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Everything posted by Night Prowler
HAHAHAHA, pusi ga Murinjo :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
Ta obrada me ne brine jer ne slusam Jethro Tull, a i Supernaut mi nije nesto. Mene od tih bonusa jedino zanima ova akusticna To Holmgard & Beyond. Prvo su snimljeni delici za meni na DVD-ju A Finnish Summer With Turisas i super je zvucala, dobro je sto je snimise celu.
Ja procitah neki intervju gde rekose da snimaju album samo da bi mogli opet na turneju.
Sutra bi trebalo da izadje album: Finland/Japan: February 23rd, 2011 Germany/Austria/Switzerland: February 25th, 2011 Europe/UK: February 28th, 2011 Australia/NZ: March 4th, 2011 North America: March 8th, 2011 Cudo kako jos nije leakovao. Bice limited edition sa bonus CD-om: 01. Broadsword (JETHRO TULL Cover) 02. Supernaut (BLACK SABBATH Cover) 03. The March Of The Varangian Guard (Acoustic) 04. Stand Up & Fight (Acoustic) 05. To Holmgard & Beyond (Acoustic)
Evo jednog dobrog intervjua sa Lemijem: http://www.classicrockrevisited.com/interviewLemmy2011.htm
Ja nisam glasao po albumima, vec 10 pesama koje bi najvise hteo da cujem sa ovog spiska: Time To Break Free Afterlife Watcher In The Sky Anywhere In The Galaxy Dethrone Tyranny Lake Of Tears My Temple Majesty Rain Time To Live Prva 3 albuma sam morao da preskocim da bi mi stale novije pesme, inace bih izabrao Sail On, As Time Goes By i Future Madhouse.
Ja sam izdrzao do pola klipa sa Tarjom...
Aj neka neko proba da se registruje na forum, meni stalno izbacuje ovo... The confirmation code you entered was incorrect. ...a nigde nema da se ukuca confirmation code...
German power metallers GAMMA RAY have issued the following update: "You might have heard through the grapevine that the Rays have something cooking again... and yes, we do have. "Since the 'Skeletons In The Closet' album was so well received some time ago, we thought it might be time to do an encore. While going through all previous albums we found that there is still a ton of songs that we either never or barely played. So we decided to do a bit of touring with a total different set and revive some of these songs with our nowadays chemistry and vibe. "But that's not all... while jamming around with acoustic guitars we discovered that it's actually much fun and that we have a good amount of songs that are cool to listen to as unplugged versions. So these special shows will consist of live un- or rarely heard stuff in full metal gear ('Skeletons') and a good choice of our most famous hits in a different way (we chose to call them 'Majesties') ...and presto: here we go with 'Skeletons And Majesties'!!!" Kul ovo zvuci... Mogli bi da opice npr. Afterlife i Majesty. Ovo je naslov sa Blabbermouth-a: GAMMA RAY To Release 'Skeletons And Majesties' Unplugged Album mada ja ne vidim da se ovde spominje album... EDIT: Nije cela vest na BB, evo nastavak: To give you all an impression of what's to await we have recorded a Mini Album with the following 4 tracks: Skeletons : Hold your ground ( from 'Heading for tomorrow) Brothers (from 'Insanity and Genius) Majesties: Rebellion in Dreamland ( Land of the free) Send me a sign (Powerplant) Needless to say that we think the new versions are brilliant, the best ever , hilarious, outstanding, awesome and so on.... no shit, we really do! But judge for yourself... The Mini will come out on: 08.04.2011 The first bit of the tour will be a short one before summer (tourdates t. b. a.) to see how it will be received and to put the whole thing on CD and DVD which will be out after summer when we will continue to take this thing around the world. For the setlist of the Skeletons part we kindly request your help and opinion. We have prepared a list of all songs that fall into the 'Skeletons' criteria and would like each of you to choose his (or her) 10 favourites. We hope that you like the idea and that we will see you on the tour. Additional info from our webmaster: the poll will start 21st of February and include a registration to our website which is supposed to be extended to a growing fan-community. Big Cheeeeerzzzzzz from da Rrrrrrayzzzz
Jeste izlizano, ali moram da dam svoje misljenje. Tarja jeste tehnicki bolja pevacica, ali MENI je Anet bolja. Prvo sto me Tarjino ponasanje na bini uzasno nervira, a drugo sto sam u poslednje vreme ukapirao koliko mi ne prija to opersko pevanje. Nisam mnogo slusao kako Anet peva Tarjine pesme, ali ovo mi npr. super zvuci: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRZ1Af9BLi8
Setlista Symfonie na prvom koncertu: 01. Fields Of Avalon 02. Come By The Hills 03. I Did It My Way (REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE Cover) 04. Dreamspace (STRATOVARIUS Cover) 05. Lasting Child (ANGRA Cover) 06. Stratosphere (STRATOVARIUS Cover) 07. Rhapsody In Black 08. Santiago 09. Forevermore 10. Pilgrim Road Dobro je, izgleda da nece svirati Black Diamond i sl.
