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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Omot novog albuma: Nova pesma: http://www.wuthering-heights.dk/sounds/the_desperate_poet.mp3 Tracklist novog albuma: 01. Away! 02. The Desperate Poet 03. The Mad Sailor 04. The Last Tribe (Mother Earth) 05. Tears 06. Weather The Storm 07. The Field 08. Water Of Life 09. Lost At Sea 10. Discovery (Mike Oldfield cover) 11. Sympathy (Uriah Heep cover)
  2. Drummer DANIEL ZIMMERMANN Quits FREEDOM CALL - Feb. 12, 2010 In an exclusive, yet-to-be-published interview with Greece's Rockpages.gr web site, Daniel Zimmermann — GAMMA RAY drummer and a founding member of FREEDOM CALL — revealed that he has decided to leave FREEDOM CALL due to a conflicting schedule with GAMMA RAY. FREEDOM CALL has already found a replacement drummer and plans on making an announcement soon. FREEDOM CALL's latest album, "Legend Of The Shadowking", was released in Europe on February 1 via SPV/Steamhammer Records. The track listing is as follows: 01. Out Of The Ruins (4:21) 02. Thunder God (3:31) 03. Tears Of Babylon (3:38) 04. Merlin – Legend Of The Past (4:17) 05. Resurrection Day (3:34) 06. Under The Spell Of The Moon (5:08) 07. Dark Obsession (4:45) 08. The Darkness (5:06) 09. Remember! (4:21) 10. Ludwig II – Prologue (2:19) 11. The Shadowking (5:13) 12. Merlin – Requiem (2:34) 13. Kingdom Of Madness (3:59) 14. A Perfect Day (3:58) A trailer for the album can be viewed at this location (MPEG-4 file). According to a press release, "stylistically, 'Legend Of The Shadowking' is a successful liaison of the group's basic strengths and new, contemporary influences." Or, as Dan Zimmermann puts it, "Even if the two predecessors, 'The Circle Of Life' and 'Dimensions', took very different directions, both albums had a number of strong moments. 'Legend Of The Shadowking' combines the most successful elements from both albums. In other words, we included our penchant for fast and very melodic numbers from 'Dimensions' with the more contemporary, bombastic components of 'The Circle Of Life'." The fourteen new numbers were recorded at the FC studios in Nuremberg, while the drum parts were cut at the Area 51 in Celle by Dan Zimmermann with the help of Tommy Newton (HELLOWEEN, UFO, VICTORY), who also mixed and mastered the effort. The cover artwork was designed by the young Bavarian artist Jens Reinhold. "Legend Of The Shadowking" is said to be a concept album about Ludwig II, King of Bavaria. He had a close connection to the composer Richard Wagner. FREEDOM CALL was moved and inspired by King Ludwig's extravagance and his passion for musical theatricality.
  3. Ima li sanse za nesto tipa Ensiferum, Eluveitie, Korpiklaani...?
  4. Kako stvari stoje izgleda da necu moci da idem, ne verujem da cu uspeti da sakupim pare pre koncerta
  5. Znaci vec si cula album?
  6. Je l' studira neko odavde FON ili ekonomski? Dvoumim se izmedju ta dva trenutno...
  7. Pa prosli put nisu celu, zato i kazem
  8. Gledam sad snimke na YouTube-u, ipak sviraju celu Rebellion In Dreamland. Kad sam cuo onaj rif pred "Now I'm riding through the air" odmah mi je nestao bes zbog sranje setliste
  9. Je l' dobro pevao Axl? Je l' moglo da se snima ili slika na bilo koji nacin ?
  10. Ellefson je rekao da bi se odmah vratio u bend kad bi ga Mustaine pozvao. To je bilo jos pre 2-3 godine.
  11. Sta ces u Budimpesti kada dolaze sa G'N'R?
  12. Je l' nasao neko One Life i To The Metal (Demo)?
  13. Nisam nesto specijalno odusevljen. Mislim, bolji je od LoMenza, ali vise bi mi znacilo da su se vratili Friedman ili Menza.
  14. Odlican je album. Hunter & Prey (rifovi ), Into The Light, The Edge Of Darkness i Empty Hollow favoriti. Jedina zamerka - trebali su da stave Empty Hollow sve u jednu pesmu, samo bez onog treceg dela. Ovako mi je bezveze da slusam te delove zasebno.
  15. Zestoko sranje od setliste. Ja se budala nadao da ce dodati...ma, mrzi me da nabrajam... Nije jebeno fer Sta bi dao da ih gledam sa Hell Yeah! setlistom
  16. Ja se bas nadam da ce kao Strato, sto ranije to bolje
  17. Koliko bi onda svirali? 30 min, 45 min, 1h ili vise?
  18. Source or it didn't happen
  19. Heh, ja sam bas krenuo da idem da napisem da Metallica to nikada ne bi uradila (da pogodim gde najvise boli ) , ali 'ajde, ispostovacu te
  20. Ja sam jednom zaboravio da zatvorim CD rom, a ugasio sam komp, pa sam ga samo ugurao rukom i nakon toga mi je bio isti taj track-at-once problem. Promenio sam CD rom i onda je radilo kako treba.
  21. http://rapidshare.com/files/223408081/IERAMAM-SELCARIM.rar
  22. E u kurac krasni
  23. OK su mi te pesme, ali nemam neku posebnu zelju da ih cujem, jbg...
  24. Ja cu ici po albumima koje bi pesme najvise hteo da cujem: Heading For Tomorrow - Lust For Life, Heaven Can Wait. Naslovna je predugacka za koncert, inace bi i nju hteo. Sigh No More - Rich & Famous, As Time Goes By. Insanity & Genius - Iskreno, nisam bas ljubitelj ovog albuma, mogli bi i da preskoce pesme sa njega. Land Of The Free - Rebellion In Dreamland, Man On A Mission, naslovna, Afterlife (mada za nju nema sansi ) Somewhere Out In Space - Beyond The Black Hole, naslovna, Valley Of The Kings. Power Plant - Anywhere In The Galaxy, Send Me A Sign, Armageddon. No World Order - Induction+Dethrone Tyranny, The Heart Of The Unicorn, Heaven Or Hell, New World Order. Naravno i Lake Of Tears al' za nju nema sanse... Majestic - My Temple, Fight, Majesty (ne znam da li su je uopste ikada i svirali, steta). Land Of The Free II - Into The Storm, From The Ashes, Empress, Real World. To The Metal - Rise, Time To Live, Shine Forever. Moze i All You Need Know, al' da i Kiske peva Od Helloweena Ride The Sky, a moze i neki raritet, tipa Starlight, Phantoms Of Death, Victim Of Fate...
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