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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Nadamo se necem novom konacno
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igBZvmPDOZQ
  3. BREAKING THE SILENCE!! Today we're happy to announce our new singer! And it's none other than Henning Basse! Some of you might know him from his work in Metalium, others might have also seen him on stage with us. Henning is no stranger to Firewind fans as he toured the world with us back in 2007! Since last year he started playing some shows w/ Gus G's solo band and he delivered amazing performances, stunning the crowds all over Europe! Henning is an amazing frontman & a personality that totally fits with what Firewind is all about. Please welcome Henning to the family, we promise you the upcoming shows will Rock harder than ever!!
  4. Neka hvala.
  5. Something about the current status: Many fans have been asking us when Tarot will play again or record new stuff. We have to say that "There's a serious illness with one of our band mates. Until we know better, the band's on an indefinite hold." We've done new demos for Tarot and when the situation's gonna be clear, we will come back! Stronger, willing and with raised fists, as we always do!
  6. Nek baci neko link za ova 2 vinyl bonusa (North/Mercury) ako ima: http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Queensr%C3%BFche/Condition_H%C3%BCman/538262
  7. http://metalhammer.teamrock.com/news/2015-11-02/enslaved-unleash-new-video-for-convoys-to-nothingness
  8. Kakav kraj pesme jbt
  9. Album mnogo bolje tece kad izbacim The Red & The Black i When The River Runs Deep iz plejliste, mnogo su slabije od ostatka albuma. Najbolje Empire, naslovna i The Man Of Sorrows tim redosledom.
  10. Jag Panzer hit the studio in May 2016 for the new studio album entitled 'The Deviant Chord'. On SPV Records. More details coming soon. Harry 'The Tyrant' Conklin is singing.
  11. http://ebook.online-convert.com/convert-to-mobi
  12. Ne svidja mi se sto je . Takodje mi deluje da nece imati muda da pretoce Night Eternal kako treba u seriju a to najvise cekam.
  13. Je l' video neko ovo pre? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUpjxS0r4nE
  14. Sjajan je film.
  15. Moze neko da baci proveren link za aktiviran Windows 7?
  16. Ubismo ih na kraju :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  17. Ima li nade da opet dodju kod nas ili negde u blizini?
  18. Brenda dobio otkaz.
  19. Hi friends. On this coming Monday, 5th of October, the wait will end and the long journey begin as we release the first song from our upcoming Songs from the North triple album! We are planning to put out several songs before the album is released on November 13th, and the first is a lyric video for the song "Heartstrings Shattering", taken from Album I. This first song also features some wonderful guest vocals from Aleah (Trees of Eternity), and we feel it is a classic Swallow the Sun mood setter for Album I - the start of this path through darkness and light. So, tune in on Monday around 2 pm CET and step into the world of Songs from the North.
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