Nije, ali moze da svira pomalo, oko sat dnevno ako se dobro secam... Imaju ovde 3 demo verzije pesama: http://www.myspace.com/demonaz
Ahahaha, a ja sad gledam koji je kurac onaj dinosaurus na madjarskom
Evo uploadovao sam ti: http://www.multiupload.com/FD87NH95QO P.S. Ako ti treba jos neki Maiden B-side, posalji PM, imam maltene sve verzije svih singlova.
Savin status sa Facebooka:
Pa dobro, ne mora kod nas, ali Zagreb, Budimpesta...
Swedish melodic death metal tyrants AMON AMARTH have announce their 2011 U.S. headlining tour. Simply dubbed "An Evening With Amon Amarth", this very special trek will find the band touring without support and instead performing two separate sets each night! One set will feature upcoming album, "Surtur Rising", in its entirety. The Viking-inspired festivities will commence on April 14 in Chicago, Illinois and pillage its way through 17 cities throughout the country before drawing to a climactic close on May 7 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Commented drummer Fredrik Andersson: "We're really excited about the upcoming album, 'Surtur Rising'. And what better way to showcase it by playing the full album on our first U.S. tour for 'Surtur Rising'?! It's definitely a unique opportunity for our fans because not only will the album be performed live but a second set with material from our previous albums will take place. We want our fans to really experience AMON AMARTH." Posle 3 sata Amon Amartha mislim da bi mi glava otpala. Sto bre samo kod Amera
Evo nekih vesti: Pevac, klavijaturista i bubnjar otisli, zamene su vec nadjene (novi pevac ce svirati i gitaru), neki totalno nepoznati likovi. Poslednji koncert sa starom postavom je snimljen za DVD. Evo i setliste: 01. Of Ancient Wounds 02. Of Sacrifice, Loss & Reward 03. Cry Little Angel 04. Of Love, Lust & Human Nature 05. To Excel & Ascend 06. The Spirit Of Ukko 07. Lights Are Many 08. The Visionary 09. Race With The Falcons 10. The Decaying Doctrine 11. Warrior Soul 12. Across The Snows
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjCB6GDeaS4 Super je pesma. Matos pokidao
Ja cu da sacekam neki normalan rip (flac ili 320 mp3).
Jbg. Mozda bi bilo kul da nastave sa jedno 2-3 vokala, kao Therion. Recimo Apollo, Eriksen, Simone i jos neki treci lik. Fabio mi se ne uklapa tu. Koga zanima, lik sto je otvorio temu zna clanove benda, tako da je verovatno tacno sve sto prica: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/progpower-usa/649482-my-personal-thoughts-kamelot-situation.html
Nezvanicna informacija: Khan postao religiozan, i sad ga boli kurac za Kamelot i metal. Eriksen je super otpevao na onom snimku gore (ovi pederi iz ProgPower ne daju da se kace snimci na YouTube pa je taj jedini). Meni ne bi smetalo da ga zameni. EDIT: Mogao bi sad neki projekat Khan/Kiske
Meni je taj Cain's Offering bas gadan. Klavijature odvratno zvuce, a gitara je uzasno nisko u mixu, sto je bas cudno jer je gitarista sve pisao. Nek se Kotipelto drzi Stratovariusa. A ova Symfonia ce biti totalno u Strato stilu, i vec pretpostavljam da ce pola setliste ciniti Strato pesme. Sad kad je Tolkkiju prsao Revolution Renaissance, resio da opet krene da svira Stratovarius ali pod drugim imenom. I jos jednom da ponovim, nadam se da se nikada nece vratiti u Stratovarius.