bini pomeraju...
  11. Ja sam se malo zajebao, turneja je pocela juce. Evo setliste i klipova: 01. 02. Ghost Opera 03. The Great Pandemonium 04. The Human Stain 05. 06. 07. A Sailorman's Hymn 08. When The Lights Are Down 09. Soul Society Keyboard Solo 10. Hunter's Season 11. EdenEcho 12. Necropolis 13. Drum Solo 14. Forever - Bass Solo 15. Karma 16. Don't You Cry 17. March Of Mephisto Realno, Fabio je pokidao
  12. @Zoidberg: Procitaj stripove, tu i tamo se poklapaju sa serijom, ali ne verujem da ce serija ici u istom pravcu... Ima oko 20-ak prevedenih epizoda prevedenih na srpski.
  13. DVD INFO: IRON MAIDEN's April 8 and April 10 concerts in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Santiago, Chile, respectively, will be professionally filmed and recorded for a future DVD release. In a recent interview with Chile's Futuro 88.9 FM, IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris stated about the DVD upcoming shoot, "We will record two shows. We will use footage from both concerts for the DVD. "We have amazing supporters in Chile and Argentina and we want to show more of the audiences from those parts of the world. We already filmed some footage there for the 'Flight 666' movie, but only one song per country was used. We will now have a chance to show much more of the crowds in Chile and Argentina. "Wherever we go, we are always asked what the best audiences in the world are, and we always say that it is South America — Chile, Argentina and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Now we can show it." When asked if the setlist for the Buenos Aires and Santiago concerts will be the same as the one the band has been playing on the current "Final Frontier World Tour", Harris said, "The setlist that we are playing is basically the same we have been playing on this tour, what you have been able to see on Internet. The sets that we will do in Chile and Argentina will be the same, but for these two special shows that will be recorded, we have prepared more songs and a bigger production. So what you will see in Chile will be a long and big show." Regarding how many cameras will be used to capture the performances, Harris said, "I think it will be about 10 or 12. I had always been involved in the production and direction of the concert DVDs in the past, but we are now working with a very good company, the guys who made the documentary 'Flight 666'. They are the ones who are responsible for recording these shows, so for me at least it is a great relief." Nadam se da ce da sviraju Alexander The Great
  14. Najveci biser u vezi ovog albuma: Rippera pitaju o novom albumu nakon sto je album izasao, a on kaze da ne zna da li ce pevati na njemu. Evo te vesti: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=149917 Kapiram da je Yngwie strpao demo snimke na album...
  15. Jos da The Antichrist zamene sa Metal Storm/Face The Slayer ili Evil Has No Boundaries i Hate Worldwide sa Beauty Through Order ili Psychopathy Red... Ali super je i ovako lista...
  16. Je l' ima mnogo klavijatura? Ova pesma sto je objavljena mi se uopste ne svidja zbog klavijatura...
  17. AJDE JOS JEDAN!!!!!
  18. ...i Timovense...
  19. Ajde dajte predloge za neke novije crtane filmove, fali mi da popunim DVD Samo ne Pixar, te sve imam...
  20. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=156351 I'd also like some pranks maybe the sound of knocking inside the coffin, or a video of me asking my doctor for a second opinion on his diagnosis of 'death'
  21. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=156349
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