Hocu, hocu, jutros sam bas pristavio da se poskidaju svi remasteri, pa cu da ga preslusam kako treba.
Btw. izgleda da sam se zajebao malo, Tipton kaze:
As you may already be aware, PRIEST have announced a fair well world tour beginning this summer. We are all excited about the tour and are currently having meetings to discuss the stage production, but above all the set list. We intend to include some classic PRIEST songs that we haven't played before and of course the old favorites that everybody will want to hear. To put everyone's mind at rest, this is by no means the end of the band. In fact, we are presently writing new material, but we do intend this to be the last major world tour.
Izgleda da se ipak ne raspadaju. Halford u intervjuima samo spominjanje penziju, oprastanje, kraj benda. Mozda nastave bez njega?