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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Tom je konacno skratio bradu Dobro je, izgledao je k'o taliban Inace, super performans
  2. Je l' moze na laptopu ove konfiguracije http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/cs/sr/sm/WF06b/321957-321957-64295-3955548-3955548-3958407-4049151.html da se pokrene GTA IV ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gta_iv#Windows_version )?
  3. Hansi i Andre 43, Marcus 41 a Frederik 31.
  4. Ala su ostarili jbt.
  5. Genijalno :haha: :haha:
  6. Kako je Live For The Kill do jaja pesma Bilo bi super da snime jos koju sa Apocalypticom
  7. Ovo ce tako da kida, jedva cekam :rockdevil:
  8. 01 9:17 Sacred Worlds 02 5:58 Tanelorn 03 6:30 Road of No Release 04 4:46 Ride into Obsession 05 5:52 Curse my Name 06 6:38 Valkyries 07 5:26 Control the Divine 08 4:55 War of the Thrones (Piano) 09 5:41 A Voice in the Dark 10 8:55 Wheel of Time Sa BG sajta.
  9. Hoce li vec jednom neka informacija o novom albumu, lista pesama ili tako nesto
  10. E sve u kurac neka ide :icon_ne: R.I.P. Dio legendo :cry: :cry:
  11. Oni Gerstnerovi delovi kidaju
  12. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=30857474&blogId=534360348 :rockdevil:
  13. Je l' ima neko bonus pesmu (obrada Carcass-a) This Mortal Coil sa The Black Waltza? Treba mi i bonus pesma (obrada Sepulture) Arise sa For The Revolution...
  14. Ja se ne bih smorio da ih gledam sa listom od proslog puta.
  15. Sve OK zvuci osim onih balerina sto cupkaju, ne znam koji ce im kurac to Ona pesma sto ide dok Oliver svira bas zvuci super
  16. Album je odlican, najvise mi se izdvajaju Dragon Iconography (riff-fest ), The Awakening (refren kida), The Dragontower (stari favorit) i Dark As Moonless Night. Slusace se jos
  17. Sad sam tek ukapirao da nisu objavili naziv albuma Svidja mi se
  18. Evo albuma: http://www.mediafire.com/?dghgguij1tg
  19. Ima li neko ovo: "Wild Rose" (Gus G.) – 4:23 (iTunes bonus track) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Premonition_(album)
  20. Zajebali smo se, ovo je fanart, dakle nece biti ovaj omot na albumu. Procitao sam na Maiden forumu. EDIT: Pardon, na Bruceovom forumu. EDIT 2: Pogledajte sajt lika koji je napravio ovaj omot http://alifewitheddie.blogspot.com/ Sjajne slike
  21. Black Diamond?
  22. Fantastican omot! JEBENO FANTASTICAN OMOT! Ako ovaj album ne bude Somewhere In Time 2 nijedan nece
  23. Gitare, bas i bubnjevi su snimljeni jos 2006. ili 2007., nisam siguran...
  24. Ja ne sumnjam u to da ce album izaci, ali ovo je stvarno preterivanje, zar nije mogao da nadje nekog klavijaturistu da mu pomogne? Kao sto rekoh na prethodnoj strani, siguran sam da ce Ensiferum snimiti jos minimum jedan album pre nego sto Time izadje...
  25. Jarijev post sa Wintersun foruma: Chill guys! The reason why I´ve been and will continue to be "under the radar" is because I´ve needed to focus on the album 100% and needed to "get away from it all" until it´s finished. The reason why people are upset is because they can´t understand the situation from the outside. I´ve tried to explain it few times, but it seems that some people still don´t understand. This isn´t your "basic traditional metal album" or not even a "basic traditional orchestral metal album". Only way people can understand if they´ll come to my humble home studio and see/hear the projects/music for themselves. I have to make this album complitely the wrong way (the hard way) how orchestral albums like this should be made, because I´m a poor bastard. It takes weeks to make orchestrations and all the synths, samples and FX to one riff/part, because I can´t do it all in one project, in real time and in a big template. And a song could have 10-20 riffs/parts, so you get the picture why it is taking so long. Actually considering the circumstances I´ve worked quite fast. The other thing is, that I don´t want to release albums with poor production again. Even if it means I won´t release albums anymore in my life. I´ll just make crappy demos for my own amusement then. You know, I have probably 10 albums worth of great material, but most of them probably won´t ever see the light of day. I´ll take them to my grave rather than release them with crappy production. That´s just stubborn me. Deal with it! I´m in the same boat as you guys. The wait is killing me too, but it is what it is. No need to get angry. You know I´ve already gone through every emotion between sadness&hate and I´ve reached a totally new "zombie like" state, but a "moderately happy zombie". I figured no point of being mad at the world. But from January when I got to move back home, I´ve had a good workflow. So I will just keep working and we´ll just have to see how it goes. Land of Snow and Sorrow is complitely finished. Storm and Silver Leaves are about to be done soon. There´s still plenty to go with the other songs, but clearly the victory is near. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I hope it´s not a train though `cause the mix is still big question mark, I don´t know if my Mac can handle it. Giving updates when nothing major hasn´t happened and explaining myself and the situation over and over again is really starting to sound like complaining and I don´t want to complain or sound negative! So the next update will come when something big is happening. So please just relax until then and meanwhile there´s plenty of other good bands to listen to... like ABBA! p.s. By the way, me and Teemu got an Ibanez deal, so we are very happy about that. So buy Ibanez guitars fuckers! Nema sanse da ovo izadje ove godine. On od 2007. godine pravi orkestracije za album, a za ceo taj period zavrsio je samo jednu jebenu pesmu Ovo ako izadje do kraja 2011. bice super
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